The Chicane Podcast

Overcoming Challenges and Controversial DLC Strategies

TGS Sim Racing Episode 15

How frustrating can it be to miss out on a long-awaited purchase due to geographical limitations? Join us as Jeff vents about his lost opportunity to snag the coveted Solpec Spectre XR wheel and his relentless pursuit for a viable alternative from the far reaches of Hawaii. We unpack the unique challenges faced by sim racers in remote locations and the resilience needed to stay engaged despite logistical hurdles.

We then tackle the thorny issue of game development and monetization, zeroing in on Le Mans Ultimate's controversial DLC strategy. Is it ethical to charge for content in a pre-release game? Eric and I debate this hot topic, drawing comparisons with other sim racing titles like ACC and Ren Sport. We dive deep into community trust, the transparency of developers, and the broader implications for the industry, offering a balanced yet critical perspective on these practices.

Lastly, we revel in our shared love for iconic racing tracks and cars, recounting personal stories that illustrate the highs and lows of sim racing. From navigating the infamous chicanes of Spa-Francorchamps to mastering the treacherous curves of Mount Panorama, our passion for the sport shines through. We also highlight the importance of community feedback and camaraderie, encouraging listeners to share their own experiences and stay safe both on and off the track. Join us for a heartfelt and insightful discussion that celebrates the essence of sim racing.

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The Hello and welcome to the Chicane Podcast, where we discuss all things in the sim racing world. I'm your host, Jason Rivera, and I'm joined here again by Eric Kelly and Jeff Smart. How are you guys doing today?


Doing good man.


Hey fellas, I'm doing well, a little stressed out. I got a quick update. If you guys want to hear it, let's hear it. I know, I know, I know I've been uh, I think Jason knows I've been eyeballing the Solpec Spectre XR and I, late last week, reached out to a vendor because there was no US vendors for Solpec. If there is one, please reach out. Happily work with you. But reached out to one in Australia. He asked what color combination I was looking for the all black and he said oh, actually I have one of those that I can be ready for you to ship on wednesday it was a match made in heaven match made in heaven.


He said reach out to me on monday and we'll get this sorted out. Well, unfortunately, gang monday in australia starts sooner than it does in Hawaii, so when I sent my email this morning that some bitch had been sold in Australia oh man, no Bro, I Damn Jeff. Months, months of waiting, months. And that sucker got sold out from under me within hours.


Hours. Oh my God.


I hate that for you, man.


Damn, how many F drops, drops, how many f bombs.


Excuse me, did you drop man? Oh, my god. Well, it's, it's hard to even like. It's my fault for waiting so long, right, so my fault. I could have said to him on friday or saturday, when I saw the email um, hey, it's considered sold. Send me the invoice as soon as you get on monday, as soon as I, would, you know, like really articulate that I was serious about it. But I saw it and I said the first word was you know, first sentence is hey, I'm really sorry to tell you. Um, and it was like, oh, something's wrong, he didn't have it, he had the wrong color combination. But nope, it got sold.


When you open up like that, that means nothing but bad news, man, I promise.


I know we're slowly building our listeners, a number of listeners, but if there is anybody out there that is a distributor for SoulPack other than Turkey, somewhere a little closer, uh, reach out.


looking for the all-black model, I'll settle for the red and black one he must email us at the chicane podcast, please exactly, yeah, yeah like that's my life to a t though, like that's like like sim racing, like getting hardware and stuff like that shipped out here, uh, to the middle of pacific that's. That's kind of what my life's been like for the past six months and we're not going to get any sympathy living in paradise, but that was a great way to start Monday morning, fellas, my alarm went off at 2 45 AM to get to work early, read the ready, read some email as I was walking out to the truck and let's just say one day could, couldn't we're start, it can only go up from here, only can go up from here. So that's my gripe for monday morning, um damn man, I'm sorry we're, we're gonna recover, we're gonna recover.


We're gonna lick our wounds a little bit and we're gonna go research some other uh, soul pack distributors. We're gonna get there, we're gonna there's gotta be something we'll.


We'll take a look and see and, of of course, we're going to update you on Jeff's journey with his.


I was hoping I was going to get to display this new wheel here, but in the famous words, the show must go on.


The show must go on. This is correct. So today we have quite an agenda. Today I want to give you guys an update on LMU's development. Lmu is Le Mans Ultimate. So, as you guys know, this game was released and it's still in pre-release right. So it's not finished and there's a few things that have been happening with the game. We touched on this in the episode with Constantinos, but I want to get into detail what it is you're getting for DLC that they're charging you money for in an unfinished game. So, before I even go further than that, how do you guys feel about somebody charging you money for something that's not even finished? My opinion is you should finish the game before you start making other things to the game and prolonging the finished you know the finished product. What do you guys think?


um go ahead, eric, you take this one first yeah, I think it's interesting, especially the time we in now with game development, mostly because most games that come out aren't finished, whether they say it or not. I think, um being honest and saying, hey, this really is a beta, we're still working some shit out. But if you want to pay to support or pay to, you know contribute and you know support the development of it, then that's an option. I think the transparency is, you know, would be a better route. Um, so to me that's that's normal still. But there are games I can't think of the last game that came out that it dropped, and day one it was ready to go, regardless of what they called it. So to me it's on a potato potato to be honest yeah yeah, I think you brought up a good point.


There is the transparency. I guess if they were transparent and, you know, were honest about their plans for uh, kind of the, the way that they were going to present the game, I think the community probably would have been a little bit more understanding. Um, true transparency. I don't own the game. Um, I may in the future. Um, just kind of feeling out what the community, the sim racing community, thought it when it came out. Um, and honestly, I've been busy with my hands with other sims and it's never really had the itch to go get it. So, yeah, I just never scratched it, I never felt like I needed to get it. So I'm not really super hurt, but it does seem like they're kind of pulling a fast one over us. So, yeah, jason, what do you think?


I mean as much as I want to say yeah, I'm all for this because it's more content and I love content. I love when developers put out content. And I definitely agree with Eric with games nowadays. For quite a bit of time I mean over a decade we've been getting patched games. You know, I remember growing up playing a Super Nintendo. There was no patch or update to be installed.


The game was made, it was purchased and that was the game. You know you couldn't develop further for it. You know what I mean. So now they're taking advantage of us because we're willing to pay money for something that's new and shiny. And, yes, they're being honest with the game being in pre-release form. But then you're adding to the time, right, because the game's not fully released.


At least if you're going to release the DLC pack, say, hey, the game is finally in finished product or it's a finished. You know it's a finished game and now we're just going to throw in some dlc to further support the developers and development of the game for future improvements or whatever. But you need to get a baseline first. You know what I mean. In the game it is playable. It was way better than what it was a few months ago. But I mean, I don't know, I just uh, I just feel it for the gamers that are. You know they put the money forward to support a pre-release.


So how much more money do you need to finish this product? You know what I'm trying to say. It's like how much more money. And then I'm just going to go over the contents of that dlc that came out. It's um 12.99, so 12.99 us or 11.99 in european dollar or 9.99 pound. Says here it comes with imola and it comes with a new lamborghini sc63. Says here's a cutting edge hybrid car prototype making its debut in the top tier of endurance racing, and it also comes with a 2024. I'm probably going to butcher the name pgeejit, is that how you say this 9X8 Hypercar I?


think it's like a Pugo Pugo or something like that.


I completely butchered the name, so the content's there. What do you guys think? Is this worth $13? Be honest with me.


Well, if you look at it from what it costs than the other, you know, uh, games it's. It's probably about there, maybe a little thin uh okay, you know when you, when you compare it to a um, a dlc from acc, or you know whatever you want, um, it, it. I just think that the people that downloaded lmu didn't think that they were going to get a DLC prior to you know the, the, the finished product, and I think that's what Eric was alluding to with the transparency.


Yeah, that's weird that they hadn't put that you know official launch stamp on it yet. And also, as far as like to your point, jeff, acc DLC packs, the pricing is kind of close or a little bit more, but it would be like two cars and a track that's pretty thin. I feel like they're just trying to drum up some money to keep development going.


To be honest, I feel like this was just trying to drum up some money to keep development going. To be honest, I feel like this was already made and they just exactly how you said, eric, is they're just trying to make some money off of it now so that way they can use those funds for you know, to pay for the cost of development. You know what I mean. So yeah. And I think psychologically oh my god.


Well, I was gonna say I think that, you know, just psychologically, I've been hearing, you know I've been hearing good feedback about the game. There are people that like it. They say it's one of the you know, the sims that they're the most excited about now. I think if they put it out as less, hey, buy this dlc, and more, hey guys, we're, you know, hot and heavy in development and if you want to support development, then donate 12, 13 bucks and and for that we will give you, you know, a couple of cars and a track, and that way you're not placing the offerings up against a full-fledged deal. Cpac, you know it's more of a thank you for continuing to support the game. I think you have a lot more people buying to it, but once people start trying to look at the value that they're getting, I don't know if it's going to hold up.


Right, I mean, yeah, go trying to look at the value that they're getting. I don't know if it's going to hold up right, without I mean yeah, go ahead jeff, yeah, I was gonna say you know the release makes it relevant again.


You know the community's talking here we are talking about. It keeps them, you know I don't say relevant but for lack of a word relevant, it keeps them in the news too to. You know, drums up, drum up some money and stuff like that.


So thin release we're talking about some other people talking about it, you know all right, well, that's yeah, just a small update on lmu and where it's at, and I hope by the end of this year they can have a finished product. The same thing is going on with this other game. What is it called um ren sport? So ren sport was supposed to come out in december of 2023. We're about to be. We're rolling into december of 24. I don't know what's the hold up there. I really don't know what's going on with them, um, but it seems like their beta is pretty stable for those that you know you can try and it's open now. You can try it. It's open for everyone to to go and try now.


So yeah, and they've kind of got that same well, a similar model to what I was mentioning, where you get the game and they have different I I forget what they call them, but they're like different tiers that you can, you know, buy into and you get something at each tier. It's not necessarily DLC, because it's really not what it is. They're like liveries and, you know, at a certain level you get highlighted as a contributor and you get your name on a track, like on a billboard, on the side of the track, like the premier they name a track after you or something that should be dope they don't name a track after you, but they just have.


I guess they're going to have some billboard or something with supporter names on it, and if you?


get the chicane podcast billboard out there hey, man, that might be an option.


I will be built, you know it's. People are spending a lot of money on stuff, man, so I think if you just, you know, just put it out there, be honest, like, hey, we need some money. If you like what we're doing, support us and we'll give you something on top of, you know, continuing to develop the game that's well said, ben, I think that's well said right there.


That's being even more transparent. But yeah, that that that's about um it for a quick update on lmu and and rent sport. Now I'm gonna hand this over to jeff, for, uh, jeff has some inputs for us.


Yeah. So you know I'm big been been into the iRacing lately and you know I feel like every week I'm buying a track or two trying to build the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the. You know, the, the hopper, if you will, of all the tracks that I got, the hopper, if you will, of all the tracks that I got. But I think every Sunday or Monday they switch the tracks for the open races.


And I got in there this week and there wasn't a freaking track that I owned, not one, damn Bro. And I'm talking so all the open wheels, damn Bro, and I'm talking so all the open wheels, so the Formula V, the 1600FF, the F4, nothing. I didn't have a single track and it was like I've put in probably I don't know over $100 with just content and I didn't own a single one. So here I am sitting there and this is probably I don't know a couple days into the week and it's like should I buy these and run them for a couple of days and then they're going to switch again, you know? So I know, eric, I'm not sure if you've you've dabbled into the iRacing yet, but Jason is there.


I mean there's gotta be some other people here that are in the same boat with like is it every week the expectation that you're going to buy a track to at least race, like my wife was like, just buy one, it's you know you're going to race it, at least you. You know you got the rig. You might as well just do it. And a first of all, not all wives out, is you know, does it come back around to the tracks and you know where it's not normally like this? Or or is this just the expectation that you suck it up and buy a track every week or two, two tracks so?


um, this is a problem when you first start getting into the the game and you choose a series. Right, and the good thing about you, jeff, is that you chose a series. You didn't go to GT3, oval and all the other ones, because they have their own version of their own tracks, right, some of them come in a bundle, but it is quite expensive to own everything in iRacing. I mean, you're looking at somebody. It was like over $2,000 to own everything in iRacing, which is insane, damn so for me. I mean, this is what I told Jeff. Jeff, you got ACC. Man, just throw on ACC and ride it out for a week or get back into rookies yeah, it's addictive.


No, no, I ran a rookie race the other day, um, which is fine, right, it was super fun. I'm trying to build the, uh, you know, I'm trying to get the battlefield promotion uh into c class before the season ends, or the, so I can work b next season, you know. So I can try to get two for one, but if you will, but I got one, I did a rookie, it's fun. You know, don't get me wrong. You know racing's. I can try to get two for one if you will, but I got one, I did a rookie. It's fine. You know, don't get me wrong. You know racing's, racing, but right now I'm addicted to racing another human, not the AI. So I love ACC for what it is, but right now I like that.


I love that.


F4 car and I'll probably end up buying one next week. You know, hey, I hate saying it is what it is, but it's just a little tiring.


No, you'll see. Eventually, when the new season comes out and the new schedule comes out, you're going to see oh, I already have this track, I already have that track, I already have this track. There's also a buyer's guide a lot of YouTubers make and you can go off that and it's kind of like it's not 100%, but it's like an average of how many times this race has been like repeated or how many times are they running it in the season and compared to the last season. So I mean, the good thing is that what I racing is you don't have to buy all the cars, because that would be insane. You know what I mean. You only need one or two cars and then most, most of it is just tracks.


I think if you just stick with it just a little while longer, I think things will settle down and you'll see that you'll find more. You know races. The thing with iRacing is that there's always people racing. There's always people online, you know. So the competitive edge on LFM is there, but you need to know when to at what hour to get on when the user base is there. You know LFM on ACC when the user base is there.


You know LFM on ACC. But to your point, you know. You know living in the middle of Pacific is it's tough to get a grace. But I race, you don't have to worry about it, there's always going to be people out there.


Right and I hope I hope that changes, though you know business model for iRacing.


You know cause.


LFM is free. You don't have to buy anything, just the DLC for the game, that's it. Once you get that, every single race is free and qualify yeah.


Easy peasy.


Alright, so, eric, what you got for us, Eric.


Yeah, man, I'm just thinking about. You know racing. I wanted to ask you know what y'all's favorite tracks were. I'll start out with Jeff, seeing how he's having this eye racing woes. When you are able to race on a track, what's your favorite one to race on?


All right I think it's been spoken many times on this podcast that head and shoulders it is spa. I love spa. I think it has it's built. It has high speed sections, high speed straightaways. It's got high speed turns. It's got turns where you need a tippy toe around the corner. It's got. You know, in those corners you got to gently lay on the power. You can't just hammer down. Um, it's got just, it's got. You know, in those corners you got to gently lay on the power you can't just hammer down. It's got just.


It's got full straightaways into hairpin turns, into nine degree. It just has a little bit of everything. But the cherry on top is the chicane up the hill. I mean, it is as good as life gets is when you come around that the start, finish the 90 degree or the 180 degree tight turn and it's a long straightaway and you're like in sixth or seventh gear, depending on the car, and you're going uphill into that chicane that's blind, into the straightaway with. Then you hit DRS and life doesn't get much better at that point. So, um, for me it's spa. I love it. It's the biggest track, at least on F1. It's the longest track. Yeah, I could talk about Spa all night. I'm going to go to a race there one day, in real life, eventually someday. But it's Spa for me, head and shoulders.


That sounds like a plan, and you answered actually another question. I was going to ask what car or what group you want to be in, so Spa and F1.


Yeah, I mean, shoot, I'll drive in anything. To be honest, it's fun in ACC and a GT3. It's different. Right, you just got to handle the cars a little different, different braking points, but I like the open wheel formula. Yeah, it would be. Yeah, the F4. Right now that's what I've kind of been doing, switching into the super formulas.


That's a beautiful car man the F4 car, yeah, yeah it handles like a dream, bro, that thing. Oh yeah.


It is, yeah, it's just thinking about that. Uphill chicane into the straightaway is as good as life gets. As good as life gets. So yeah, jason, what do you think, dude?


Yeah, what's yours man?


My track is Suzuka. So my track is Suzuka. I'm a big Japanese fanatic, but it's not just about that, right? So it's kind of like, because Jeff mentioned Spa, spa is definitely in my top three, you know, but it's because the diversity of the track, you know, suzuka has the S turns and then it has a long straightaway and then it has a big deep corner and then it has a massive brake zone into another straightaway. So it's just, it's a, it's a track that will test your limits on the straights and on the and in the corners and the slow corners as well. And then it's just a historical track. You know what I mean it's. It was built in the 80s, I believe, and for my group, of course, is going to be gt3. I don't mind racing an f1 car there either.


They can, they'll, they'll fly on that track as well okay, hey, jason, is suzuka the only, and I speak just for the f1 circuit, but it's the only track that has a a tunnel or an overpass, if you. Depending on what part of the track you're on, right, it crosses over itself, I think in the f1, in the f1 calendar.


Yes, yeah but I believe fuji.


I believe fuji has one. Don't quote me on that, though, because fuji's not in, fuji's not in the. You know the f1 calendar. I wish it was yep, and that's a. That is a dope ass track too the fuji track.


That'd be cool. Two stops in japan hell yeah that would be cool. Yeah, they did them back and back so you can make a trip out there. Get two races that, too, over like 14 days.


That'd be cool yeah, man, that too is the scenery. The only thing, the only thing bad about suzuka and I'll just be 100 real with everybody is that the actual town of suzuka, there's not much to do it's. It's kind of country, it's very, you know, it's very laid back, there's not really much to do. It's not like tokyo where it's, you know, it's loud and there's a lot of lights and and people and stuff. And because I've considered taking a trip there and and it's kind of like, uh, it's like on my bucket list to same, like jeff, to go one day and go see your favorite track. And actually you know, see the, see the heat waves coming off the the track. You know what I mean. So, oh yeah, what about yours, eric? What's your, what's your track, man?


yeah, man, so let's hear it. For me, spa is number two. Definitely, doing the chicane in an f1 car in vr is amazing, um, but my number one here recently is, uh, mount panorama, oh my god, gt3 is I? I don't know I'm I'm addicted to it. I don't is I don't know, I'm addicted to it. I don't know why. I don't know. If it's because it's so difficult going up it like winding up the mountain.


It's like the hardest track, at least for me Climbing down the mountain, when you get it right, when you hit all those turns man, you feel like you did something. And then it just opens up. It's literally like you climb up the mountain and then you climb down the mountain and then you just get the exhale and long straight, my, you get to relax for like about a minute and then then you get to go through this shit all over again yeah, exactly, it's like so many cars there, eric?


I'm sorry for interrupting, but I'm telling you right now this the downhill portion of that track is disgusting oh yeah, yeah, it's really.


And for me on GT7, it was the weekly last week, along with the new physics update. So having to relearn how to brake on that track, as one of the weeklies was, I mean the carnage, the carnage that was happening in those races was crazy. But when you figured it out when you learned the new braking model and you were actually faster.


Did you get a quarter panel or two?


Oh, there are many virtual lives lost. I'll say that because it was crazy, but yeah, that's my number one.


For me, that's a good pick man.


Yeah, I forgot about that one.


Australia too. You know I'm going to make a confession here on the show. When that track would come up during LFM, I would not race it. I was scared to death of this track and then I just I didn't want to ruin it, I didn't want to crash nobody because I could not dude, it's a tough track it's got walls all around.


During the difficult parts you just go off the track. You hit the wall.


No, on one of my live streams I lost the car and somebody clipped me, and that was it right.


And then my car was in the middle.


No, no, that's another race. I go through a lot of stuff, you know, on my screen. I appreciate you promoting that. So, no, the car. You know that. There's that part where the hill goes down like that and it's like in the turn, dude, my car was like dead set in the middle and there's really there's literally no space to back up and I was like forward, back, forward, back. I was like oh my God, oh yeah.


Yeah, if you lose it, it's tight bro. Yeah, you lose it anywhere going up or down a mountain, it's embarrassing.


It is.


Yeah. I'm lucky because in GT7, when you lose it, you turn into a ghost, and so at least the other drivers come on, you see jeff there you go, come on more stressful.


There's nothing more stressful than like even if you're off, but it's still a car car car you're trying to like find the smallest gap to get back out on the track. You're like oh, all those cars, I just earned the spots I earned gone, gone that's good man, that's. Those are some good picks.


Those are some good picks yeah, awesome, so what you got question? Say, say again, uh, say again eric I'm not just asking what you had up next oh yeah, yeah.


So just a quick one. You know it's kind of related. If you had 30 minutes, right, let's say you got home, you know you getting ready for something, or you have a 30-minute window and, knowing these things, it takes at least five minutes to turn the wheel on, to turn the DD on, to update the software. Make sure your screens don't shut off on you. You know what I'm saying? Little problems like that. What is your go-to? We're going to start with Jeff. Jeff, what's your go-to?


My go-to is obviously going to be spa. So first I jump into iRacing and see if 30 minutes is tough to get a race with qualifying in the practice, so we'll scratch iRacing. So it's definitely going to be ACC. Yeah, it's going to be the McLaren, the Evo on Spa, and I don't care if it's an AI race or just me burning hot laps, that's just. That's the best 30 minutes I'm going to have all day. Don't tell my family that, you know, besides hanging with the kids and stuff like that, oh yeah, it's confidential.


Yeah, mccain Podcast NDA yeah.


The McLaren on spa in ACC Hands down yeah.


This information won't be released until about a week from now. So you got about a week of life, Jeff TikTok.


TikTok. All right, eric, what you got? You got 30 minutes. What you doing?


For me 30 minutes, I'd have to say. Obviously I'm on GT7, nvr on the Nürburgring in a Porsche.


GT3 Porsche. You get like two laps with that 30 minutes. That's what I was thinking.


How many laps can you possibly put?


without wrecking. Oh yeah, not wrecking, that's different. So on console, you know, we hit the button and it just works. So there's no downtime, there's no prep time. I mean I can get you know, probably three laps in if I don't rig.


I feel like this is a hint of a shot at the PC community, which.


I'm a huge supporter. It's just an acknowledgement.


Just an acknowledgement of the reality You're like oh, look back and you're like, oh yeah, my playstation's up to date yeah, yeah, you know, I mean it's.


You know I think it updated while I was sleeping or something like that. You know, oh yeah, yeah just because I haven't learned the nerver.


So just anytime I get I I like learning more about it I got a question and this is I don't know if there's a right answer do people actually memorize that track or they just take it for as it comes? I think you memorize it because you really think so I mean I still remember the turns because the track is very similar.


But then there's little things about it. Right that you kind of remember a lot of markers yeah unique markers on it.


It's, it's just the. I just like driving it because it's got so much to it. It's uphill, it's downhill, it's tight turns, it's bank turns, it's, I mean it's, I don't know.


It's just fun to drive and try to survive yeah, and you and you're going through the woods and the countryside.


Yeah, that's a good one.


I totally forgot about that. That's a cool pick. Yeah, it's a beast man.


Yeah, so for me, 30 minutes. If I had 30 minutes to burn, this is going to shock you guys, but it's unfortunate because they came out with nothing. That's not allowing me to play the game, because I don't. I refuse to install it. It's a eawrc and I would just run a um, they call it. A moment is what they call it, and they would change every week and then people would get in there and do this stage and then be based off of real life. So they give you the car and if the car had damage in real life, then they'll give you the car with the same damage. It'd be at night and the lights don't work or whatever. And usually those are about 10 minutes.


So you know, I would get in there and do some rally fun, because when I get into ACC at least for me I'm staring at the setup, I'm staring at the temperature, I'm making sure I do one or two laps and then I pull back into the pits. By the time I look at my watch it's like 30 minutes is gone, bro. So for a quick one, um, a rally game. Rbr is another game that I'll we'll cover on the show at a later time, but you know rbr is another option. Um richard burns rally. It's old as hell but it's still um heavily supported by the modded community. Right, they rebuild that game and it's like the best rally game you could play. But it could be very stressful. But a game like ea wrc is chill, it's fun and, yeah, that's what I, that's what I would do with with 30 minutes of my time that's a cool pick.


No, I totally forgot about wrc, andrc, and you don't have to be as precise. If you will like driving a GT or a formula car. Yeah, I haven't played it forever, man. I forgot how fun that is.


Yeah, the driving school was fun in that game. The moments you could build up your own rally car you could build it from scratch. It's kind of nice, it's kind of cool. Sucks with the update Sucks with the update. It sucks with the update. If you had a.


PlayStation you still got anti-cheat.


Well, I don't know. You know what. I'm going to look into this.


I knew it was coming. I mean, we should have seen all that one coming a mile away.


Oh man, I'm just kidding.


I'm going to replay these episodes for you, Eric, when you buy a PC. I'm going to replay these episodes for you, Eric, when you buy a PC.


I'm just going to let you know right now that we're filming all of this.


This is being documented right now.


Hey, I know what pains await me. Every screen on my three-screen setup will be worth it there you go bro. Let's go, buddy. See, now you're thinking let's go.


Now you're thinking, bro, but you know, I mean I wish I had an extra rig just for for gt7 with vr. I'm being 100 with you guys. I wish I did. I just don't have the room for something like that. That's a lot. You know what I mean.


So yeah, yeah, especially the compatibility issues.


Yeah yeah, and then I have to buy a whole new everything, and that's. I'm not even done with the stuff I got here. You know what I mean? That there is no done, are you?


ever done. Yeah, come on. We've learned that lesson many times it's a reality.


So today Actually today we got an email into our inbox. We're going to call this.


TheChicanePodcast at gmailcom.


Yes, and it is the question of the week. That's what we're going to call it, and I'm going to hand this over to Eric. To start off with.


All right. So huge shout out to murismo for sending the question in to us. Uh, he says hey guys, congrats. I just wanted to say congratulations on the show and a big thank you. It is just what I've been looking for as a newish sim racer over in the uk. I'm currently one year into the whole experience playing grand Turismo 7 on PSVR 2. Let's go, which just totally blew my mind the first time I tried it. Within a few days of playing on my PS5 controller, I had bought a belt drive wheel, the Thrustmaster T248, that I set up clamped to my coffee table. Six months later I had upgraded to a Phantatech DD Pro on a racing stand and last month I installed front and rear base shakers.


It is honestly the best. Look he's in deep bro.


Yo, fanatec, got him right away you see that Fanatec hooked him in, got him, gaffed him, as Jeff would say.


You got gaffed, bro, yeah, but he says it is honestly the best gaming experience I've had in my life. By some way, I'm now keen to branch out and explore other VR racers on PC, so your podcast is perfect for this. I'm so grateful for what you are doing and there is so much information out there. I'm hoping that the PC adapter for PSVR 2 that is about to release will mean this is an easy transition, apart from having to buy a gaming PC. I feel you, man. We're in the exact same boat. All right, I don't have a gaming PC yet, but I want to pick up a PC adapter for the PSVR 2.


And I don't know. It's coming. It's coming out. When's it coming out?


eric, that comes out on the 8th yeah, it comes out on the 8th, it comes wow yeah it's the fifth right now. It comes out on the 8th. It's going to be like 60 bucks.


Uh, it's going to do display port adapter.


Yeah, geez, now it's. Yeah, I mean, it's pure translation. I mean, with PlayStation stuff, you know, they do the authentication, so I'm assuming that it's basically that and maybe some extra power or something like that, because you're doing display port and you're doing USB port.


Inflation hurt Got to be USB 3.1 or 2 or something like that. It's real kind of finicky, but he says I'm playing catch up on your episodes at the moment. The most recent one covered cutting edge gadgets and mentioned butt kickers. I completely agree with how awesome base shakers are and how they add to the experience and would totally recommend them along with SimHub. But I would like to mention that while you talk specifically about butt kicker products, there are significantly cheaper options that deliver the same effects, if not better.


Just a quick YouTube search of Bass Shaker Sim Racing provides step-by-step guides on setup. For me, I bought two 50-watt Dayton Audio Bass Shakers with the tiny knob sound amp with built-in sound card, which seems to be a pretty common setup. One Bass Shaker is mounted under the seat to simulate rear wheels, slash general car effects and one under the pedal mount to simulate front wheels. All this for around $200 US. I've seen some rig setups that use four base shakers to simulate individual wheels, which is perfectly achievable, given SimHub offers eight separate channels, although for my setup two is just right and provides good value for the money. I hope this may be of interest to you and your listeners. Keep up the great work and great to see the youtube channel has just dropped. I wish you every success. Drive safely, morizmo.


Thank you, morizmo thank you very much for that email, man. That was awesome, awesome.


Yeah, yeah. We appreciate the thoughts, appreciate you going through the catalog shouting us out, and he's already on to the YouTube, the Chicane Podcast, youtube.


Can we just take a second and realize how Take us out, there we got a video.


You can see us.


He took the time of day to write all this man, I'm like I have no words for this right now. I know it's tough.


This is dedication, man In order to. So when I work customer service, they told us one thing People are quick to write negative reviews, but when people write a positive review, that means that they were very, very impressed.


This is very true, man. Yeah, people remember bad stuff a lot easier than they remember good stuff, and I know this, yeah, because I'm one of those guys bad stuff a lot easier than they remember good stuff. And I mean, and I know this, yeah, because I'm one of those guys, I promise you I will drop a one star, cussing everybody out. But I won't leave no five stars to nobody. Ain't got time for that. So thank you so much. Can we take a second?


and appreciate how quick this dude escalated. From where? He was to you know he went real quick boys. I think we've all jumped on that train, that moving train that went by the train station we just jumped on. I feel like we might have had something to do with it Just a little bit.


He's listening to us. We're missing this stuff he's upgrading.


Uh, I blame you guys, because I'm in the same boat no man, you can't blame us, bro, I already told you that, if I can, if I could just speak to the the um, the bass shakers a little bit, because when I first was looking for something for that feedback, whether the butt kicker or the base shaker, I did see the base shaker and I think what got me was A the advertising. To be honest, with you with the butt kicker, they just had more product out there. With you with the butt kicker, they just had more product out there. Um, and as a new person that didn't really know much, um, there was more facebook or, excuse me, youtube reviews. Um, I could just see more out there.


But I definitely did see the bass checker and, to be transparent, like I would love and I'm researching one to put one on my pedals for just the same reason that marismo did, uh, so, appreciate it, and I was a little nervous about hooking this up to my PC. You know something that's not I don't want to say, for lack of a better word as polished as the software that Buckkicker is in the product. I don't want to shorten anything out, but it seems like this is, you know, great feedback, that you know that the product works great and the price is great too. So, marissa, my man appreciate it, definitely going to look into it. And thanks for the feedback, dude, and it's good to see that this rabbit hole of spending on on the rig is there's company here.


Yeah, yeah, man, and to add to Jeff's comment. You know, none of us are. We're all in the same boat with you, man. So if you found something that works for you and you actually got it at a decent price, this is valuable information for everybody that's listening to this show. So that's how come we're not ashamed to read that on here. You know what I mean. It honestly doesn't matter, as long as you are using that feedback to your advantage and you're actually learning what it does or what your car's doing. That's all that matters, because I can't even see my butt kicker. You know what I mean.


Once you buy something, you put it in, you install it. You're not looking at that. You're looking at the screen and you got your hands on the wheel. That's all you can see is hands on the wheel screen. Everything else needs to work and you got your hands on the wheel. That's all you can see is hands on the wheel screen. Everything else needs to work, and if it works for you, then that's awesome. Thank you for sharing that with us. I really appreciate that so much. I mean wow. So, maurice Moore, if we're saying that correctly, many thanks for that.


So now, let us know what you're driving in your rig. I'm curious to see what he's driving with the setup setup and what he's trying yeah, I'd love to know what your favorite uh, you know, let me know what your track is and, uh, what your car or what your uh, what your passion is in the sim racing. Hey, I'm gonna jump real quick. I agree with everything, but that second to last line. To drive safely, you drive safely, you're gonna drive slow, marismo hammer down, jeff, you gotta break hammer down break you want to jump into it quickly.


What am I? I'll get to get it out of the way, man marismo, drive fast and break late buddy, there you go I mean drive safely.


Yes, to work, you know in the civilian world, but not all that crap man eric, please did you come up with something. I mean, I haven't probably come up with anything, I just say thank y'all what you got for us man.


Hey man, pedal to the metal, I don't know. It's a work in progress. It's a work in progress.


All right, all right, all right, all right. That's a step that's a positive step in the right direction. All right, all right, all right. That's a step that's a positive step in the right direction. Yeah, it's a baby step. All right, guys. Thank you so much, amorismo. One more time, big thank you. And, yes, email us at thechicanepodcast at gmailcom If you would like your story. It doesn't have to be a question. It could be your story, your journey, and we'll read it on here on the show and share it to everybody, because it's valuable information and we can all learn from each other, right? So thank you so much and have a great start of your week, thank you.

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