The Chicane Podcast

Exploring the Most Immersive Rig

Track Ghost Sim Racing Episode 41

Unlock the exhilarating world of sim racing with our special guest, Daniel Kilian from Kilians Creative Studio, also known as Astrologicals Racing. Daniel's passion for sim racing and content creation takes center stage as he shares his journey from console gaming to sophisticated sim rig setups. Our conversation is packed with insights into the latest sim racing technology, including the Ace Evo 1.5 update and the seamless transition from basic hardware to advanced peripherals, offering a treasure trove of inspiration for both newcomers and seasoned racers.

Our discussion goes beyond technology, diving into the heart of the sim racing community. We explore the strong bonds formed over shared interests and the joy of vehicle customization. The episode offers a window into the creative and collaborative side of sim racing, highlighting partnerships with companies like Podium One and touching on the influence of real-world drivers like Daniel Morad. Daniel Kilian provides a unique perspective on how authenticity in content creation enhances the experience for sim racing enthusiasts, making this conversation a must-listen for anyone passionate about racing.

Join us as we celebrate the vibrant world of sim racing and the power of community. This episode wraps up with a heartfelt expression of gratitude for the platform that connects racers worldwide. We extend an open invitation to all listeners to engage with us—send your questions for Daniel Killian and become part of this thriving community. Whether you're in it for the thrill of the race, the camaraderie, or the creative outlet, our episode promises valuable insights and a sense of unity among sim racers of all levels.

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Ghost sim racing —


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All of Daniel's main components in the description here as well —

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Astrologicals Racing | Daniel Kilian

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The Hello and welcome to the Chicane Podcast, where we discuss all things in the sim racing world. I'm your host, jason Rivera, and I'm joined here by Mr Eric Kelly and a very special guest today, mr Daniel Killian from, let me say it, creative Studio, aka Astrologicals Racing. How's everybody doing?


today. We're doing good man. How are you guys doing?


Doing good. Happy to see you, man.


Look at that, look at that man, those crazy reels on Instagram. And here he is, man. I'm telling you, I'm excited to explore the magic studio behind the amazing shots that he produces. I'm telling you, I've been following him before I think before even the show started, man. So it's an absolute pleasure to have you here in the studio with us. Thank you for making the time today, man. Welcome Daniel.


Thanks for having me, guys. I really appreciate it, hell yeah.


And I'll say, my first time meeting you was when I joined the Facebook group.


Right on.


The Cimery group and he was one of the first guys to welcome me and also, when we shared the podcast in there, one of the first guys to really show us a love on the podcast link and you know, gave us some kudos on that and of course I had to check him out. I was like man, he's next level. Like as far as his videos and stuff.


So happy to finally have you on man, thanks for coming through. Thanks guys, it's an honor, Thank you guys Awesome, yes, sir.


Hell yeah, man. I mean we've been meaning to send out the formal. It's been kind of back to back here in the studio, but I said, man, we got to get them in because we've been following you for a long time and all the changes you've been making. We've been following you for a long time and all the changes you've been making.


I remember when you I think you released a video about the Osmo, the new camera, the new DJI Osmo Action 5, this little thing right here.


Yeah, and it was your video.


Yeah, this deal, yeah man.


And it was your video. You were telling everybody hey man, the low light settings on this thing is insane. Everybody, hey man, the low light settings on this thing is insane. And I took another look and I was like, damn man, I'm going to have to buy one of those cameras now.


They're next level. I got to say man, these cameras. It's crazy what technology can do in such a small, compact little camera. Man, the technology is crazy in these things. So you can get some insane shots with these. So shout out, DJI, you guys killed this camera.


Hey, man DJI, If you want to collab, you know where to find us.


It's right here.


All of us.


All right so real quick.


some announcements, not really many Just I promised an update every time Ace Evo had an update, and 1.5 is out, and that means that it's fully online now. So you don't have to worry about installing a beta or having to do anything crazy. It should work out the box theoretically, because I haven't tested it yet. But hey, if you're still on the fence and you're watching this right now, go ahead and update your game and you should be able to try out the new Drivers Academy and see how the economy works in the game, if you may, in purchasing vehicles and stuff like that. So I'll give it over to Eric to see if he has anything this week. If not, we'll get right right into it with our guest here. Anything?


this week. If not, we'll get right into it with our guest here. Nothing much is following up on the AC Evil update. I know one of the things that kind of deterred me especially from kind of really spending a lot of time with the game outside of tinkering was I would customize the car and go through and pick the interior and the wheels and the color and I load it back up and it was gone. Now that is fixed with the new 1.5 update so you can pick your car, customize it, close the game, come back up and it's still there. So for any, if for any other reason than to just be able to have a car that you pick the color of and pick some details on and it stay, uh, it's worth checking out the update. Just from my end.


Yeah, I think that's good. That's good, good input. Eric, I just bought the S2000, man, same here. Man With the red interior and drive. It's a clean vehicle. But anyways, that's going to be about it. Um, for our announcement portion. Uh, jeff smart couldn't make it today, so it's just going to be me and Eric and our guest here writing it out, and I'm really excited to get into this man. So, daniel, welcome to the show Once again. Man. Um, can you tell us a little about yourself? Man, like you know what's what's going on? How, how did happen In your own words, right?


Yeah, yeah. So I had this weird I don't know what to call it weird this obsession about escaping reality, since I was in 10th grade, 11th grade when the whole virtual reality thing started to emerge and they started coming out with these headsets and everything like that, and I was just so infatuated with how that technology worked. Now, as you can see, I didn't take that route. With all due respect, I still have the triple screen set up, as you guys see but I was just so amazed by how you could literally be in one portion of your house and be in a completely different realm. So, like, this whole experience of like and it all started I was. I was actually scrolling on YouTube and I saw a couple of videos, boosted media, you know. I saw his setup and I was just like yo, this, this guy's a good driver. I was just like, and I dug on his page come to find out this is a Simrid. I was like what, what do you?


mean, this is a Simrid. What are you talking about? You thought it was real.


I thought it was real.


Those are crazy.


And then I'm looking at related videos and then I came across Race Beyond Matter and I was like this is crazy.


Oh, and I was like this is crazy. Oh, that's another guy.


Which is even crazier. So I see this one-to-one experience. He built out this roll cage, he built out all these extra components that you can feel and touch inside the car. I'm like there's got to be a way to replicate something like that, and I've been on this journey ever since man, so I've just been so infatuated with the whole bringing the actual simulation to like a one to one experience and it's just that's my escape, man, like I love it. I love it and, of course, the competitive side. But we'll get into that later too. So, yeah, ok, yeah.


I mean, to be honest, you know I took the roof off my rig, you know, a few episodes back, and I had to make the decision because it's like I play so many different Sims and sometimes it just didn't make sense to have it. But a lot of the ideas came from your videos man and Race Beyond Matter too, like the whole PVC thing and the whole having the lap timer up there that came from you. I mean, those were ideas that we all share. I mean this community is insane, bro. It's like you go on, especially the Facebook group we're all part of. You see things like Eric says, people going into the junkyards and picking out stuff from junkyards, bro, like damn, it's crazy.


I'm a culprit of that man. I mean, that was one of my first seats, man. I literally went out to. It was a place called U-Pull and I picked up it was a seat out of this old S2K. It was literally out of a Honda 2000. I said you know what I'm going to put that on my rig? I said you know what I'm going to put that on my rig? And I paid $15 for it and I got the universal brackets.


You beat Eric bro. Eric paid $50 for his.


Oh see how it goes, there we go.


Out of a 2000 Civic.


Yeah, man, and I'm sure a lot of you guys. How did you guys start with sim racing? What was one of your first setups? What was your first experience?


how'd you get into it? You want me to go, since my my path is a little quick, yeah I'm standing back, bro.


I'm not you. I'm gonna let you have it.


I'm interested, yeah so for me, I always like playing racing games, started out with the arcade stuff you know, um shout out to midnight club. We need that back. All right, they imagine everything else midnight club dub edition.


I need that back. All right, they're advancing everything else.


Midnight club dub edition. I need that, yes, okay, um. And then, uh, dear ridge racer and stuff on playstation. Um, got into gran turismo a little bit, but not too heavy, and a little bit before covid I ended up getting a logitech wheel and pedal set from a place here called uh, second and charles, so they had one. It was like 199 or something like that, in the box, still almost brand new. I got it mounted to my desk and would play around with it from time to time, but we had just had my youngest so I didn't really get deep into it. Uh, fast forward to covid once again. Uh, end up getting shut, you know shut up in an apartment, had the wheel and pedal set, would play around with it a little bit. Then got into the house, got my man cave here and I ended up building a wooden rig off of. There's a guy on YouTube. I hate I can't remember his name, but he had plans for.


I remember this guy was driving home you were driving home, right and this dude had wood sticking out the back of the car with a face like he was mean. Yeah, it was funny, I'm going to get that picture, man, I'm going to post it on there, that was funny.


Yeah, man, so that was my first rig, so I built that. It cost me like maybe $100 for all the wood. I got the seat from a guy off of Facebook Marketplace who was selling them out of a car. He wrecked and built that and as soon as I got it together I was like this is awesome. At the time I didn't have a lot of time, but as the kids got a little older, a little more self-sufficient especially my youngest, jason knows about that. Oh, yeah.


Talked to him earlier this past year and he was like I've been waiting, bro. I looked, Talked to him earlier this past year and he was, like I've been waiting, bro. I knew it was going to happen.


I looked at my watch, bro, I said exactly. I was like it's about that time, man there you go.


It's about that time, man. I talked to Jason and-.


It's always my fault, man, every time we get on this.


I give you your flowers because I was looking at a lot of tech set up like the Lysatech G Pro, and you talked to me about SimMagic. I never heard of them.


And the Fanatec you almost fell for.


Yeah, I felt like I was being forced to the Fanatec just from like because Lysatech G Pro they just came out with some more accessories but for the most part they didn't have anything else. I knew I didn't like that. But also I knew about the Fentatec situation with them, you know, facing bankruptcy and some of the customer service issues. So I really didn't want to go Fentatec. And I was real happy when you told me about SimMagic. I raced on PS5. Mostly I was able to use the Cortex converter, got it set up and kind of used that religiously with the PS5, now Ended up doing an ASR1 rig.


So basically like the cheapest rig they have Still aluminum profile Still rig bro, so I got the benefits of that and mounted my seat to it, took it off my wooden rig, put it on my ASR rig and I've been rocking out with that ever since, man.


And now he's got a PC.


But listen, I tell you, I see that PC in the background. It looks good man.


Yeah, thank you. Thank you, I'm dabbling a little bit.


So the majority what I've gathered so far just by hearing stories, is that a lot of us started with a console so far just by hearing stories is that a lot of us started with a console because a console is the easiest way, is the easiest, most affordable way to play a racing game. Right, yeah, agreed, and when you buy hardware you want that hardware to work with the console so that way you don't have to buy a pc. That's the mentality, that's how it You're like what can I buy that works with what I have right now? And that's kind of why he came at the perfect time, eric, because I was like dude, simmagic is coming out with some stuff and it's way affordable. And I even heard about this adapter that you might try and see if it works out for you, because there's really not that many options out there. You either go Fanatec or maybe Moza. I know Moza's starting to dip into the console market.


Yeah, they only support Xbox right now. Xbox and.


PC See, and there you go. There's that.


PlayStation. Playstation is weird. They charge extra for licensing Some some chip.


They put a chip inside their device the devices that are licensed by sony and it goes through like uh, authentication. It's kind of like I don't know. I don't know what the I don't know what the deal is. Microsoft doesn't care. You can plug in a keyboard and it'll recognize it as a keyboard.


PlayStation is the worst thing about them Lockdown. They're locked down and they have that hardware that they authenticate with. But also, it doesn't just authenticate one time, it authenticates over and over, like every two minutes. Right, it reaches out. It's like, hey, hey, are you authentic, hey, are you authentic. Oh my y'all that's crazy, actually, bro, that's so invasive, no privacy they want to make sure you're legit. You got some stuff. We're gonna make sure it stays sony, because you know oh of course.


I mean, my story is relatively short.


Yeah, I'm interested to hear that. Yeah, so I mean.


I got into you sit back. Similar to Eric. I'm going to try and summarize this right. Okay, Similar to Eric, I started on a console and I'm both Xbox and PlayStation. I, like the Forza games, Got into racing, I want to say with Gran Turismo 1 on the PlayStation 1.


Right OG.


OG and then GT2 came out, and that was next level. When that came out, it was the first racing game that had a double disc too. I don't know, I'm aging myself right now.


Oh man, I remember those now Remember that it had the simulation mode and the arcade mode.


I do remember now, yeah, that's wild, and we would load up our cars and our car setups into a memory card. We would bring the PlayStation to high school, to school, to school and, yeah, you know, maybe cut class one day and and go to go to a, an own unmarked location, and we're loading up our setups and we're like racing against each other. And that was the beginning of online racing. There was none, you know, back then, back in 2003, 2004.


I was like yeah, so that's how I got into racing. And then progressively I started looking at I've always asked Eric about his Logitech. I was like dude, I want to buy one of those. It kind of looks cool, but I don't know, I'm not sure. And then a game called SnowRunner. So random, it's a truck game. Oh yeah, snowrunner.


I know that one I picked up a Logitech and I was like man, I want to use this, I want to really try and drive the truck with this thing, and it just escalated big time. I returned to Logitech. I bought a whole Fanatec setup and then I bought a PC, started trucking in america truck simulator and started racing with the formula one games. And then the aluminum profile came. I started with the next level racing.


remember the next level racing rig that had a built-in seat, whatever, yeah, yeah yeah yeah, I had a beach chair before that, but my I guess my real proper sim rig was that next level. And then the Sim Lab came and the triple monitors came and it was a rabbit hole.


after that, it hasn't stopped. I think it's so funny and I don't mean to interrupt you guys, but I just think it is so funny when people post on the groups hey, I just posted my Sim rig, it's complete. So that is the last word that we want to talk about here in this group. The C word. I promise you in two weeks. Yeah, the C word, it's forbidden. We just laugh at that. It's so funny. Man, there's no done, bro. I used to say that. Man, there is no done. I used to say it.


It's just like a car I used to. I mean, I'm not a mechanic, but I had a 97 Honda with an H22 engine and it was kind of fire and every time something broke down or every time I was looking for that next upgrade, it was never put this in and you're done. There's no point that import magazine. Come in Again I'm aging myself again that import magazine. Come in and you see all the new parts that are coming out from Japan or whatever, and you're like, damn, I want this, I want that. I'm going to trade this in Same thing we're doing Sell this wheel to get that other piece and then hook this up.


That's it yeah.


That's it, man. The only thing, the only difference is we're not on the street, we're just in our house, safe and sound.


Yeah, definitely safe and sound, hit the reset button.


Yeah, but in a nutshell, that's how we got here, so it's always interesting to hear the start of it, right?


Yeah, definitely man.


I'll give the next question over to Eric. What's up, Eric?


Yeah, so kind of on that same path. Man, how'd you end up getting into sim racing? What's your journey like? Yeah, journey like.


Yeah, so my, my father has a uh, he has a detail shop in Cape Coral and he um, he got, he had this shop. Maybe he was a mobile detailer here in Southwest Florida for like 20 years and we've always loved cars and that's pretty much how I really got into the car scene, because I just had this deep love for making cars look really, really pretty.


So I was a detailer since I was eighth grade, all the way up through high school, and I was helping dad.


That's it, man. So we just shared this passion for cars and when we would get Corvettes he loves freaking Corvettes and then we'd meet the occasional Lamborghini or the Huracan and it's just like man do this. This makes my job so much better, like when I get to do the high end cars. It's so awesome. But, um, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it it it. Eventually he got a little sim rig. He got a g29. Your dad, hi, yeah, my dad got whoa. He got it and he got the g29 dude, you're a blessed man, bro, you know shout out to your dad, bro.


That's what I'm saying, man so that's.


That's where it all started. So he had this big 75 inch tv in the front room. Right there it. It was pretty cool, this tubular design, real cheap, real flimsy, like Toys R Us, like tubular design hooked it up to the wheelbase right there. You got the G29 right up top right there, and then you got the pedal tray and everything. But I loved it, man, I didn't care how horrible it felt. At least that's how my perception of-. We didn't know any better, though, dan. I didn't know better, right, none of us knew. That's the thing.


That was the shit.


Excuse my language, that was the shit when it came out.


It was nothing else out there. What was the other option? You know what I mean.


Exactly so I fell in love with it and it was amazing to me and I was like how do I bring this to the night? And then I started. That's how this whole thing started Like. I started looking up YouTube videos, I came across these few pages and I was like, well, let me see what I can do to get my own. Yeah, I didn't want to be locked into a PS4. So I went on a budget PC and my first PC was actually a that was a oh my gosh dude. It was an RTX 1660 Super on an AMD 3600X and I had a single 34-inch widescreen.


I ran it at NDP. That's not a bad start, man, that's not a bad start.


It was cool. I had my own tubular, real cheap tubular design. I had a G29 I bought on my own and then I got the pedals and I'm just like I am content, I am happy, I'm complete, complete, I don't need anything else. Yeah, that was the biggest lie I ever told myself. Biggest damn lie. This was almost five years ago and since then, man, it's just been. And this isn't something that and a lot of you guys could probably relate maybe maybe you as well but like this isn't something that you just go out and buy.


Not a lot of people that can just drop a few thousand dollars and just do this. This was a long course of just small investments here and buy, sell hardware. Well, that's why it's called building.


We're building these. There's no way that you can imagine that thing that you have back there from the get. It's an experience. You start learning where you want things to fall into because I bet you anything, the way you had it before looks nowhere near what it is now and that's.


That's almost all of us.


You know what I mean. Yeah, unless you you got some years of of like. If I was to build another rig, then yes, right now, yes, I can tell you where things might fit right Due to the experience that we have with today's hardware today's, Because back five years ago it was hard to get one of these aluminum profiles across the sea. You're in the United.


States to get one of these aluminum profiles across the sea. You're in the United States. You already know. There really isn't a manufacturer for us at all right now, other than GSI, and they make wheels, they don't make rigs. So we have Canada, which is the what you call it, the ASR. Rob Markman.


And advanced CR Williams, and they're not that old. You know what I mean. They're pretty new to the game. Rob Markman, Right, and they're not that old. You know what I mean. They're pretty new to the game. So you know, you had just stuff coming in from Europe and that is yeah, it's expensive, yeah, man. Especially listen, bro, coming over to Hawaii? I don't want to hear it. Eric, don't talk to me about shipping.


So the only reason I didn't get a Sim Lab rig I wanted that Sim Lab one because there's one that you showed me and it was like $450 beautiful rig.


That's not bad yeah the shipping on that thing was like almost $300 and I was like that's another rig, that's a whole different level of rig and I seen ASR's rig and it was like $399 but the shipping was free. Yes, because you don't have the lower 48 problems, bro, like we do. You know what I'm saying. We're all the way across the.


We got plenty of space back up here in the mainland bro.


I see here we go. That's what's up, man. So, and to recap this uh question, if you don't mind me buttoning there, eric, um, yeah, what, what sim title was was the one that your dad was playing on on the ps4? Yeah, good question.


So yeah, it was a set of corsa and that was the main sim that I, yeah, assetto Corsa for PlayStation 4.


Yeah, wow, it was actually pretty cool. So I mean, I had the big screen set up and I'd play in the first person view and I noticed that, you know, the closer I moved myself to the screen, like the bigger screen the more immersed I like felt inside of it. And so I got this idea. Look, I, I gotta bring this closer to me. So I started researching the build out. Everything brought the vision to life over the course of a few years. But like, yeah, it started off with the set, of course, back in god man, yeah, it was right around covet 2020, 2021 yeah, that makes sense.


A lot of man that's dope a lot of you guys that's, that's how we all started was during this pandemic. As tragic as it was, there was a lot of good things and cool things that came from it, like sim racing, as you guys see.


I mean I'm going to say something on the show. I mean nobody wants a second pandemic or lockdown. Uh-uh, yeah, pause, but I'm ready. I don't know, hey, yo we're cutting that he's like I'm ready, I'm ready.


Well, you're out in.


Hawaii, bro, I mean nothing gonna touch you out there, hey we got volcanoes over here oh man, you never know right so, alright, so now that we know how you progressively you know which is insane, by the way, and I really love the fact that your dad was the main drive for you right To get you yeah, definitely. Because he was the one that said hey, look at this and you loved it, which is awesome. That's a great dad, so shout outs to your dad, mad respect already.


For sure, shout out to the detailing.


And the detailing.


I'm an amateur detailer.


That's what's up, yeah.


I do a little.


I enjoy it, man, that's it.


I enjoy it.


I'm not the best though. I'm not the best I could pressure wash a car and wax it.


I pressure wash and got a rotary and all that stuff, right.


So yeah, no worries. So all right, let's move over to the next question. So we covered your journey so far. Right, and tell us about what's your rig right now. What is the setup? What do you have installed? What do you call complete for now? What is the setup? What do you have installed? What do you call complete for now? What is for now? What's going on in 2025? Okay, I'll put it that way.


Oh, if you guys haven't seen it already, I did release a rig tour of 2025. It just came out, probably about four weeks ago, but we're going to go over through pretty much everything from start to finish, and what I have shared that currently.


Yeah, yeah, for sure yeah, for sure.


So link that as well for you guys. But right now, uh, just like eric, you have an asr rig right. Yep, yep, my framing is actually an asr3 rig, so it's it's solid. I think I got a pretty good deal on it back then. I think I paid, like whoa, about 549, maybe 600 for it yeah so I have an asr3 rig.


This component right here is really the, the heart of everything, and it's this daytona momo xxl. Now, this was. This was kind of hard to find and get, because I'm six foot5". I'm about 250 pounds. I'm a large person.


I would have never guessed you're 6'5" bro. So I needed to get some Good camera angle, by the way.


I'm trying to make sure I don't look. Yeah, exactly.


Shout out to the seat man because I just said watch this.


It looks like you're fine man. That's, that's. That's awesome, yeah, man. So I had to obviously make this fit my body profile the way I needed it to, or otherwise, you know, it would have been useless. So, being six foot five, I had to find the seat. Man, where did I get this from? I believe it was from I don't remember the exact name of the dealer. It was somewhere here in the US, but they were sold out statewide for probably six or eight months before I could actually get my hands on one, because the XXLs would only come in every so often before they get on back order. So I waited like six months before I could get this seat. Uh, long story short, I got this thing mounted and it is absolutely amazing.


If you guys are big and tall, like big boned, like me this is definitely the route to go there's an option with a seat gotcha, yeah, and I think and I think ergonomics and seating is huge in a yes like 100, and you could probably speak on this too, being you know I racing with you guys that you have to be comfortable for a long period of time, and this is extremely important when I'm shooting content or I'm doing a long endurance race. I got to be comfortable. My ergonomics have to be on point. Last thing I want is for my lower back to be hey bro, we done. No, I don't want that. So so yeah, the ergonomics that was super important on this, so that seat comes in clutch.


It looks. It looks nice, man, I like it.


Uprights yeah, these uprights right here I had to buy. I actually bought these from Automation Direct. It's actually an extrusion company. If you guys are looking for a really good source of extrusion, automation direct is a really good place to get extra pieces and they'll custom cut them for a really good cost and they'll do two free day shipping straight out to you.


So these are not the one I don't see. We'll test that free, that free two-day shipping here in a second.


Oh shit, I think Hawaii might be the exception here.


Yeah, but that is good though. That is a great point. It's really hard to find extra pieces like that, because once you buy a rig and it comes with what it came with. Sometimes it's really hard to find those pieces and cut to measure, which is awesome.


Yeah. I'm definitely not cutting them, no Hell no. Hell, no, no, I'm not doing that, all right.


So we have a seat and we have your stand-up post where I can see some lights up there.


Yeah, so we'll talk about the lighting. So right up behind me, this is what is really the heartbeat of everything it's lighting. I think lighting is one of the most important things when it comes to the interior and bringing that to life. So when you see these dynamic crazy things going off on the rig, these are all synchronized to the actual game itself. So the phillips hue system is one, and govi does it too. Shout out, govi, y'all kill the game as well. But you can synchronize this adaptive lighting from the exterior environment and bring that inside of the vehicle in real time. So let's just say I'm driving and it's sunset and I got trees and I'm going underneath the actual like the trees and you got shadows and stuff In real time. You can see the light shifts and the changes and it's. It's crazy. Let's say we got lightning outside and I want to create this crazy video. You got cars buzzing all around and I got this lightning storm going on.


You're getting flashes of lights from the lightning on the interior of the rig and it's just it's this is from this is from sim hub, right the ambient lighting yeah, this is all via SimHub and this is going to all be configured. You can select little points, capture points on your. Yeah, you probably know about this too.


Yeah, On your roll cage.


I can't be without that, bro. I'm telling you, I'm telling you man so adaptivizing.


Especially when you go into an underpass and it goes dark and then the light comes back on and it goes dark, and then the light comes back on or you go with the trees. The trees, eric, you need to get with this life bro.


I'm telling you, eric, you haven't experienced it yet. He's not there, yet he's on my hit list.


Yeah yeah. So the adaptive lighting, that was cool. So I got four Philips Hue light bars. Now I just did a video on the actual roll cage. It's just PVC was maybe two or 300 bucks. I mean, you got the black display foam right here. That's just foam board, it's nothing special. I was thinking, one day I'll get with somebody, maybe we could make some plastic molds and actually make some pretty cool stuff like that. But it's super simple, man, so that's wrapped in Alcantara.


You got to think about heat too, Daniel. I mean, if you insulate that too hard, like with metal or rough, it's going to get hot as hell in there.


That's a good point. That's a good point and I would not recommend a roof for somebody that has, if you live in Nevada or you have a very hot environment like Florida, like for myself. Thankfully, I live in an updated home where I don't have to deal with heating. I usually keep my house around 72 degrees, so it stays pretty cool in this room.


Air conditioning, yeah, air conditioning is a big one. So that was one thing that I struggled with my last place, like when I installed all of this lighting and I had this roof and I didn't have any type of airflow and there's actually a little fan inside there that I keep just to keep the airflow going as well yes um, it was hot, bro, like I was like it felt like an actual, like an actual race car and I just I'm like no, this is, this is too uncomfortable now it's too immersive for real, yeah.


Exactly. You're sweating fuck inside. You know what, even with AC, even with fans, I have two fans that come at me from the top and I don't have them hit my face, I have them hit my chest. So that way, the air kind of Fans like this and then I have an overhead which is, overall, just um circulating air. It don't matter, bro. You start racing for 30 minutes and your heart rate's going.


Your heart rate's going, bro, it's I just know pro racers are watching us right now.


You pansies you realize what I'm you realize what I'm going through.


Right now it's 300 degrees in here.


I have no wind flow yeah yeah, well, there's some streamers out there. You know what I'm saying, so I get it, man. So, like, for me, comfortability is key, you know, for long periods of time. So like, I think that's pretty important. You gotta have good airflow inside there. So, like, the monitors, I have three 32 inch, so they're agon pro 2560, by 1440, 155 hertz okay, monitors, those are all synchronized. So obviously, get what you guys are seeing content wise is three screens meshed together, uh, surrounded, and then you have the left side, the right side, everything, and it just creates this. That's all the visuals that you see right there. So so that I would highly recommend those monitors specifically just because, I mean, I've had them for two and a half years and I have one issue they're pretty dang good for what they are.


I think, I got them for like less than $300 a piece, I think at the time. Not bad.


So these are flat or are they curved?


they are curved they are curved and that's.


That's a whole debate, if you want to go on that I mean I know and a lot of people ask that question it's very personal and that's really hard to tell you because you don't know until you see it, that's it.


I will say that over the years. If I had the choice to do it again, I probably would go with flat, just because they're easier to line up and mesh together. Curved is tough.


I'm going to counter you with this. Go for it. So I like the curve because the curve saves space and it brings the image closer to my shoulder and I feel more immersed because it's wrapped, it's not like a panel. That's kind of off to the side and it's taken a lot of width. So that's how I feel about it. If I had unlimited space, then shit I would, there'd be 55s back here. Tell you, right we're getting 65s are you? Are you looking at 65s? Okay, hell, no, I couldn't fit that in this little room.


I've been thinking about. Um, I was talking to a couple guys um, I want to do a portion of my garage because obviously this room it's a small studio room in the front of my home. I want to AC my garage, my two-car garage, and just have a little corner where I keep that portion of the garage. Temperature range around 75, 72 degrees. Get all that in there and build a second rig potentially. We'll see how that goes.


It'll come bro, it'll come. I know we're kind of skipping ahead here, but just to cap that off, I know you started your content creator, youtube reviews and stuff like that, and a second rig is very useful I mean to have for testing, definitely. Uh, you know the immersive films that you do, or the reels, or you know whatever china, whatever, excuse me, whatever capture you're trying to get, whatever china angles you're trying to get. That's how I feel.


I mean I wouldn't rush in there's so many options now, um, for rigs and saving, you know, saving cash. You could build a rig way cheaper now than you could a few years ago, when we started man yeah Way cheaper now.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


So that studio rig would be nice.


So, to wrap up your setup, though, so you got the three monitors, you got the roll cage which I love, is my favorite part of it and the lighting. So what kind of wheel? Base wheel what are your preferences? Pedals what's up?


Yeah, so, as you guys were talking about earlier, I decided to take the Sim Magic route for a direct drive wheelbase. I was really pleased with their ecosystem. I think, that a few of the wheels that you see behind me.


I'm just really pleased with the NEO system that just came out. Their NEO system is beyond affordable, like if you're just now getting into sim racing and you want an affordable route to take. I think that sim magic and their neo system is going to be that route, because for a hub now 200 bucks, typically hubs. If you go anywhere else they start at six to seven hundred dollars I mean yeah that's a.


That's a big investment. For a lot that's just a button hub, you know, and some companies out there they'll start around 12 to 1500 for a wheel, you know, and that's not feasible for somebody that typically that are just now getting the sim racing, you know. So I took the sim magic route, my wheelbase. Um, I started off with a sim magic alpha mini and I ran that for two years before switching over to the SimMagic Ultimate. Simmagic Ultimate is incredible the fidelity, the amount of power this thing has the detail.


It's beyond anything that I've ever tested. I tested Fanatec. I tried their top of the line, their DD1. I tried their DD2, and they're great. I think they feel amazing. But the amount of detail that I felt at a lower voltage on this one so less power draw and I could just barely turn. I felt more detail with this one and it's newer.


You know I mean the DD2 is damn near eight, seven years old.


It is. Yeah, it's dated.


It's way dated. They're one of the first direct drives to come out, and you mentioned that you went from a Mini to an Ultimate and sometimes that's very difficult to explain to somebody because they're like well, the mini has 10 Newtons, that's all you ever need.


And it's not-. Yeah, let's talk about that.


Yeah, newton meters is a number of force, correct, it's not slew rate, it's not detail, it's not fidelity. You may not use the 25 Newtons that you have now I think it's 25, if I got that correct. 23, yeah, okay, 23, 20, 22. Same thing, yeah, but there's a dynamic range with that feedback and that's what separates the two. But you can't explain. They don't. It's not something that I can tell you. It's something that you have to put hands on and feel, yeah, correct, which is a problem, right, because it's an expensive hobby that we have here and we don't have nowhere to test. You know, it's not like we can go to a store. Or let me try the mini, all right, let me try the alpha, all right, let me try the ultimate.


You're kind of praying and hoping that it works out. Follow on social media was a huge deciding factor, even I guess another one was Daniel Morad as well. He was a huge deciding factor on certain hardwares and I follow his channel just because he has a professional opinion. And how this translates into a sim racing world, it's incredible, and that's one thing to note.


Oh yeah, he's a real-life driver, I mean he can't.


He's fast in real life too.


Yeah, I saw him at the Daytona two weeks ago. I was at Daytona Rolex 24. I saw him racing. He was doing amazing.


Yeah, man.


Oh, wow.


Nice man See we ain't got none of that stuff in Hawaii, man, I didn't go over here. Get rid of some of the golf courses, man.


Hawaii is amazing. I'm teasing, I'm teasing.


Now are you Now? I didn't want to get off subject here. Are you originally from Hawaii? Were you born there?


No, bro, you see that Puerto Rican flag back there on the chair Okay, and I got some family in Florida too, man, so I see you. I got some family up in in orlando. No, I'm originally from puerto rico and I moved out here for that's career opportunities, basically right now, you know, and I guess I got into racing, I bought my rigs, all everything came to hawaii so I had to pay the price for it. What is?


what's the community out there like for sim races, like if you could count how many dudes are out there. How many dudes out there actually sim race? Is there, is it yeah, I was gonna say probably not too many, there's a few because I've sold hardware before on facebook and that gives you an idea on.


You know how many clicks you. Some people click on the ad if you're selling a wheel or a piece of hardware, Right.


Yeah, and it's not many. I mean I want to say less than 200 people out here that I especially on this island, because Hawaii has many different islands, but not a big niche over here, not really big into racing. We don't have tracks over here either, so it's not really known for racing, for motorsport. I'm sure there's fans everywhere and there's a lot of military here, so a lot of them coming over might be those sim racers that are coming over from, uh, mainland United States. I'm guessing, though I may be. I hope I'm wrong. If somebody leave us a comment, let me know if you're from Hawaii. Yes, let me know. Leave us a comment or send us an email at the chicane podcast at gmailcom.


Or if you're from Alabama, cause I kind of have a similar issue there you go all right here. Let me know what uh what. What pedals do you have?


oh, yeah, yeah, there's a couple more things I wanted to touch on. Uh so, uh so the pedals are actually by ghost sim racing. So this guy, he, I don't know if you guys are familiar with sim jacks, you guys familiar with the sim jack pros?


yeah, yeah okay, all right, I haven't.


No, I'm not familiar with those from uh like aliexpress or something like this so I'm telling you, man so like and this I've been hearing this. This is a funny topic actually.


So I actually got so my review side of things. So I do reviews like on YouTube every once in a while, Right, and it kind of blew up from there. But what I used to do is literally put my neck out on the line and buy sim racing components from AliExpress and I say, you know what, let's see if this thing's even legit Like I would buy these things. I would take the risk. I didn't care if it cost me 20, 30 bucks, I mean a hundred bucks here and there. I would buy these things. I would take the risk. I didn't care if it cost me 20, 30 bucks, I mean a hundred bucks here and there. I would just buy it, review it and nine times out of 10, I was pretty surprised with how well these components performed from AliExpress, mainland China. Sometimes it would take six to eight weeks to get to my house. I get a package on my front door. I'm like what the hell is it?


Some random package I'd be scared to open it sometimes because it'd be wrapped in tape, all crazy. I'm like, oh man, I don't know what I ordered this time, but I tried button boxes and then little dashes and DDUs and stuff like that, and then eventually I got these pedals. So I ran SimJack Pros, which are all aluminum or not aluminum, stainless steel construction. They're actually an exact, quote-unquote replica of the husion field. Is that how you say? Husion field sprints, uh uh husenfeld or husenfield right.


So they copied their design and they decided to make their own and I was pleasantly surprised with how well the build quality were of these pedals and, honestly, I ran those for two years straight. And this guy, taylor from Go Sim Racing, reached out to me. He's like hey man, I see that you've been running the SimJack Pros. The Ultimates just came out, and what I do? I take these pedals. The ultimates just came out, and what I do? I take these pedals. I'm based in the US. I get you know 20 to 50 at a time and I will custom tailor them to your liking. I'll do bearing mods, I'll do spring mods, I'll do all these crazy custom.


Yeah, dude, it's just crazy, it's legit. Yeah, so he will literally custom build all of these little intricate parts to your exact liking. It's absolutely crazy. So, and there's no markup like he will literally buy them from me, and that's what a lot of guys would ask me. He's probably selling them for six to $800. No, he'll buy them, maybe, you know, 10 or 15% off, because he's like a dealer, right, but he will sell them for the exact cost that they cost on AliExpress. So I'm like that's a win. That's a win. You get fully customized pedals for $299 or $289, three pedal set.


And they're custom.


Wow. They're all custom. So he hooked me up with those and I've been running them ever since and they are very durable.


I have nothing but good things to say about them, so shout out taylor.


There you go. Your cars are pretty freaking awesome, bro, they are. And what was the name of this company? Again, yeah, ghost sim racing.


Yeah, we'll leave it. We'll get that in the description as well.


I need to check this out big time, you might find something pretty interesting on there yeah, yeah it's, and it's funny that you mentioned those and the only reason I know that about dissemination stuff on aliexpress, by default I wouldn't like joke about it, like see it and laugh. But somebody was reviewing one of their um race logic kind of dupes and they were just like, yeah, like the guy was talking about it, he was, he got it literally to kind of bash it and he was like I'm just confused at how good this is oh yeah, I mean it's like.


Yeah, he's like I'm laughing because it's so relatable.


Yeah, so uh alibaba man, I mean, I'll tell you I alibaba I got the same thing though I got a


sim push man from man from AliExpress. That's the race logic, the replica.


Yeah, that might be what he's doing, bro, and it's solid man Some of their stuff, man. Yeah, that, look Some stuff. I guess they get right, you know.


Yeah, it's actually pretty surprising and, like you said, you look at it and you're expecting something. Oh man, this is. You know if it is what it is, and it turns out to be something pretty substantial and pretty high quality.


So, yeah, I mean to be honest. You never know. It's a gamble, right? Because? It is a gamble. A lot of great stuff get made in China. I mean, look at DJI's products, look at their drones that are made in China, that are based in China. True, that's very true, super high-end stuff. It just depends who's making them right, it's not really where it's being made, it's who's making them, because most of our stuff is made in China. Bro, look underneath. Look underneath it.


Yeah, they definitely are capable of making anything. It's just how much are you willing to pay for whatever they're making? And they'll make it to that spec. That's their bread and butter.


And I think, a lot of these things that we look at. There's designers for all of this, but these designers don't have the means to produce it at a larger scale. So that's where china does come in, like you'd be. I mean, you guys probably already know this, but things are designed in italy, but they're manufactured and distributed all around the world from mainland china, just because they don't have the manpower to create these kind of things. So, yeah, yeah, man, not everything from China is terrible.


And the cost too. The company's looking at costs at large scale without going into detail what that means, but you know what that means.


Oh yeah, exactly, you know iPhones.


they're made in China, bro. They are, they're trying.


They're trying Good out of there but the bulk of them are made there. They're trying.


They're trying Good luck and then going into yeah, go ahead.


No, you can go ahead.


No, you finish your rig, brother. Yeah, all right, I was going to ask you another question man, You're good. I assumed Sim Magic pedals. That's when you said Sim Magic, I would have never guessed SimMagic pedals. That's when you said SimMagic, I would have never guessed custom-made pedals. That's impressive. That's impressive.


It blew my mind too. So yeah, I'm glad I went that route as well with the GoSimRacing. So I guess I could talk about the brains behind this entire rig. I think the computer specs are kind of important. So the computer that we're on right now, I had this one for quite a while, so I went from a 1660 super right, and I had that 34 inch 1080p monitor, and then I went from a 1660 super to a 3060 ti rtx, and that's when I finally decided to get triple screens. My triple screens were only 27 inches and then 1080p, but that was it. This is my first immersive triple screen setup and I was super pleased. And then come to find out there's still rooms.


Oh yeah, a little bit oh yeah.


Upgrade. So I sold those monitors. I sold all three for I't know like 500 bucks, real cheap. And then I decided to go with the uh, the 32 inches, and I've had these on the rig for almost four, yeah, about three years now, and that is powered by. So that was powered by the rtx 3080 at triple 2k and I'll tell you, man, like that is a powerhouse. Even still, I'm using this as an editing computer right now. It is a powerhouse of a card. And over the years, over the past couple of years, as of previous uh, 2025, from, you know, 2024, all the way back to 2022, all those videos that you see and people are like, oh man, you must have a 4090 in there. Nope, I don't. I swear, that's a 3080. I just optimized the hell out of it.


That's all I did, yeah hey, man shout out to optimization. Man, that matters, that's it for real, that's it.


So had that and then decided to go out and I picked up a build of a RTX 4080. Once I got that, it was that was the Mecca and that's where we're at now the RTX 4080 powering this. It's like butter on every single SIM Evo and we can talk on Evo a little bit. But I had it was a lot of people posted in the groups having all these issues and I feel like maybe I was one of very few people that didn't have any issues setting it up On the first day of release. It ran like super smooth. It was buttery smooth, everything set up seamlessly. I think a lot of that contributed to having a newer computer at the time, but I was just thankful that I didn't have any of the crashes that everybody else was having.


It's very, very it depends yeah, yeah you know I have a 9800 x3d with a 4090 back there.


That's the best yeah and I was getting like 60 70 fps and with a rig like that, you kind of expect more. But at the end of the day you have to accept it. It's an alpha build. It's not going to work, right. You're paying to test it because that's what you're doing, literally. Yeah, you have to wait it out. You have to wait it out and give it the time of day and don't judge the graphics, not finished product. Test the driving. Test what you're going to be doing. Yes, on this sim, not how it looks. You know what I mean. Test the driving. That's how I come iRacing I can't get away from iRacing. A lot of us, I know you recently just jumped back into iRacing too. I saw your post just today.


Welcome back, brother. Welcome back.


Thank you, man, I am excited to be back and you kind of forget about the way. I mean the graphics. They improve them a lot but still, like you, kind of that fades away and you're immersed in the fidelity of the vehicle and how it. You know how the tires are feeling and everything else and the weight and everything, and you kind of just that goes away and all you see is road or a car way, and all you see is road or a car and the car model, the car models. That detail looks really good, in my opinion, for a game that came out in 2008 is insane.


2008, huh, holy cow, I didn't know it was that far back yeah, that's waiting for it wow, holy cow.


Yeah, it's been out for a minute, that's that's crazy to say.


That's's insane right? Yeah, so when you I can testify Freshman year.


Yeah, when you look at it that way, it's like you know same engine, you know with optimizations. Yeah, they've done a lot of work. I mean you got to give them that you know, yeah, I will say yeah.


Go ahead.


Because it's still alive and well. I don't know if you, when you log in and you see the amount of users racing, there's no other sim that has that many users racing at any time of day. There's always something for you to do on there. But yeah, man, that's what's up. That's a very interesting setup. It's very different. This is the first time I've heard of custom pedals. Yeah, that's dope. Very interesting, very interesting, yeah for sure.


Yeah, definitely pretty interesting. And then, yeah, man, it's just been such an incredible journey over the years and a lot of this inspiration, like I said, it was coming from you know, seeing how I could make this more realistic and bring you know the extra car components, like a button box or some of these little screens that you see right back here, how I can bring that into like this 3D environment, right. So I had, you know, these screens. We'll talk about these just a little bit. So I have these are actually from Etsy and one of my buddies. He actually designs these little screens and they're all tough screen and it's by DSS race simulations and it is he. 3d prints like these screens are like these carbon fiber face.


I may have ordered one of those, and they're so cool you can do anything with them.


So DSS, sim simulations and what you can do, they're all configurable via SimHub and you can put any type of overlay on there. So if I want track relevant data with leaderboards and maybe like gas pedal information, just something that kind of looks cool, Maybe I need to glance up and check my time for a half a second. I can bring that, you know inches from my face wherever I need it. Or if I need a lap timer right over here, I could just glance up. Okay, I need to, you know, gain four seconds or I can see how many seconds are in front of this guy or how many seconds behind this guy is from me.


So these little things of removing the HUD, which is the HUD, and bringing that into the environment that I'm seated, I have a clear picture of everything that I'm seeing, and now I have little screens of information of like okay, this is all relevant data that I can touch, I can play with, I can do all this stuff. It sounds crazy, but it really satiates this whole experience and adds an extra layer of immersion for me, so it's cool like that man.


Yeah, it is cool. I've always told this to Eric. It's kind of like it's something when you look at a game or a sim or whatever whatever it is and you see a bunch of gauges and you see a bunch of data but they don't mean anything. You see a bunch of gauges and you see a bunch of data, but they don't mean anything. But then when you actually look at something that's meaningful, that I can see my rear left tire overheating and it's really overheating and I need to get off. I need to let off the car. There's something about that that just ties you into the sim deeper than just a game, than just a game or sim that shows you a screen and it looks cool but it does nothing. You know what I mean, right?


right, so I kind of function no function.


Yes, so when you have it, when you take it off the screen, if it's, if it's in digital form and you bring it closer to you, that's, you know, way more immersive's, way more immersive. It makes it feel alive, like the rig has life.


Yeah, yeah, it's tangible. It's tangible in that aspect. Yeah, exactly, it adds that extra layer of it's in front of you and my biggest thing is, I don't want extra information on my physical screen. You know, as a lot of you guys, I just remove it if I can, you know, minimize all the relevant information. So I said, you know what, there's got to be a way to bring all that off so that I can play with it. You know what I?


mean. So that's cool. Yeah, they can put it where you want in the rig. So if you want it down low, you want it you, you know up high or off to the side.


Yeah, that that's, that's dope, all right, and so that's, that's, that's part of the uh, the immersive build that daniel's built um and my fault, Jason.


I was curious because I was just going through some of Daniel's social media and stuff and I saw that you have a partnership with somebody called Podium One and I wanted to see just what's your relationship with them.


Yeah, so the co-owner, chandler and Steve over at Podium One. They've been following my content for a bit of time I think a couple of years now and it was actually really cool. I actually spoke to Steve Palladino, which is one of the main guys over at, actually the founder of Podium One Racing, and if you guys don't know about podium on racing, they actually built joe rogan simulator. They built kat williams sim whoa, that's crazy, it's insane.


So they got a whole youtube video on that build up, what's what went into that setup and um, it's just so cool to see you know celebrities and other people you know know gaining traction from, uh, sim racing and when these types of people like the celebrities and you know people have a large following buy into this, they, they see it. It's like, you know, we got a whole new wave of you know sim racers coming in every time.


It's crazy. So, like, the more we talk about it, you know it's, it's, it's so cool. So podium one reached, reached out. They said hey, man, we really like your setup. What is it going to have to, what's that look like, for us to collaborate on some of these videos that you're making? So Steve had some ideas like hey, man, what if we send you out some cool products for you to review, like the FPE? Now, not all this stuff was free. You know a lot of guys are asking hey, do you know they just send you stuff for free, like no, not, not, not. Yet I guess it's not necessarily free yet but I got the f.


That day will come, bro that day will come, yeah it'll come right, so like the gsi fpe v2 wheel oh yeah, you're in love.


You're in love with that thing.


I could tell bro, that is the most gorgeous damn wheel I've ever freaking touched. It is the grips, everything. I did a whole review and I will talk about that on another review, but this relationship that I have with podium one, it's it's. It's really unique, man. So, like they will send me stuff, um, you know I can review it for them and then we'll collaborate on some videos and stuff like that. But, um, it's all about you know that this, this community that we're building all around us, that we're trying to bring in more sim racers, new sim racers, and just trying to help them, essentially because you know guiding your way through getting first, like getting into sim racing.


First of all. I mean, I was blind, bro, like I saw a couple of YouTube videos and I thought, you know, this is cool, but where the hell do I start? You know, like, how do I even go about buying a rig? Like what are these peripherals look like? How did how did he do that? So I think a lot of it has to do with, obviously, you know guiding and directing. You know where to even start, you know. So that's, that's how this whole thing is going. I think it's really unique that they reached out to me and you know this whole thing. Wherever this thing goes, I'm I'm all, I'm in for a ride. And you know, steve and I have been talking back and forth. He's like yeah, man, I want you to come up here and meet the team. I want to fly you out. You know, if we have a race day, I want you to go there. If we have an f1 race in miami, I want you to be there.


I'm like dude, that's crazy. That's a dream come true it is, bro.


So it's like and I'm telling my buddies this and I'm like, you know, the sky's the limit in this, in this, in this industry, like there's so much that can possibly happen, whether you one or two videos, and I just just do this every day, bro. Like I started doing this content creation like four years ago and I just posted just because I love racing and sharing that experience with other people. Like, if I can share this experience with other people, whether or not I get hate, at the end of the day, I'm enjoying what I'm doing and if you so happen to like my racing videos, then that's what's up.


You think it's cool. You think it's cool. Yeah, I'm the same way, dude, we have something in common. I'm the same way. The only thing is I don't I mean I should post it, but I send it. I bloat my friends up Eric and Jeff and all my friends and I'm like man, I should. We should do something, you know cause, put it out there. And I had this, I had this, pretty yeah.


I had this pretty unique idea, like now that I'm into iRacing and I had this really sweet idea and maybe you guys could join me with this but I was thinking like if we had a race going on, we could all do a first person view race. So I'm shooting with my camera right here. You're shooting with your camera right here. We have all these crazy dynamic angles. We got voice chat in the background. Oh, here he's coming like coming around the corner, and I'm just like, and we're just all going at it in this, in this live stream, where you can see different, all angles and dude that sounds amazing it sounds cool, so I like I would have this online session Kind of like F1.


You know F1, where you can monitor the driver's perspective. I don't know if you watch it.


It's kind of like that. Yeah, I've seen that that would be very very, very interesting man.


That would be pretty cool content. That would be exciting too.


That would be pretty sweet. You got me thinking now.


It's awesome, bro, DJ hey, if you want to collab, we can get these guys some cameras.


I'm telling you man Come on, we'll make an ad and everything.


Let's do it.


I'm saying We'll do it DJI, dji.


you know, I've had DJI drones and their mic too. I have their mic too, the little compact travel mics. You know the little wireless ones. They're putting out some amazing stuff Not for nothing. They definitely are. If you're a content creator, they're really hard to beat right now, Especially their gimbals too. If you want a gimbal, DJI is they got you For real?


Yeah, they're next level for sure. Alright, so that's awesome. Congratulations on the. They got you for real. Yeah, yeah, they're next level for sure.


All right. So that's awesome. Congratulations on the podium. One deal. I think that's a hell of a deal, honestly, bro, I mean Wild. Yeah, that is a pinch yourself moment, kind of like wow, you know what I mean. So congratulations, that's fantastic. I really appreciate it.


I really appreciate it. Congratulations, that's fantastic.


I really appreciate it.


And just to touch on that, like when I was and Steve like messaged me. He's like hey man, are you, are you available for a call? I'm like, what do you mean? So, like this whole conversation went with like it was kind of surreal in the moment. I was just sitting at my desk, like where I am right here and I'm like am I really talking to the owner of Podium One Racing right now? Like this is crazy, like. And he told me like how they all started, you know, during the pandemic, right, so that's kind of.


Another thing is like a lot of these sim racing companies like that was their kickstart was the pandemic and that's where a lot of people they're like sitting up at home can't really have a track day because that's shut down. And then people started pushing some content for like the sim racing stuff. I'm like what is this sim racing? And then that's when Podium One really blew up, I think, and a lot of even like advanced sim racing. You know that's another huge company that also blew up during that time and it's just so cool to see, you know, and it wasn't cool at the time because of the pandemic.


I hope we don't have another one on like. I mean like you.


Jason, but hey, we know what I'm saying, like we're ready for it.


Right, we're ready for it.


But it's so cool to see how everything you know began and that was like their pivotal point and a lot of people's like beginning of their success story and sim racing, I think as a whole, really started during the pandemic. So it was really neat to talk to him here about his life story and it was really cool to get him on a podcast one day too. I think you guys should definitely sit him down, you know, pick his brain a little bit. He's got some really neat stories about how his upbringing was and everything like that as well Interesting.


Interesting that would be. That would be kind of cool, man, I am totally down for this. It's cool. Yeah, man. So you have.


You know we introduced you earlier, as you know, having two sides right Because you have your astrological racing. Can you talk to us about that side of you? You know what I mean Because we know your creative side or maybe I'm getting it wrong or right, yeah, you are, we know what your creative side is. Right, the immersion, the rig, the custom pedals, which got me messed up right now thinking about like, how come I didn't hear about this, how come nobody told me about this? And you know we were blind. It's like you said, we were blind going into this for the people that started then, and that's kind of that's part of what the show is about. The Chicane Podcast is geared toward the beginner, intermediate, expert racer, but all blended in together, right. So that way you can have a resource, that way you can have something that you can backfill on, that you can reference or you can try. You know what I mean. But, yeah, tell us about that side of you, that side of your content, which is the astrological racing.




So astrologicals racing, so that used to actually derived from an old gamer tag that I had Xbox, yeah, and like I was telling, yeah, actually it was Xbox, and like I was telling you like how I want this experience to be, like you're immersed in something, and I thought of like well, I could just tie this in with the racing channel, you know, because it's kind of like out of this world racing and that's where I kind of got this whole experience. You're like going to another planet. You're kind of going. You're not where you are. So astrologicals kind of just made sense.


And then I kind of just built this whole thing around this, this whole derivative of like leaving earth, and I'm just like yeah, we'll run with it. It sounds cool. So that's where like the name kind of derived from. And then, yeah, so I I just I just held onto that tight and it was, it was kind of iconic for me.


So I just decided, you know, astrologicals racing sounds cool, we'll, we'll run with it no, definitely it makes sense, you know, to have to have the two, you know kind of intertwined right together.


Yeah yeah, that's the goal, you know transport yourself to a car to a track you know yeah, yeah, man, that's, yeah so you're the yeah and then the uh the killian's creative studio.


So like that's my llc, that that's my creative business that I that I run as well. So outside of working full-time, you know I'm I'm vice president at marine detail supply company, so I work a full-time job there. Really amazing experience. I've been there for a couple of years. And what I do over there I actually help people and boat owners find detailing products for their boat, their vessel, removing oxidation.


Oh, you need to talk to Jeff bro. Helping restore their boat everything like that.


So if you got a, boat.


I'm going to help you out.


Yeah, yeah, jeff's got. I think he's got a 20, 21 footer or something like that, I don't know, hey, man, I got.


I got some sweet products I need you to try.


So he's got a roboto. I think is what he got wow, yeah, beautiful boats, those are beautiful man.


yeah, they're sweet, yeah. So, yeah, I do that full time. I've been there for a couple years. I help people, you know, restore the luster of the boat, the ceramic coatings, the whole nine yards. So I'm in sales marketing for that. And then I have the creative side of things, which I also help with the company. I said you know, I want to create my own business because I do all the video work. I do, you know, the creative side. I do the YouTube, I do their Instagram, I do everything like that. And that aspect I said well, why can't I create my own business and offer that for other people as well, like other companies, maybe even like another detailer that needs to get his foot off the ground, like his business? Maybe I can interview him and help him, kind of like how you guys are doing here, like you guys are interviewing, giving people a spotlight and a voice to talk about themselves to you know, their experience, everything like that.


So, and I think that's powerful man Like interviews are so freaking powerful and there's nothing more, I think, powerful, or at least more defining, than when you put a name to a face and a face to a company and because otherwise you're just you're Joe the detailer down the road, or you're just I mean You're just someone behind the camera, that's it, that's it Right. And when you can capture that and help somebody give them a platform like that, I think that's so powerful and that's how I created a lot of success for even friends of mine that have their own companies as well. It's really cool to see that.


You're on the right track, brother, for sure. I'm highly impressed that you're able to have a full-time job and then have the creative stuff, the astrological sim racing, all of that together that's a lot of weight, man, so respect.


Rob Markman. Yeah, and don't forget the two kids. You got the wife, you got the family needs and all that stuff, rob Markman.


There's a man, a family man too, rob Markman Father too, Father man, yeah man.


So we have an example here.


If you want something done, you can get it done. That's it.


Yes, that's it. Oh yeah, if you want it.


Yeah man. You just got to make the time, damn, daniel. That's insane, bro. That's a crazy story and and I feel like you're just beginning, I feel like you're, you're not done here, man, you're, you're just. Yeah, you're just getting started, dude, yeah.


Like I'm. He's the creativity but also the skillset. So the videography, like I said, I was looking at your channel and just seeing just like the clean slow-mo pans and stuff, I'm like man, this is crispy man.


It makes sense. I'm like this guy knows what he's doing. Like for real.


I know a little something, something, yeah, like I'm asking for some advice, man.


But yeah, man, I appreciate it man.


Yeah, you got the quality down already, man, and once people see what you got going, man, the sky's the limit already, like Jason was saying yeah, man, and I just want to touch on something you mentioned about us the Chicane podcast bringing on guests to the show, Because I believe everything you said is 100% valid. But just to add a little bit to it, is the knowledge right? There's not enough, you know. Have you ever just an example, any of you viewers out there, if you're like shopping for a steering wheel, how many videos do you watch on that same steering wheel? Right, You're going to click on the?


first one the second one, the third one, the fourth one At least that's me, because I'm a very thorough person and I want to know the bad. I don't want you to tell me how good it is. I skip that part. I go straight to the cons. What's up with the wheel? You know if I and and you know, example wheel, it could be anything. Um, and I compare that data to others and that's kind of how the chicane podcast in a way is, is implemented the interview stuff and the sim racing and the stories. To get you guys different angles, different views, views, different options. We just found out today that you can get custom-made pedals at a fraction of the cost on this show tonight.


You know how much money.


I spend on my pedals bro.


I don't want to know, don't say it.


I'm looking at the active pedal, there's an active pedal there and right next to it oh, you got it Is two Hewsonville Ultimate.


So you add all that up how much I paid for the Ultimates plus the active pedal. It's a lot, but it's not a flex. It's just. When I was going through this I didn't have that resource, I didn't have that friend that I can call, I didn't have a show that I can go to. Yes, if you look at Boosted Media's videos, they're amazing, but you're staring at a $100,000 rig. Let's just remind ourselves that If you want what that man is running, you're going to need some serious cash for that yeah, yeah, power.


Oh, power too, man, a long time. Yeah, he actually. He just got a 50 90 from optimum. I don't know if you guys saw that post.


He bricked it and then he fixed it. Oh my gosh, yeah. So yeah, he went through it. So it was super clickbait. At first I'm like, oh man, this is, this is so bad. Optimum's going to be pissed Like you know what I mean. And then you know, come to find out, he found out a solution on how to, you know, repower it and get it working again. Are a freaking goat for doing that for boosted media. That is actually really cool that you lent him that 50, 90, that's that's amazing, bro.


That's amazing, that's really awesome, yeah, he couldn't get his hands on one, just like 90 well, probably 98 of the world can't get their hands on one.


So I think that's, yeah, really sweet, honestly if you want my, I mean I I usually don't review PC parts. If you have a 40 series card right now, you do not need a 50 series.


I'm going to say it right now you do not.


They're using this AI stuff to give you fake frames DLSS 4, which is an upscale. If you know what that means, go look up what DLSS means. It's a dynamic resolution scaler. It drops your res, it drops your resolution to give you those frames. So if you have a 40 series and we have, we have, we have um eric's got a 40 series card and he can run a subtle course of evo. If we're talking strict sim racing, that is the 25 2025 title and it can run it like a champ. So you are good.


Take that money and buy some pedals.


Yes, Buy some pedals I can agree with. So just to run a quick stat for you guys from a 4080 to a 5080, typically you're looking at a maybe an eight to 13% increase in overall performance, which not that much. Now, if you want the flagship, maybe the 5090. If you're coming from a 30 series, I think that's worth the upgrade, but I mean I don't know. You know 4090 is probably a better option right now.


Still, that's if you can find a 5090 at MSRP.


You're not going to for at least six to eight more months.


Yeah, so you know if you locked up like crazy that 4090 I mean see the 50 series cards and they laid the cards on the table and I don't think the argument is there. I think if you get a 4090, that's, that's still the card to go to, because the the jump to the 50 series is so minimal.


Just in you know, power maybe a thinner body, you know, yes, it's more efficient, but as far as just like graphical power, you're not getting that raw power and as games get more optimized, it'll be years before you're running a 4090, and that's your problem. You're gonna run into some other bottleneck before. That's your issue.


That is a great point. Another thing I'll say to people that have a 30 series look at your overall system, because if you're running a 30 series, you might be coming from an AM4 or an AM3 generation that may not support the chip. That way, what it'll do is it'll run it in compatibility mode. It won't run it at PCIe 5 because your board doesn't have PCIe 5. It'll run it at PCIe 4. So you're not even using that power that you paid money for. So just yeah, I can do an episode on components, but just do your research for real. Do your research. You don't have to have the latest and greatest At the end of the day in a rig, with the exception of Eric's beautiful PC in the back that we're viewing there most of our PCs.


You don't see them. Nobody cares what you're running back there. Can you get the frames? Can you get the performance? Can you get the performance? Can it run? Nobody's watching this stuff. You know what I mean? Yeah, you're not seeing it. I agree. Is it cool? That's the one thing. Cool, like temperature-wise, is it cool? Is it running? We're good to go after that. Yeah, man, can my PSU handle it? That's another one. You're going to need a thousand watt PSU minimum for 50, 90. Nowadays, times are changing and that electric bill.


I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it.


To piggyback off what you were saying, jason. I made an active Because there's a streamer who has an all white bill and when he's streaming he's got his camera set up to where his PC like looks very similar. That's why I got shot. Yeah, it's in views and shot and that was where.


I kind of got the idea because I kind of got like a white aesthetic. Like my desk is white, like my, I got my surround sound and kind of theater stuff over there is white. White like my. I got my surround sound and kind of theater stuff over there is white. It's like a white kind of aesthetic. When I saw that I was like I, I want that.


When I was building the pc I could have gotten a like a you could have saved a little money, but because to your, to your point it's clean, even it is clean if you decide to have your pc tucked away, like at that point, if you kind of aren your PC tucked away at that point, if you aren't really worried about aesthetics, you're just worried about performance and cooling, you can get a great PC for not a whole lot of money for real.


Yeah, agreed, yeah. And if you have a PC, I mean people are always looking to buy. I was able to sell my other PC. I sold an AM4, now the AM5, current gen, thank God, because I was locked in. I was locked, I couldn't upgrade.


And I'll say one more thing, and I'll drop it, I promise. But if you have an AM4 board, if you have a 30 series, you most likely have an AM4. We're speaking AMD. I know Intel has their own thing, yeah, but an AM4 is, and you put a 5090 into that, you're bottlenecking that GPU because the processor can't keep up with that generation, can't keep up with that generation. There's always a bottleneck, whether it's CPU in front of the GPU or it's the GPU in front of the CPU. There's never a one-to-one match. Even if I put a 50-90 in this, there's going to be some bottleneck somewhere on one end of the spectrum. And the fact that we're running 90% of us that are running triples are running it at 1440p, which already is a resolution, that's bottlenecked anyway. Right, it is. So I mean, you're never going to get the max amount of juice out of anything. So I'm just trying to tell you to kind of open your eyes and not listen to the market, because the market wants that $2,000. They want that two grand.


They want it. So you ain't got nothing, unless you got that, you know so Exactly, bro, that's it.


I mean, that's how it works, that's how they really win, that's how they win.


So I mean, buy what works for you and buy what you really need. And then you know, take that money, get a shifter or get a. You know, get a piece of hardware, something you can use, don't blow. Get some custom pedals, man.


Get them custom pedals, man, all right.


So I guess, Eric, you got the last question before we wrap this one up. Man, it's been fun, man I love having especially. This episode is extra special to me because you know it's usually we all follow the same kind of pathway, but Daniel's path is way different. This is totally different than I didn't expect. This and it's cool because we didn't talk about it. This is straight up live on the show.


Yeah, live on real time, for real. That's kind of what I was saying before backstage. I was like I can't wait to hear your story because there are similarities but then there are differences. Right, People have some unique aspects to their path and it never fails. There's always something cool you find out about, or some route that people took that you didn't. You didn't anticipate, like so right like jason right?


yeah, we found out here real time man.


Yeah, but it's a part of your journey, one of the things that really that always resonates with me whenever I find people that find their passion, that are able to connect with it and share that with people.


I always appreciate that because there's so many people that kind of discourage you from you know even just yourself or something that you're passionate about and you're like, oh well, nobody will want to see this or want to hear about that, but there is, and so I always appreciate people that share that. And so I just kind of want to ask you about what inspired you to be a content creator, because I know you know you're doing the videography and you know you have your creative arm already. But kind of being a content creator is like a little bit different. It's not necessarily producing content for other businesses, it's kind of producing content for yourself.


So what got you so?


yeah, that's. That's a really good question, man. And um, I try not to let my passion for what I love to do, which is literally race and share that experience that I'm having in that rig right behind me, with everybody else, because that right there is the core of it all. If I let my mindset get into hey, I need to do this review because, you know, I need to say good things about this, or I need to say bad things about this, or if I have an obligation of, like, pushing something out, I feel like that's going to and I've seen it before with other people it could burn you out, you know. So, like I want, I don't want to get ahead of myself where it's like man dude, I don't want to get tired of this. I want to make sure that my heart discount code you lose authenticity with who you are as a content creator.


You didn't build this for that Right.


None of us did Exactly bro you built this for Simrace.


And at that point, these people, these brands, are using you as a freaking billboard, and that's the last thing I want to do. I want to make sure that my heart stays in it. I want to keep that in the forefront of it, because I love doing this shit.


I love sharing it with you guys.


You know what I'm saying. So, like, if I can remain who I am and authentic and true to myself and true to you guys. I think, at the end of the day, that's what it's all about. I think, at the end of the day, that's what it's all about. I'm just gonna keep doing producing race videos because I enjoy. I love doing it, man. It's, it's such a cool experience and when people ask me questions, I'm able to help them out. You know, it's, it's just cool, man. I love sharing that with everybody.


So that's that's what it's all about you know that's got to be the realist answer I've heard on this game podcast, like for real, because I mean's I always go back to this. You know, like regardless of cause. You know you have a journey and you have. You have goals and aspirations. Right, reviews are a great thing. I'm not telling you know, never said here that they're not. But, however, comma, we didn't build the rig, we didn't spend thousands of dollars to get a return on that. We, yeah, we spent the money for the hobby and the hobby is already the amount of fun and enjoyment, at least for me, and and and eric is worth the cost, right. And then, yeah, coming on to a show like this one and talking about hardware is to benefit you. It's not to benefit us, it's to benefit you to tell you hey, man, I tripped on this hole, be careful walking down that street, because there's a hole in the street.


That's exactly it, bro. It's perfectly put.


In the simplest form, like hey, man, and then when you go and do it anyway, I get to say I done, told you so.


I get to remind you hey.


I told you, man, listen, cry Once. That is a. What do you call that? That is one of the shows.


Cry Once. Shame on Me, yeah.


No, it's Buy Once, Cry Once.


Oh, buy Once, Cry Once yeah.


I wish I could have done that. My first run around Rob Markman Jr Right me too. When Eric got into the scene and Jeff, I basically held him by the throat. I'm like you're not buying this, rob Markman.


Jr. Yeah, rob Markman Jr, you're not buying it, bro. Rob Markman Jr Bought 80-40. Rob Markman Jr, I said 80-20. Rob, I know that other rig looks cool.


He wanted the tubular one because it looked nice, and then it's got the blue. He almost got them.


Oh the TRX. Yeah, yeah, it looks cool, it does man.


I'm happy though just kind of looking for Functionality though Functionality. Yeah, functionality and customization, anything I look at. If it says it goes on the sim rig, they're talking about an 8020 rig. Yes, I have to look and see like, oh, how would I feel you?


don't have to look for compatibility yeah.


Right Well when you go that route of that tubular design, it's like, and I'm going to bring up the iPhone, I'm going to bring it up. You know it's like you're of the show early right, you know, that's what I was going to say, bro, hey, but I'm serious because like hey Eric, I think it's time to go.


I don't know, we're just getting going, baby yeah.


This just came out the dark right here We'll be bashing. See, and I'm alone in this fight too. Jeff is doing the thing right now. He's usually my backup.


Yeah, but it's like when you get into that you're locked into that ecosystem or that tubular design and you know if you want to add components and stuff like that, you can go that route. Don't get me wrong. It looks cool, but form over function. You're looking at like something that looks pretty and people are drawn to it. I see people still buying them to this day and they're beautiful rigs. People are drawn to it. I see people still buying them to this day and they're beautiful rigs. But as soon as you want to start doing adjustments and start adding little hardware or pieces and stuff like that, good luck.


It's not that easy. Look at your build back there.


You can't, I couldn't do that with a tube design.


Everything gets bolted together. Those guys get bolted. I can see how it's mounted.


Exactly, and it makes sense because it's 80-20.


And it gives me an idea just by looking at that. You didn't have to tell me that's what I mean. Like 80-20 is 80-20. 80-20 is a standard. If something's 80-20, it will fit. It will fit. Don't worry about it Every time.


Yeah, I love that.


That's a good thing and a bad thing because everything could fit Exactly. Stay off Etsy, bro. Etsycom is your biggest hey stay away from that.


All right, we'll see. I am a guilty culprit of Etsy man. I've found some incredible.


If Etsy had a credit card with some rewards. I'd be in some serious trouble right now, bro yeah man serious trouble right now, bro.


How time, yeah, man. All right, so we are. We've reached the end of the show here. I'm going to do a round table. We'll start with Eric. Oh, before we do the round table, I need to give a shout out. Chad McNeezy, we hear you. We got emails from you. We haven't gotten a chance to get to the software. We hear you, we got emails from you. We haven't gotten a chance to get to the software. But if you're watching the show, just hang on, we're going to get to those emails. Okay, it's been a back-to-back schedule, but we have them and you're our top priority. You know who you are. Roundtable I'll start with Eric. Eric, what you got for us for a roundtable?


For a roundtable. I got nothing, man. I'm just trying to get in the rig recovering from whatever this little mystery, flu, cold stuff is this week. I missed my race earlier this week with the GRL. I recently hate that GRLracing League. I hate that GRL.


You saw me yesterday, didn't?


you. Yeah, I saw Jason out there, man last night. It was a beautiful race.




I got spanked Michael.


Pagliaro from the SimRacing Den was on track with me and streaming. So if you guys want to tune in, if you want to join the race, you can go ahead and join that race. Check out our video Guide to League Racing and you can race with one of your favorite content creators. Now we got Daniel Killian back in the iRacing which we are using, the what you call this the vaccine, the GRL vaccine on him. I told him, I instructed him yo, you need to watch this video, just drop what you're doing and get on track with us.


That's it.


You know we'll get a group. You know we're about to invade. You know Global iRacing League. We're going to take over. This is a takeover. We're going to start up a team called Free World man. We're just going to free up everybody up in there. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.


I got spanked to death. So if you want to watch that replay, my driving was off. I was completely out of it. You know Michael did great. So congratulations, michael. When you see this Good driving, good pushing on the Porsche and yeah, I really don't have a roundtable for me either this week it's been a relatively quiet week. I do want to shout out again to our special guest here. I want to thank you for your time. I want to thank you for the level of professionalism and content that you are putting out daily. This is not weekly, this is a daily occurrence. You need to follow him on all his social platforms. You need to check out his YouTube. He does tutorials, he does reviews. He has even suggestions for the DJI camera that I personally used. Rob Markman, he's got a sick rig man, rob Markman. That's it. He's got a dope ass rig, rob Markman. I appreciate it.


Rob Markman.


On behalf of the show I just want to, you know, on behalf of the show, I just want to thank you so much for you know, giving us the chance to have you on the show and to accommodate a schedule that worked for all of us. So I really appreciate that, and your story is amazing. Feel free to share it with everybody, because it's like I told you before we got on. To share it with everybody because it's like I told you before we got on. I said, man, you never know a few years from now, you look back at this video and look at a splice of your memory and see where you were and where we're headed, and I can see nothing but success headed your way. So I appreciate it, man. Thank you, keep up the good work and keep doing what you're doing way. So I appreciate it, man. Thank you, keep up the good work and keep doing what you're doing man, so I can curate you guys so much.


And just to touch on that real quick, I am I'm really thankful that you guys are even given guys like myself a platform like this. I think it's so unique and I was telling you earlier, it's so niche, bro. Nobody's doing this in this space and I just think it's so cool that you guys are offering this for guys like myself and Daniel Morad, Michael SimRacingDen. It's just so cool to watch this and be a part of, so I really appreciate it. Again, guys, thanks so much, thank you.


All right, daniel, and the one thing we always say here is we're all sim racers at the end of the day. Daniel morad is a professional driver, but he's a sim racer. Michael pagliaro, amazing guy, great friend, amazing friend I talked to him almost every other day and but he's a sim racer. You're a sim racer, I'm a sim racer. You know, that's that. That that's the bond that we all have with each other, you know. So, yeah, you're more than welcome on the show Anytime, brother Perfect.


I concur man.


All right, I'll give you one. Thank you. So with that, guys, if you have any questions for Daniel Killian and his work, please email the show at the chicane podcast at gmailcom or leave a comment below on this video. I will leave out all his links and social media and every related links that we spoke about during today's interview. So I just want to thank you guys for being here and have a great start of your week, thank you. Thank you, guys we'll see you.

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