The Chicane Podcast

Game-Changing Software Updates in Sim Racing

TGS Sim Racing Episode 17

Ever had one of those weeks where everything seems to go wrong on the track? Join us as Jeff Smart opens up about his recent struggles with a significant drop in his safety rating, while Eric Kelly talks about the relentless grind of upgrading their YouTube content, leaving him no time for racing. But it’s not all doom and gloom! Jason Rivera brings some excitement back as he shares the thrills and challenges of his recent endurance race on GT7's Nürburgring, complete with dynamic weather conditions that tested his mettle. Prepare to laugh, commiserate, and celebrate the highs and lows of sim racing with us.

But that’s not all—gear up for the second half as we dive into the latest updates to the Crew Chief Software, a game-changer for any serious sim racer. We break down its new features like compatibility with Le Mans Ultimate, an easier setup wizard, and those oh-so-handy voice commands for volume adjustments. Plus, discover how the latest enhancements can keep you informed about surrounding cars, even before blue flags come into play. We don't shy away from discussing the integration challenges with Stream Deck either. Tune in for an engaging blend of personal racing tales and invaluable tech insights that promise to elevate your sim racing experience.

Crew Chief Updates:
iRacing Updates:

Moza Wheel:

Simagic Wheel and Pedals:

Porsche Mission R:

Global iRacing League:

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The Hello and welcome to the Chicane Podcast, where we discuss all things in the sim racing world. I'm your host, Jason Rivera, and I'm joined here by Eric Kelly and Jeff Smart. How are you guys doing today?


Doing great man.


I'm doing all right. I had a rough week racing this week, man. I didn't get in as much as I would have liked, but I had one and I think I vented to Jason. I think I got like two clean laps and everything else. There was just one corner. I forget the track. I put it out of my mind. I got one lap that I kept it on the track. Man, I had a safety rating drop of .22 in one race. Bro, it was a rough week.


Didn't get in the rig very much Dealing with some stuff around the house. Not a good week, but there's always this week, so we'll give it another go.


And what about you, eric? Oh me, um, so I had. I did zero sim racing this weekend and and for a few days now, because, um, you already know, I'm grinding away, slaving away.


Yeah, man, we appreciate it man.


Yes, man, I'm working hard on getting our content upgraded as well and making sure that the YouTube channel TGS Sim Racing is ready for production and yeah, so it's been fun, it's just not been sim racing. Thanks for asking, jeff. What about you, eric? I I'm excited to hear eric's uh update here because, I don't know, I may have heard, I may have heard some things, or or a few things you know around the corner or I've seen some things, some stuff happening, um.


So for me, I got to do a lot of good sim racing this weekend, got to do the daily race C in GT7, which was the newest life for endurance, which is the long track, and I guess they just felt like they were going to flex their muscles on us. This week's race was dynamic weather and six laps, so this one race was an hour in the rain, so definitely it was fun, definitely a challenge.


Probably one of the most difficult races that I've ever done on GT7. You said an hour, an hour, yeah, for one race. Six laps, damn dude, yep.


So I mean it's a love hate thing. I hate how bad I am at the newest laugher, but also it's just it's. It's so much fun because you get to do so much on that track. Uh, I think jason got to tune in and and watch me embarrass myself a little bit, um, as I try to get things going, get things ready to stream, and you're going to share my adventures in live in um in sim racing with you guys.


So don't beat yourself down bro, because we all go through the same thing, and including our listeners, viewers, everybody goes through it. They may not talk about it, but you know, everybody has bad days. And when you turn the camera on, when the cameras are rolling, the cameras are rolling dude. There's nothing. You know what I'm saying.


There's nothing you can do about it eric, you have an uncanny ability to stream when I'm in the car driving hey man, it's like every time I start streaming.


I'm driving, but I can't get into there oh no, it's, it's all right, man. Um, I don't have nothing that you that you missed outside of some somebody struggling driving, but but yeah, I'm gonna definitely try to stream more. Um, I want to do more just kind of of a series where I'm learning to just learning to race, learning about cars, about weight transfer, braking and stuff like that.


All right, man. So that's what I want to hear. So when you, when you got a set schedule, eric, let me know and we'll put that on a description for people to go ahead and tune into your streams and should be able to pull up the old VOD from the last time that you raced, I assume so. If not, then I mean, I'm sure there'll be plenty more right? So?


oh, yeah, yeah, that's definitely the plan, especially as I venture off into trying to do some more pc stuff. And yeah, it's so, it's coming. So much we heard it, it's coming it's coming the pc is on his mind, bro.


He can't sleep.


It's all good.


Good stuff buddy.


That's what's up, man? So got it. Today we have a massive update. Well, it didn't happen today. Let me correct myself. It happened, I think, two or three days ago.


Crew Chief Software, the software that we use on the PC to basically it's a voice that reads telemetry, it's a speech recognition it had a massive update. I think it's update four point one, Excuse me, four point eighteen, point four, zero. And we don't get a lot of these. We get bug fixes but we don't get major releases. So I'm just going to go through and just skim off the top over here on the changes.


So LeMond Ultimate got added officially. So before you had to have a different version of Crew Chief installed just to make it compatible with lemon ultimate. So if you, if you did that just, you can go ahead and uninstall that. You don't need to do that no more. Uh, the speech wizard menu item designed to make first time setup easier. Okay, so if you're new to it, it's supposed to be easier to have a wizard now to help you, guide through, guide you through the setup, which is awesome. So they got, um, volume control. Uh is a new addition over there. Uh, audio ducking is also added to the software. Voice commands to yeah, man, voice commands to change the volume as well, so you can tell crew chief to pick up or drop the volume. So that's really helpful, man, because I have a knob set just for crew chief and buttons and now I don't have to have that no more. Yeah, it's nice I got it.


I got it on my stream deck. A bunch of you know like spotter crew chief, the actual game. Sweet, just to hit your mic and yeah, hey, jim, shut the hell up for a couple of minutes.


I know please jim shut up, bro, don't remind me how bad.


I am right now. It's like all those f1 drivers and like, stop bothering me in the middle of a corner it's exactly just shut up for a lap or two. I know I'm sucking right now right, right.


So remember how I told you guys in a previous episode that we used a script called cc start and that cc start is no longer needed with this version because it now has auto start built in. So that's another thing that you can get rid of. Test it obviously before you, before you delete your stuff. You know, make everything's working great, and then you should be able to remove that. Let's see what else is on here.


Speech recognition improvements Glad to hear that. Sometimes you have to really yell at the guy to make him respond. Let's see. It says here properties have been added that allow user to disable all unused speech commands. Improving the recognition accuracy for commands that you actually use. See example identify opponents by driver name, which is nice. So you don't have to, just you could. Just it'll tell you hey, eric's two feet in front of you, whatever, or meters. You can identify opponents by race position. So if they're in first place, second place, seventh, whatever, you can also identify opponents by relative race position to disable some of the worst defenders. I know you could probably use that, jeff.


So then it goes on to a lot of stuff. I mean I have a big change, probably a massive change log here. Uh, they got a new experimental fuel calculator is available for use and has been enabled via the property experimental calculation. So experimental might not work, might not be accurate, so just keep that in mind. Uh, let's see, there's some new properties with fuel. So you have experimental. They're all experimental. So I'm just going to go over this real quick fuel calculation fuel percent, fuel, extra laps to include ovals for ogles for ovals, excuse me and fuel reserve for long and fuel reserve for medium and also for short. Let's see, the margins can be changed dynamically with voice commands so you could say play it safe on fuel or roll the dice on fuel or reset the fuel plan. It's kind of nice, man, all this stuff man what?


what is roll the dice with fuel mean?


random, like just do whatever you do, do something I wouldn't. I saw that I was like I mean don't tell that to george russell. I mean, there was some randomness going on still too soon summer summer break what do you mean? It's too soon, the summer break is wrapping up.


It's over, it's over. Okay, that's what's up. They're prepping out at Monza. Anyways, onward, upward crew chief. Let's stay focused.


We're almost through this, guys, I promise. So I'm skimming through this, but please, I highly and obviously update and go and check the log, but let's see the focus. No, we're not going to go over that, that's just experimental stuff. It says here don't forget to enable iRacing auto refueling when entering pit in race, if you want to use Crew Chief instead of iRacing auto fueler Because it must be disabled, which must be disabled, it says here or always ask Jim to refuel you manually using a voice command. This is obviously a very important feature for many racers. So any feedback Okay, any feedback is greatly appreciated. Summarize that Opponent information. This is nice. Check this out, guys. Jim is now able to tell you about the rating and safety license of drivers around you in iRacing and race room. We will keep you, bro. Yes, see you, class bro for the win.


No, I mean it's a start line. You can be like tell me the safety rating of the two dudes behind me I know at the start right, because it is rookie watch out okay pull over all right that's awesome. That single head is a good, good reason for a download.


That is already. Yeah, man, it's a massive change here.


It's also what they're doing. That's cool, so you know who you're battling with and stuff. That's cool. Yeah, it says you also uh, he'll cool, so you know who you're battling with and stuff.


That's cool, yeah. It says he'll also keep you informed of the car you're approaching in a lapped car or if the car coming behind you is coming to lap you long before the blue flag. So you'll know before your whatever DDU or steering wheel where it flashes blue. When the thing is flashing blue, the car is on you, on you already. It says here this is especially useful in series that do not use blue flags and Jim will encourage you to let them pass. Jim also got a bit better at closing the radio instead of giving out of date information. Thank god. If you hear him opening and closing the radio lock, consider disabling enable radio beeps or asking him how his day is going. You serious, this is a change lock, I'm not making this up. Uh. It says if you want to know what car number your opponents are sporting, excuse me, make sure to enable opponents identified by name and number.


Okay, so uh damn, there's so much yeah. So anyway, guys, I don't want to, I don't want to bog us down with crew chief. So just know, there's a crap. Ton of changes excuse my french and I highly recommend to go through them, see what they do, because it's not just a change log, it's actually instructional, it's telling you how things work and how to enable them so yeah, that's it.


I mean that by itself is a huge help because I, you know, I spent like a weekend just trying to get like my stream deck to integrate with um, with crew chief, and I still don't have it dialed in. I'll be randomly typing an email and, like jim will get on, but like that data is unavailable and you're like, oh crap, like I don't understand. Come again, understand that. Because I have, like I, when I press the button, I it gives me, you know, that's linked to the stream deck, which is linked to crew chief. Like, yeah, I wouldn't even have any game on and like I'll just be typing away in the rig for whatever, and it'd be like that is unavailable, so it's not intuitive. So that's good, that's a big reason. Just to update is for the help.


And to close this one I just have to put this out there's new voice commands. I have to let you guys know what they are, so maybe one of them will stay stuck in your head Says what's the gap behind on track? What's the gap ahead on track? What's the gap to the leader? What's my car number? Why would you? I don't know. What lap is it? That's a good one, jeff. What lap is it? What lap are we on right? Watch the car ahead, watch the car behind. Pit stop, change front tires only. Pit stop, change rear tires only. And these work in iRacing as well. So that's Crew Chief man. I'm telling you man.


Dang man.


You got to get a PC, eric. I keep telling you, eric, you got that on your.


PlayStation 5? I know you do need to check Yep PlayStation's up to date.


We got a little work to do, but we got to flex when we can. Hey, that's about where the check.


Stop too, man. I need something like this, especially the info on the cars in front and behind real time. You're on a vr headset.


You know how much, how useful this is for you that don't have a display.


You could just talk to the guy. That's kind of awesome, crazy, that would be crazy jason what are you? What's your main information really? I, I need, I just need to know what the other cars are doing. You know, and man, and then also being able to change the certain tires too.


You could watch them. You could tell them hey, watch this car. So he's going to update you, he's going to ping that, basically the car behind or the car in front of you. If you're worried about him, because it's not just one turn, it could be the second turn, the third, the fourth, the fifth.


You know what I mean turn. It could be the second turn, the third, the fourth, the fifth. You know what I mean? I mean, I'm guilty of that where I get target fixated on trying to draw the guy in front of me down, like, hey, I got five laps and he's three seconds ahead. I want to try to get a half a second every lap or whatever, and next thing I know the guy behind me is on my, on my tail. My god, you know, slowing you down. That's super helpful, jason. What do you? What's your biggest things that you use Crew Chief for?


So for Crew Chief I use well track position and weather so I want to know if there's rain coming. You know when it's relevant, right. So I mean that's. He also is helpful when the track temperature drops, because if it drops, if it gets colder on track, your car gets your tires theoretically get faster. It's the other way around they get, if the track temp goes up, as slower you are oh, no kidding so like a good tip, a good tip now that I mentioned.


If you're seeing a hot lap or you go on YouTube and you're watching a hot lap or a lap guide and this guy is like an alien, right, somebody that's posting crazy lap times Look at the temperature and make sure when you go and test the car, match the temperature to the car, because you will find that you are faster when the track is set to that temperature.


Gotcha Interesting that you are faster when the track is set to that temperature. So gotcha, oh interesting, yeah, I didn't. I didn't think about that right.


So what about you guys? What do you I mean, eric, sorry, well so I did have a question because this is oh, yeah, yeah, this seems to be a huge update.


When. Is this like a normal update path for crew chief for crew chief, or is this something that is like?


this is a totally unusual bro we don't see an update this big we see a game added like lmu or a patch or something didn't work. A release like this is massive.


Wow, full stop okay, because it seemed it seems humongous because I mean we're looking at the notes. He read probably about a third of the the changes. Like there's so much stuff, so I have here seven pages guys.


Seven pages worth of crew chief on a word document. But I'm trying to summarize them for you, to motivate you to go and check them out yourself, because it's a lot yeah.


Yeah, this is. This is huge. I definitely check out crew chief. I know I'm drooling.


And it's free, I'll be, I'll be living vicariously through you guys. That's the coolest thing I mean.


If it's free, it's for me if it's free, it's for me, I love it. You ever heard that before?


no, that's a first for me.


Quotables man I know he's always hitting all the phrases it's a different one every time I'm here for you guys, so okay, guys.


So uh, let me get back to jeff, jeff. What do you use crew chief the most for? Like, what is? Yeah, what do you rely?


on him for I use them. I got a couple buttons that are programmed and most of them are for um. I like to know the deltas to the front and back, um, so you know if it real closely positioned to my wheel where I can just quickly take almost like I don't even, almost probably don't even need to take my whole hand off and I just like delta stuff front and back. I know you could do it with your black box box and have it up, so to speak, on the screen, but I just kind of like doing the realism. You know like you don't have that in a real car. You know you actually have to use the data, your spotter and stuff. So it's nice to just press the button. You know it's like 2.3 to the guy in front of you.


That's cool man.


And another big thing honestly probably the biggest reason is when somebody spins out, you get the update before you get the yellow flag, um, or it's nice to know that, hey, three people the guy three up in front of you spun out, so you probably get a spot, um, and then by names them, too, yeah, that's super cool it'll say jeff.


Uh, it'll say jayart, because it's right first name, last, you know, first initial, right First name initial.


It'll say on track two, or if it doesn't, if it can't read the name, it'll say like, looks like the guy in third or fifth, but sometimes I think it even says like Evan Rouge for a spot, like the actual name of the turn that it crashed on. But it's cool, yeah, super cool, super useful. That's what I usually use it for. But I'm going to give it a go with this new update and try to do. I couldn't get it to, just for some reason, didn't like my voice or whatever with the. You know, hey, jim, you know time to you know person in front or whatever it is. I just couldn't do it. But I'll give it a go if they have the uh little wizard to help you set it up right, you also want to make sure that windows speech recognition is turned on, because it relies on that.


So just a quick note I hope that they found a way around that because it says here that there's some speech recognition improvements. But anyway, that's enough about crew chief. Uh, very, very excited. Um, I installed it but I haven't even dabbled in the settings because I've just simply haven't had time yet to to mess with it. But, uh, yeah, um, so last week I did a live live excuse me, live stream uh, covering a new, brand new, free to play, open world Japanese drift game called what is it called? It's called rise of the Scorpion, jdm, rise of the Scorpion. So just to give you guys a quick one, it's available on Steam, gog and Epic Games.


It uses Unreal Engine. The story is like reading a manga, like a Japanese manga, like a comic book, you know, an anime manga about a character called Hattori, and it's set in Guntama Prefecture of Japan and it's got like Mount Akina, so that's like initial D mountains and stuff like that, and it's open world. Um, it also has a combo. It's actually the map is actually a combo of both Gunma and St Tama currently handles Uh, okay, but it's not SimHub compatible yet. So hopefully that they need to fix the physics, because I cannot get this car to drift and I'm pretty good at that and I still could not get the car sideways, no matter how hard I tried. So maybe, maybe we'll see a patch, but it's free to play. It's a prologue. It is still, uh, being developed for the rest of the game and that's how pre-releases need to be handled LMU.


So had to drop it in there, had to put that in there man. Yeah, I bet you're hopefully optimistic with this one, because I know you're a huge Japanese culture.


I kept it installed, man, I want to watch it and see how it grows.


And you're a big drifter too and you're freaking real good at it. So, yeah, I know you're probably pulling for this one. Sometimes, sometimes, if I'm sober enough I can hold the drift. Here's the problem, that's the real talent. The recall analysis right there.


So yeah, interesting stuff happening in the community we're excited, this is awesome, we have more news and I. Interesting stuff happening in the community, we're excited, this is awesome, we have more news, and I'm going to hand the next section over to Jeff.


All right, thanks, jason. So we have Season 3 in iRacing. That's wrapping up here. I think when this airs it'll be maybe a week or two left, but iRacing published some updates that they're planning for in the next season, that first being is they are starting to use Jason you'll think this is cool drones to start mapping some of the tracks.


I know you're another drone dude like myself that dabbles in the hobby for photography and video, just the hobby in general hobby. Uh, for photography and video, just the hobby in general. Um, so they're starting to use. I think they went out to um caldwell uh track in england was the first one that they tested it on. But if you go on to the iRacing um website you can read all about it super cool, how they map the track, the infield um and everything just kind of give you a more detailed, more realistic um experience in general when going to those tracks.


So they're going to start um using that technology and some of the tracks that were the first ones to be added into iRacing to try to give those a facelift, if you will. So that that should be super cool. I thought it was cool just to read about it as a drone guide to see how that they're using this technology. Um, I know like architects and stuff have been using it to map buildings and they'll fly around. It's just cool to see how they integrated that into sim racing super cool that's awesome.


Imagine getting a gig like that. Jeff like bro, right you they'll fly you out to freaking the uk, and all you got to do is fly a drone around your favorite track that's cool what a, what a miserable life.


You probably you know, pretty unpaid in england, oh yeah, of course, just stop at your pub on the way home, you know you're damn right yeah have yeah, have a pint with the boys. Talk about flying your drone over one of the coolest tracks in the world.


I would get no sleep out there I tell you that's funny, but anyways, that's super cool. So big things to come out here in season four. So I'm going to quickly go through some of these. I want to caveat this with they are not this isn't going to be just a big light switch of a change, if you will for all these things into season four. Um, they are doing testings in week 13, which I think is when you're listening to this, it'll be week 13, um, and then they're going to slowly roll some of these out into season four. So I'm going to go through some of these.


Um, some changes and updates. Um, and I you guys are probably sick and tired of me talking, but, uh, there's an update to spa. I just I'm gonna start with this one, yeah, uh, so, uh, spa has been rebuilt from the ground up. Fresh scan, uh, all improvements of the facilities, the refit, resurfaced roads and significant changes were made, um, through evan rouge and a bunch of the other other turns. So, uh, I think this is a win all the way around. Um, spa is one of the more popular tracks, not just my favorite, but I know we talked about it last time that, uh, it's up there, probably in top five for you, for you guys too. Um, so that's going to be remodeled it's a legendary track, yeah absolutely.


Um, so I'm excited about that. Um, they're doing some spotty rain um, which is added into. You know, everybody lost their mind when I racing went uh to the rain. I have not dabbled in racing in the rain and I racing uh come on, man.


What's what's taking you so long?


come on, come on I just think I know you take it easy and I got my hands full. Right now I'm just trying to master my craft of the formula. So formula in the rain is a disaster, especially when you get me behind there and probably in free up.


Just do a test track, just do a test drive on the rain dude, you can always set that up.


Like Indianapolis that has like four corners and pretty straightforward.


Nah, do it on Koda man, that big turn at the end.


Yeah, so there's be some rain updates where it starts and stops and you can jump in there for some of the details while I kind of go through this. On the topic of rain, they're adding additional rain tires, so you probably got maybe five or six different rain tires to choose from In qualifying. There's going to be some changes to qualifying. I guess this is kind of maybe jason helped me out here uh with with the qualifying and I racing kind of it's not as good as it could be, because when you're qualifying and there's, say, there's 80 people that have qualified for you, it's it's difficult for the program to kind of, especially when you, when you have your third screen with where you are in compared to the others, like it's it doesn't update in real time.


so to speak and that kind like you could legitimately do your two laps, look up and be like I qualified fifth, awesome.


And then get placed and you're like ninth and you're like it, just it's it just, it even confuses crew chief, because crew chief says you've placed ninth, and then, lovely, dashboard is showing me ninth, but then when, as soon as you cross the line, the data updates.


Yeah, yeah, and it's like OK, I just ignore it.


That's what I've been doing Just ignoring.


Right, but it's, it's a lost opportunity. So there it's not going to be. From what I've read is it's not going to be a hundred percent fix where you qualify and you will see in the eighties all the 80 people where you qualified it. Just because you're not going to group with all 80 people, I don't know how they group Um, so they group you by 20s, you know, for each, they do splits and they put you in the.


Based off your eye rating and your safety, you get a strength of field and, based off your strength of field, whoever's closest to you. That's how come we race together, jeff, because we have a similar strength of field and that's how I ended up on track with you. Okay now, if there's aliens out there, we're not gonna see them and we don't need to see them. Let them do their own thing over there. Tail lights way out there. I know not going to see them and we don't need to see them.


Let them do their own thing over their headlights way out there, I know right let them run their little time trials but at least they're, at least they're.


This is being addressed which is a good step forward. You know what I'm saying? That's all we ask.


Try just yeah, baby steps forward, try, yeah, yeah, um. So uh, they're enhanced, multi-manufactured and multi-class splitting algorithms. Don't race multi-class, but if that's what you're into, they're making some improvements there. So that's good to hear. And again, they're not just rolling these out like a light switch. They'll be slowly rolling them out onesies, twosies. They're giving you the option. So you know, when you click register for the race and it comes up with you know, join, it'll give you the ability to do instant AI so you can race that track with AI straight out.


You don't have to like build your own race, so to speak. You can race AI on the track. If you have 20 minutes prior to the race, you can do a ai race and get some. If that's your thing, instead of practice, you can do an ai race, uh, to burn some time before the actual race. Um, that's kind of cool, um. And then the user interface that we see when you, you know, open up the app and it comes up with your um, your upcoming races and stuff like that. They're going to give that a facelift. I guess they haven't, uh again, uh, only been doing iRacing now for maybe three or four months, but they're going to give that a facelift, so that'll be cool. Um, and then, which is really interesting is so I think everybody and jason help me out, because you've been doing the iRacing thing longer is iRacing is the most realistic car handling, but I'm paraphrasing here the crappiest graphics of kind of the big five.


Um, yes, sims out there specifically the braking, and iRacing is the most realistic braking, yes so they are doing a new, completely new graphics engine update um so they're going with this dx12 prototype, whatever that means so.


Dx12 is the new protocol, so all your games right now 95 of them are running on dx11, which is old. Dx11 came out in early 2000s or 90s. Eric can help me out with that one. It's been up for a minute, yeah direct x12 is is definitely the latest and greatest the problem with dx12 is that some games have them and they're not playing nicely with them oh really frame, stutters and all kinds of stuff, I think I think formula 124 can run in DX12. Don't quote me though.


And there's a few other games that I've tried and I've always went back to DX11 because it's more.


It's been here forever and it's more developed, so hopefully I will say that if you go onto the website, I'm sure Jason could link the article here from iRacing. That we're talking about is they've pulled some of the? Um the curbs on the tracks. They've showed you pictures of what you currently have and what you will have um some road textures. It is so nice oh, it looks good dude fire like oh wow, like it's gonna be. I'm hopefully optimistic. We'll leave it at that.


Because, right, I mean the graphics. They're good. I mean this is amazing, but they're just good this is amazing.


It's not ACC. Yeah, it's okay. I mean, you know what, when you start playing iRacing for the first time and you compare to ACC, there's no comparison. But then the more you play iRacing you kind of forget about all that. You just it's like, okay, it doesn't look that good. Whatever the handling and the car and the feedback is where my love for the sim is right yeah and the like, the ease of getting a race um availability 100% racing um, so I hear I'm hopefully optimistic.


I haven't read a time frame when they're doing this the cussing jeff, you know the open mic cussing yeah, it's going on over there, first corner so I was gonna tell you um, look at what's happening in the community. This game came out in 2008. It's 2024. We're going into 2025. And now they're dumping money into this game. They're going to hire people out to fly drones. They're updating all their tracks. They're upgrading their graphics engine. They don't have to do that. It's already a money-making. It's a business. It's already making money.


Yeah, but people's biggest gripe with it is, well, the ddos. Um, but well, that's, that's for another day. Uh, but the graphics, you know, like, if it had, like, let's be honest, if it had acc graphics and iRacing playability, uh, you're talking about, like the creme de la creme game. So if they just invest, in the graphics. Then they're all set for the next five, seven years.


I think they're worried about their user base because a lot of people that play iRacing are playing it on old hardware.


Good point.


The accessibility of the game.


I guess they were worried about losing customers because they're like well, we upgraded the engine, now you need a powerful machine to run this, but I mean, I would hope that people are not using PCs that were built in 2008. I don't, I don't, and if you are more power to you, I'm not hating on that. I'm just saying, like the, the team, the, that would be the only game that you can play. If you had a game, if you had a pc from 2008, like stock, bone stock, without upgrading it. So I guess that's why they're they hesitated this long before touching the engine so I mean, it sounds like they're making enough money that they could have.


They might be on to something. You can ask Jeff how much iRacing is making.


They're making a killing.


I got a couple maps this week, baby.


The pay stubs are coming in.


It's like the government gives me my check and then they just take like 10% and give it to iRacing Like hey, let's do some color smart for this week.


So they're going to see your wages for them tracks.


Yeah, I know, there's got to be a way we can write that off, man.


That's a good point. It's a business. I like it. That's funny, man. All right, the IRS just skip over this part. Any more changes? No, man, I think those are the big ones. If you're interested in reading more, we'll link you in the description. But good stuff on the horizon here for iRacing yes.


So, um, as you know, all of these, you know, simulators are actually games and there's a little game conference coming to call gamescom. It's going to be this wednesday, um, august 21st, I believe yep, starting august 21st and it's going to go through through pretty much through the weekend. That's the wednesday, and a couple of companies have already started teasing some things that they will be presenting at Gamescom. So I'm going to, for the video watchers, which I encourage you to become one of on the YouTube channel, I'm going to show just a little couple of teasers, and Jason and Jeff have not seen these yet. So this is going to be some authentic reactions here.


So one of the companies is going to be Moser Racing. They have a collaboration with Porsche and they have a teaser for a steering wheel that they're going to be coming out with and it looks, you know, it's a butterfly style wheel kind of. You know, for my audio listeners it's kind of, you know, in a shadow with, like a little red backlight, kind of moody looking well, the formula on it formula look yeah, yeah, well, something like that.


Um, so the thing that's out of this bad boy. So this is the porsche mission r, which is one of their fully electric joints. Oh, that's clean looking yeah, the mission r is one of their fully electric joints and I'm gonna skip. Oh, this is, we'll leave a link, so you guys can see what eric.


If you can send me these links, we'll put them on them on the show description, so we can view. Yo, is that the wheel?


So this is apparently the wheel. They're thinking that they're partnering with Porsche, to kind of emulate.


That's clean, bro, it looks badass man.


I mean, you know I'm a Porsche fan. Now, functionality-wise, I don't know how much of this they'll be able to replicate, because it's pretty minimalistic. You know only about four, but well, six buttons and looks like two rotaries and some touchscreen stuff. Maybe a couple more buttons. Either way, I feel like this wheel is going to cost gobs of money. But man, it's pretty, it's a pretty, it's a pretty wheel, it's a beautiful looking wheel man.


It almost looks like it's hard to put my hand on it. It's like a Formula, but a GT, or I mean it looks like a.


Formula wheel mated with a Tesla screen. Yeah, and it had a baby, and that's what it came out as.


Yeah, it's a badass looking wheel man. What it came out as? Yeah, it's a bad-ass looking wheel man.


For real it is dude, that's nice.


So I want to get some guesses on what you guys think you know the Mercedes wheel with Fanatec. Theirs is what? $2,500? Something like that. What do you guys think Mosley's going?


to try to put this one at price. Wise, I think they're gonna come underneath it uh you know, because it was uh, was it sim lab and mercedes?


sim lab. Yeah, that's, yeah, sim lab mercedes and that.


So now we're talking maza and porsche. I think they're gonna undercut them. I got it at like 17 to two.


Okay, I mean that'd be reasonable.


I'd say 15 for that.


Yeah, I think for 15 that.


You fit 15 with a Porsche logo on there. Man, you crazy.


Well, it's gotta be, it's well okay. So it's well okay.


So it's moza, right that moza just dropped the wheel and I think it's 800 then their new wheel that has the rotary dial on it yeah, so I mean gyro screen in the middle, yeah yeah, so my money is 15 I could see that if they're. Well, I don't know, like jeff said, it's, it's a porsche collaboration, I don't think. I think porsche thinks their stuff should cost just as much as mercedes. So I don't, I don't know. I think they might jack the price up just because, uh, on this guy, but um either way, that's cool.


That's a cool yeah yeah, with the, it's got alcantara grips with like some little buttons underneath the thumb. It's a, it's a cool wheel, um, but also no, not to be outdone.


Like I said, there's another what else you got up your sleeves, man? What's going on?


there's another company that's near and dear to my heart that is going to be at Gamescom, and they have unveiled some new hardware. So SimMagic has what looks to be a new wheel, new round wheel and a new pedal set that they're going to be unveiling at Gamescom. Now these pedals look fully kitted. It looks like they have some haptic motors which look totally different than the ones that me and Jeff have mounted on the back of them. They kind of have a I don't know what you'd call this like a futuristic kind of look, a real sleek kind of look to them.


They look like street pedals a little bit you know, like a little smaller. You know what?


I mean like contoured yeah, they're weird that they're all the same size and shape.


You know, normally your gas pedal is, you know, long and skinny and yeah the brakes should be like wide, so that way you don't like miss the brake yeah, but I mean that's how it is on the p1000s though oh, but this is going down right, so we'll know about all of this stuff before this episode drops. I believe it doesn't look like it's hydraulic either.


Huh, so yeah it looks like it's all spring or um elastomer little canisters on the back so there's rumors and we're not a rumor podcast but there is rumors that you know, simicube has the active pedal. Yeah, there's rumors that sim magic might drop something to rival it, because right now that's a three thousand dollar pedal, one, one pedal yeah, singular pedal yeah, one pedal, that's crazy.


Yeah, so that's crazy I've been waiting for a sale or something, something, a coupon I remember when I sent you that picture I was like hey, look what I found on facebook marketplace for like 500 bucks, and you were so mad I thought he was gonna buy them. I was like bro you better not buy those man, that's cool man I can't wait to see more, hear more details yeah.


So, jason, it seems like you might be waiting just for a brand change on those pedals, if these are sim magics attempted active pedals if they are active pedals, then yeah, I think I might.


I may finally give up my, my houston belt, ultimate. So the thing is, and you can ask jeff, I bought the p1000 pedals but I didn't like them. I didn't like the. They were too small for me. But you, you know, I ordered the inverted the, the inverted set, so that may had something to do with it.


Oh, okay, so you had the big set, all right.


So then I just thought about it and I was like you know what? There's nothing wrong with these brakes that I have, my, my, my, the set that I have now I just wanted something that I can mount the the motors to right the haptic motors. But then I saw that 3d, some 3d printed guys, started printing out brackets for every single pedal and that kind of did it for me. I was like, oh, I don't have to change my pedals because I can, I can mount these motors, but that, right there, if they come out with a with an active pedal, yeah, we might have to make some adjustments.


You know, watch out yeah, that'd be, that'd be dope so today, or actually this week, I'm gonna have eric.


Cover, please, those questions. We have two this week and we're excited to cover those, man, because those are quite extensive and we love reading every single sentence. It was great. I think I read it like maybe three or four times. But, eric, the floor is yours once again all right, yeah, so we have.


Like jason was saying, we have two emails that came in and we appreciate everybody taking the time to give us feedback. Like we said last time, we know that a lot of people are quick to give negative feedback, but whenever we're getting positivity, we love it. Give us, give us all the positive positivity you got. So the first one is going to be from Bob Burke. He says hi, jason, jeff and Eric, thought I would drop you a line to let you know how much I enjoy your show. I listen to the podcast when I'm on the road driving my truck and a few days ago I came across the lovely sim racing episode. I thought it was fantastic.


I started going through the rest of your podcast. You guys are doing a great job. Lots of relevant information and enjoyable conversation. We appreciate that. He says I started playing arcade games in quotes at the arcade in our local mall back in the 70s. Yes, you read that correctly. It is amazing how far things have come since I played Pong on a Commodore 64. That is awesome. He said I've been building my rig over the past few years and finding out, as you all say, it's never done.


No, it is not.


Yep, he said. I got into Forza on Xbox for a few years but didn't keep it up Once work started taking more of my time and energy. When the pandemic hit, I decided to get back into the hobby, but a bit more seriously, and now I have time to enjoy it. My base is an 8020 rig and he says, best purchase will never change it. Good job. All of my controllers are Fanatec, good quality gear, but I felt that I was on my own to figure out any issues and there have been a few, but all good. Now, after a lot of trial and error, I have a Buttkicker Pro, which I highly recommend to anyone looking for more immersion. I have VR, but mostly drive with my 34 inch curved screen, which reminds me of a windshield. One of my favorite additions is the Stream Deck.


Another must have as far as I'm concerned which these two guys can attest to. They're both running Stream Decks. He says I also just added wind simulation, but I'm not gonna get it working.


I will work on this in the next month or so. I'm not technical, so the learning process for all this stuff can be slow and frustrating. Having said that, I did build my own gaming pc and it works like a charm. Shout out to jeff I know you're the newest uh gaming pc inductee. I know that's been fun. He says my favorite games are Assetto Corsa and iRacing. Assetto Corsa is for my drives in the country and a Porsche 911 on an open world map, mostly in the highlands of Scotland, nice, he said. When I want to race, it's a Porsche 911 GT3. My favorite tracks are Bathurst and Nordschleife. Awesome, mostly doing solo runs. Being 69, I'm not expecting to have the reflexes to be competitive against young guys like you fellows, but I'm learning to drive faster and stay on the track. You'd be surprised how important it is to just stay on the track. I mean that's underrated 80% of the fight.


Hey, George Russell won just because he was on the track. Yeah, I'm telling you, man. So, uh, what's going on? He says, uh, at first I couldn't, I could not make it around the nord without crashing. After many, many attempts I made it through the entire track and lately I'm posting the odd sub-8 men lap, so making progress.


What? That is awesome. You sub-8s on the Norris Lapser Sub-8 is respectable. What do you mean? That's not slow at all.


Not at all bro.


That's dangerous man. Yeah, for real man. That's competitive right there.


He says the plan is to focus on one race craft skill at a time and just enjoy the process. Eventually I'll start racing against real drivers, but for now I'm having a blast doing what I'm doing. Future additions to the rig include including Govee ambient lighting. I have the light bars, just waiting for mounting brackets to be delivered OK, and also just about ready to pull the trigger on a slip angle for corner shaker setup. Oh yeah, he's going all in. Yeah, I love it. The slip angle will be allocated to road inputs, while the butt kicker will be for car inputs using SimHub. Thanks again for your contribution to the SimRacing community. I see a bright future for your content. In closing, I'll give you the highest compliment I can think of. You make me want to jump into my rig and drive bob wow thank you, we appreciate it thanks, appreciate the time taken too.


That's awesome, just good, and somebody is not freaking slow bro, not at all he's one of those those guys that I would be scared of you as you should be.


It was like oh I just like going out there cruising around the countryside. Let me just throw these floors this time, and they're like oh yeah, man oh, that's awesome man, yeah, we're glad to be part of your day when you're driving to work and stuff yeah, man really appreciate the words.


It's awesome, it's awesome to hear different perspectives and you are definitely ready to race against other people. I mean, you can scratch that off right now.


I'm telling you, man yeah.


I think it's cool to see Oops, sorry, okay, go ahead. Eric.


Oh no, go ahead, I was going to go to the next one.


Yeah, I was just going to say. I think it's cool to hear people talk about it Like it's just a process, like they don't. It's not there, just try to to get faster. Right, it's. Hey, I built a PC, I figured it out. I'm not super technical, but I'm going to get this equipment, I'm going to figure it out, install it, plug it in and get in there and expect faster times. You know like it's. It's a grind, it's. You're like, I've learned so much about computers, pcs, you know, like software, hardware, all the stuff to just you know to to be a part of, and just have get in the rig and drive. Um so, bob dude, uh, hats off to you, just about the process, man, and the grind and getting faster and just enjoying it. No, it's not, you know, doesn't always have to be about dropping tenth of seconds here. You know, if you want to get into the countryside and your GT3, good on you, dude.


Awesome, yeah, man do what makes you happy. That's the most important thing as well.


Yeah, like you were saying, Jeff, there's no, definitely no easy button with getting faster, you know. So, you know, so you know. If immersion is the name of the game, there are some things you can do to easily increase that. But trying to get faster, you know, got to be in a rig and sometimes you just got to be lucky. So we have another email. This was sent in by vlad sanchez. Uh, so, subject says new listener and have you tried race leagues? I mean league races. So he says hi, jason, eric and Jeff, I found your podcast recently when you had Constantino's on to talk about the lovely dashboard. I was instantly hooked and binged all your past episodes and have been enjoying the new video podcast on YouTube as well. Check us out. This is Kane podcast on YouTube. Uh and uh, uh, let's see. And he said I've been sim racing for two years now and hearing all of your stories reminds me a lot of the different phases that I went through.


Initially, I bought my fanatec gear dd pro club sport shifter, csl, load cell pedals in august 2022 to primarily play on gt7, let's go. And within a few months the PC bug got me. I made a few upgrades to my PC and started playing Dirt Rally 2.0, ams2, soto Corsa and ACC. When I learned about SimHub, I added Dayton-based transducers to my Playseat Trophy and can't go back to racing without them. I also added a 5 inch ddu using the lovely dashboard, and that was a game changer to have the same dashboard across multiple cars. So it's easily. So it's easy to quickly glance at the information that I needed I need that in my life man glanceability bro preach it.


He says uh. I then took. I then had the multiplayer bug hit me and after initially having trouble getting a rookie license in ACC LFM, I took advantage of a three-month free trial for iRacing and haven't looked back since. I quickly got out of rookies and fast-tracked my way to a C license. I think we left that with you, Jeff.


It reminds me of somebody.


In order to race the Porsche Cup? Yeah, In order to race the Porsche Cup. You all seem to be big F1 fans and I like to equate the Porsche Cup to an F1 car, where it has no ABS or TC and heavily relies on driver skill. I had always heard that if you can be fast in the Porsche Cup, you can be fast in any car, and I agree with that statement. I learned how to properly trail brake in this car and you can't lean into the various assists that the GT4, GT3 cars and others have that tend to hold your hand too much. After taking advantage of some ridiculous micro center sails and open box items, I upgraded my gear to a semi-cube two sport Houston fell sprint pedals.


Houston fell handbrake and triple 32-inch LG monitors, of course, the pedals were a huge upgrade over the base Phenotec CSL pedals.


Oh yeah.


The biggest change for me was moving to triples from a 65-inch monitor that I previously used, and actually I started on a 100-inch projector. Okay, so he's been iterating a lot, which is how it goes, Experimentation yeah.


Yep, he says being able to race side by side made a huge difference in my confidence battling with other cars. I'm also starting to dabble in VR since the PC adapter came out for the PSVR 2. Yep, it is out. My biggest suggestion to the group is to check out league racing. There are tons on iRacing and I believe that gt7 has leagues as well for eric to check out. They do. I'm in two of them. I just gotta find time to race. Uh, he said.


After listening to your most recent episode where you all shared horrible turn one stories, I knew I had to reach out to let you know that many benefits of league race, the many benefits of league racing. I know many leagues operate similarly, but I can share my experience with the league that I've been a part of for almost a year now. The league that I help admin, global iRacing League, has been operating for a few years now and has a discord of over 1100 members, have various series mx5, porsche cup, f4 where they all follow the official iRacing schedules. The difference from the official series is that there are different race formats that vary from week to week. There's one we call super heats, where it is a triple heat format of shorter lengths 10, 15, 20 minutes with reverse grids, top four and top eight. For the last two heats there's a classic. There's a classic heat uh, format similar to F1 sprint races, where there is a 15 minute sprint race followed by a 30 minute feature race with a reverse grid at the top eight. And finally, we also offer a 50 minute endurance races with the mandatory one or two pit stops to add some additional strategy to the races. Sounds familiar like what we had to do for GT7 this past week.


The biggest selling point of league racing to me is the community and knowing. You are racing with the same group of drivers every week. It is similar to F1 in that everyone is practicing for the same track to have single weekly race on a specified night. Pro and AM divisions are set by race pace rather than I rating and you compete with those in your division. Also, the skill set in each series is varied enough to where we have a pretty good distinction of the top drivers.


Midfield and back markers, where everyone has their own rivals in their own skill group. Back markers, where everyone has their own rivals in their own skill group. That's cool. Personally, I'm solidly in the midfield and I get the same sense of being an F1 skill, being an F1 midfield driver, where I know who I'm racing against and what drivers are just way over my head in terms of skill. Our Porsche Cup Series, our P series uh, our, our pickup series, uh even features open qualifying for the F1 experience, where you need to know who is on a fast lap and to stay off the racing line. Our league has our own scoring system, again similar to F1, where it is all lap one. Incidents are automatically reviewed by our team of stewards and we allow incident submissions up to 48 hours after the race. That's cool.


Serious, Then depending on the severity of the incident.


we assign penalty points to drivers that will affect championship points. On the flip side, if a driver has three clean races in a row, they can possibly get penalty points reduced. So this helps promote fast but clean racing amongst the drivers. Since we're all racing a single race a week in each series, drivers are a lot more careful and turn one incidents are greatly reduced. That's good to hear. You tend to learn who the aggressive drivers are, but for the most part everyone is very willing to take blame for any incidents that they cause. There's a sense of accountability that is missing from official iRacing series. The best part is the iRacing and safety rating. Irating and safety rating are not affected in league races, so you can have the thrill of the competition without worrying about having your ratings drop If you have a bad week.


Finally one of my favorite aspects is that we have an open discord voice chat during the race and the majority of the grid joins. Some only listen to the banter, but others will have friendly conversations prior to the race and sometimes during the race. It's also very easy to apologize if something happens to be in, if there happens to be any incidents along the way. Everyone is extremely positive with each other, from sharing how much fuel you need for each race to hearing live coaching happening during races, like which gear to be in for a particular turn. Sorry for the long winded email. Hey, we appreciate them all.


You know I'm ready to read whatever we get. I didn't realize I would type so much, but I'm pretty passionate about league racing and it has changed my whole experience with iRacing and I fully believe that it needs to be talked about even more. We are all make-believe racing drivers in the end, but it helps us live that fantasy that we are racing against the same grid of drivers every week battling for the extra point that might make the difference from a P4 to a P3 as seasons end. Great job so far on the podcast. I already see how much improvement has been made from the earlier episodes and the youtube podcast have great production as well.


Shout out to jason, he's been working thank you getting us, getting us looking good.


I know that's hard work, man I really appreciate this man, all of it and he says uh as well.


I just wanted to share a link to my league, which I don't expect you to mention on the podcast, nor promote it.


Which we will.


We have yeah definitely, but he says it would be awesome if you would drop in and say hello and see what our racing leagues have to offer. Hopefully I will get a chance to race against you guys in the future, whether it be in a league or in official races. Thanks, Global iRacing League. That's awesome man.


Wow, they are way structured too, man, to be honest. Yeah, go ahead, jeff.


It's funny that it's just interesting all the timing, right, because I was complaining about the first corner, like Mr Sanchez was talking about there, and I found out I'm in a couple facebook sim racing uh pages or whatever groups, and somebody else was complaining about first turn, and it was today that I was like. I was like, say it louder for those in the back, and somebody posted in my comment that hey, you should really think about joining a league. And then we got this email too. So, um, yeah, I think, uh, I think joining the league is in my future. Um, I think it's, it's cool to jump in there, and I, I just don't know enough about them, you know. Um, so, yeah, uh, I'll probably reach out to you, dude, and ask you some questions, if that's cool. Um, super interested, sounds like you guys have a super squared away they are super squared away league.


They have their own stewarding.


They have their scoring system.


I didn't think it was that involved. I thought you just had a group of friends or a big giant group of people that just race together. But to actually have accountability like that, see, when you're accountable for something, you automatically behave different, right? Because if you could just run away, uh, you know, if you're on track and you just run away and never come back on again, then no one knows who you are really right, other than your iRacing name. But being part of a community might help and it might help us get faster, because I'm not that fast in iRacing, I'm not. I mean. So, wow, I'm just speechless right now. Thank you so much for that detailed email. Uh, that's incredible, man. I will definitely be checking out this league out and seeing what, what it entails and what the schedule is, because that's another big challenge for Jeff and I is the time zone difference, so we just got to make sure that that's compatible. But I tell you we are highly interested in in what I'm seeing here. That's awesome.


So and eric, you also have a. He put you on. He put you on as well, man, that's what's up. You know, on leagues, man to get and you said you race on leagues, it is it. Is it similar to what we see here in the email? Or?


so, like you were saying, the structure is definitely not to this level. Um, essentially we have like a guy who runs the leagues and he basically pick a track, car type, you know particular type of race and he schedules it and it's like a week out. So basically everybody just hops in and does the qualifying and practices and then at that set time do a qualifying lap and then we'll race. And it might be a couple of different tracks you do that night, it might be just one, but having the actual scoring and the stewards and the penalty points and all that stuff, I mean that's just a whole other level.


I know, man, I'm actually impressed with that. I mean yeah.


I'm in two of them and you can kind of tell the vibe of the league if they're kind of, you know, just fly by the seat of their pants, or if they're kind of laid back, you know, trying to get faster, just you know, trying to help each other out, or if you got some guys that are really just like super aggressive and you know, kind of over the top with being serious. So that's been my experience. But this sounds amazing.


To be honest, like this one, this league seems like you could take it as far as you want. If you want to be, you know, aggressive and grind it with the front guys, you can do that, unless you like going at your own pace and you know finding you know aggressive and grinding with the front guys, you can do that. If you're unless you like going at your own pace and you know finding, you know like he's like he was alluded to a mid-pack, but it's cool because he's grinding probably with the same dudes every week. You know trade and paint with you know mike from louisiana, you know, or kent from kansas, every week you know it's like a club you get to meet people and an open discord channel where they're talking shit to each other.


I love it, dude. It's awesome. You learn people's habits and stuff. That's kind of dope.


Yeah, we might want to check this out, guys.


Yeah definitely but.


I mean amazing. Thank you, guys. That's all about the time we have for today. Sorry about the long explanation on the changes of things, but this these are good changes coming to the, the sim racing community. Right, we have all this stuff now we have. You know, we just been invited to a league and I'm going to share this league out. It's going to be in the description, so if anybody is interested, um, you'll have that information as well. So no problems there. Anything else, guys, eric and jeff, before we wrap up here, nothing here, man no man, I'm rounds complete drive fast, break late okay, there it is.


I've been waiting for it okay, super late, got it all right, guys. Thank you so much, bob and mr sanchez, mr sanchez. So, bob, and appreciate it. Thank you so much. Um and bob hit me up about the wind simulators. Man, I can help out. If you're having a problem installing those things, just email the show and let me know what kind of software, what kind of hardware you're using and we'll work this out. And, sanchez, we're going to challenge you on this. Anyways, guys, thank you so much and have a great Startup View Week.

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