The Chicane Podcast

EA's Racing Gamble: A Deep Dive into F1 24's Development

TGS Sim Racing Episode 7

Ever wonder why the latest F1 24 game feels more like an arcade racer than a genuine simulator? Join us as we tackle this and more on the Chicane Podcast. Jason Rivera returns from his European vacation, bringing fresh perspectives, while Eric Kelly celebrates his graduation from the leadership program of the 100 Black Men of America, sharing the profound impact he's making on young lives. Eric and Jeff offer no-holds-barred reviews of F1 24, voicing their frustrations over its "arcadey" feel and lack of essential features like mouse support. Together, we speculate on EA's development choices and the future direction of the franchise.

Our conversation doesn't stop there. We shift gears to tackle the broader implications of EA's yearly release cycle and explore whether taking a development break could yield a more polished product. Drawing parallels with the recent improvements in the NCAA college football game, we consider if such a hiatus could benefit the F1 series. We also discuss the disappointing state of F1 24's online multiplayer mode, comparing it to the consistent updates and superior online experience offered by iRacing. This segment is packed with insights for anyone frustrated with the current state of racing games.

Finally, we dive into the future of Formula 1, exploring the 2026 regulations that promise more powerful hybrid engines and 100% sustainable fuel. We debate the potential impact on the sport's tradition and excitement, especially with concerns coming from major teams like Red Bull, Ferrari, and Mercedes. Along the way, we touch on the environmental impact of electric vehicles, Apple's sustainability claims, and even some updates on sim racing peripherals for PS5 users. Plus, we celebrate a podcast milestone of surpassing 200 downloads and tease the exciting possibility of a future video podcast. Don't miss out on this engaging episode filled with candid reviews, insightful discussions, and valuable tips for sim racing enthusiasts.

100 Black men Organization -
FIA Proposed 2026 Regs Article -

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The Hello and welcome to the Chicane Podcast, where we discuss all things in the sim racing world. I'm your host, jason Rivera, and I'm joined here again today by Eric and Jeff. How are you guys doing?


Doing good man. Doing well, doing well. How are you guys doing Doing good man?


Doing well, doing well. How are you guys doing, Jason? You doing well.


I'm doing good man. I just returned from travel. So, if you guys didn't know, I've been away on travel for almost a three-week vacation out in Europe and just getting back into things and a lot of changes on the internet and the news and stuff. So we need to cover some of these things. So today we're going to cover F1 24, the new game and its post-launch and we'll go over thoughts on that for the new game and it's post-launch, and we'll go over thoughts on that. Uh, jeff's gonna cover real life, some f1 real life regulations that are changing and we're also going to go over some updates to the peripheral used for in um for sim magic, uh hardware to for, uh, ps5 compatibility. Uh, eric's going to cover that and I'll go over iRacing. But before that I want to give the mic over to mr eric kelly. He has an announcement here and we want to congratulate him, but I want to give him the honors to make that announcement here on the podcast.


So, eric, please, hey man, I really appreciate it. Just to keep it quick, I graduated from the leadership program from the 100 Black Men of America. The purpose of the organization is to mentor young boys from single-parent homes, but reality is we are mentoring all kids. Shape, sizes, colors, sex, it doesn't matter, because you know we see. The benefit in this institute is um. Only 24 of us were chosen from dozens and dozens of chapters in the us and also in london and turks and caicos in the caribbean, so it was a big honor. Um. They put on a nice little shindig for us at the national conference this past week in Atlanta. It was an amazing turnout. We had some awesome people come. Vice President Kamala Harris and some of her crew came out and thanked us for our support in the past and stuff, and it was just a wonderful time, man, and I'm honored Well congratulations, man Sorry.


Good for you, man. Good for you. That's big time, man. The vice president and all that. That's good stuff, man. Good stuff, good to see people, good people, doing good things.


I seen this man on social media with suits on and all kinds of stuff and awards. And I was like man, wow this, you know that's, that's really awesome. I know how long have you been working on this Cause I know it's been a few years right.


So I've been in the organization for only three years. This program is actually a six month program.


OK but the purpose it kind of designed it to where we're tackling some issues that the program has. That also like if if we were to fix these in the program, it would also help the community. But my particular group's project was to figure out how to establish and grow chapters in other countries. Project was to figure out how to establish and grow chapters in other countries. So I got a chance to interview, uh and work with people from london and also turks and caicos on their issues that they have with trying to establish programs like this that are designed to help, you know, kids in need awesome man.


so we'll add links in the description for this organization that way, if you guys are interested, anyone that's listening wants to check it out then we'll have links in the description there for you to check it out. Ok, so with that I want to roll right into this. I've been away for a while. I've been away while this F one 24 game launched, so can you both please just uh, I want to hear your thoughts on the game. I have my thoughts that that I will. I will uh publish it here in a second, but I would like to hear uh, both of you, since you've had more time with the game than I have, so I will, I will give this to eric and jeff and you guys can can uh share your thoughts and opinions on on the matter so.


So, jeff, you don't mind me going first, because I I didn't buy the game, so my opinions are going to be very concise okay, go for it, buddy based on feedback I've gotten from everybody. Nobody loves this game. Uh, they talk about the mechanics being different and it being more arcadey, and just not pleased with the game at all, and all I have to say is good old ea right. Well, you're Right. Where you own the licenses, you can do whatever you want to do.


All right. So I saw all the YouTubes, all the people going out there. They're jumping out quickly trying to get a review out and there wasn't a single person that had anything nice to say about this game. But I thought I'm going to give people the benefit of the doubt. So I was like these people are putting videos out just to get the clicks. Nobody wants to go out and say it's a good game. Everybody wants to get the clicks because they're saying it's a bad game, it's trash. The handling, the realism, whatever, that's the easy button. So I was like nope, I'm going to buy the game. Bought it Big F1 fan. It's really like the only way you can jump in and race with real livery. And boy, again, no mouse. Here we are. We put a man on the moon like I don't know how many decades ago.


We can't get a game with a mouse. It's crazy. It's a pc game without a mouse support. Just think about that. Yeah, let's say that again. Let that sink in.


Yeah, so anyways, we'll move past that. But, like first things, it's just that my biggest gripe is you can point the car wherever you want to go, almost regardless of the how fast you're going and the car is going to turn. It's just unrealistic to think that you, like you're going to be going, you know however fast you're going around a corner and that car is going to stick it. Just it just doesn't happen. The handling characteristics in the you know what I think they call it the engine and the handling of the the game just is unrealistic. It's like cruising usa back in like the 80s. You know, you point the car where you want it, it goes, I know that's it is what it is, man um


I had a hard time, um, finding some graphic settings that made it look good. You know you're going down the straightaway at spa and it just didn't have the crispness that you're that I was expecting of an ea game. I really had to get in there and really dig and grind and find some settings that made it look halfway decent, um, but the thing that really did it for me is I jumped back in 23 immediately after and I was like this game is better on everything. It's almost like they released them in the wrong order. Uh, the handling. I'm not saying 23 is great handling characteristics, but it's just way better.


The graphics I felt were better and crisper, maybe a little bit oversaturated, um, but honestly it was a better product. You know, from the user interface to you know the actual gameplay. So, um, I'm not gonna, you know, poison the well and tell people if I'm gonna return it or not. You know I'll let people make their own decision on that and know if they're gonna buy it or not, but I'll probably stick with using playing f123 more. So, jason, you want anything? Ed?


yes, um, the the only thing I liked about the game and this is one thing, and it's actually mind-boggling that you you're what I'm hearing is that the graphics are better on an older game, which is weird. You know that's. That's not usually the case. Um, you expect something new to be progressively better, even if it's that tiny bit, you know, but you still have this expectation of a game being better yeah, and it's just.


That's my opinion too. So, everybody you know, go in with your eyes wide open, make your own opinion, but go ahead.


Jason, sorry to jump on you or jump over you no, I mean you basically took the words out of my mouth. Man, the car feels way too pointy, it has way too much grip. The um, the graphics, I didn't really notice. I don't know. You know most of my time is on acc, so I mean you spend way more time than I do. So you know you're you're our f1 guru expert on this stuff. But you know you go in with a optimistic attitude and positive and you know it's always let down. So I mean I was always the one that said, hey, let's support the, but the developers aren't supporting us. You know what I mean? That's just the bottom line. They're continuing to just pretend like they care about us or the gamer and the enthusiast, the ones that want things, and they just don't deliver. So right now I don't recommend anyone purchase it at full price. I would wait for a sale or if there's some sort of demo that you can try the game and judge it for yourselves, that's probably it Right.


Okay, that's probably the best way to put it is I wouldn't. I wouldn't if I had to do it over again.


I wouldn't pay full price, but if I could get it on sale, sure what people are saying, because they're paid to say these things, you never know what kind of deal was made. In the background, a reviewer can say, oh, my thoughts are my own, but then they're hiding details or hiding things from you, and then you discover things that are not too good. You know what I mean. So just gather the reviews, do the research and then, if there's a demo or there's a sale, I recommend, if you're on PC, you should be buying this game on Steam, because Steam will allow refunds. So you can, you yourself. Jeff, if you feel like you want to stay with F1 23, then you need to not play the game, because I think there's a two hour limit with refunds on steam. So if you're over two hours, you might be.


Uh, you should try it anyway Right, but you should still try, cause I've seen where, even if you you know, if you if you request a refund, they sometimes they'll, they'll honor it and especially if it's your first time, you know know, asking for a refund.


So yeah, let me ask a quick question it got updated liveries uh there is that you know yeah, well, I was gonna ask you know me and jeff were kind of talking about this before the podcast started. But a lot of the sim games, uh, when they first come out they were kind of trash or rough around the edges, I'll say what do you?


guys think the? What do you guys think the odds of them fixing f124? Or will it just in ea fashion? They just make promises on the next game well, let's say they did eric.


Let's say they fixed the issues and they made it feel like f123, because that's what the game that's, that's that's what the gamers want. The gamers want the game to feel like the previous game. They, they're not. They're obviously trying to. They're trying new things and it's not working out. So how do you fix that? You revert back to the previous game, right, so then? So then I'm, I'm just playing a reskinned game for $70.


I mean that that wouldn't be abnormal you know EA standards.


Yeah so so let's look at it from like an EA perspective. So this is the first year that they came out with a new NCAA college football game in a handful of years and it is light years ahead of what it was, you know I think that they had a Madden from what I've seen.


Yeah, I mean they knocked it out of the park. So if it was me in charge of EA, hey, listen, if we need to take a knee for a year, we're going to start with a clean slate. Don't build off of 23. You know, I don't know what the crowd. You know if the return on the investment is how many people are buying this stuff to make it worthwhile. But you know, start from the ground up, like you did with the new college football. Build a new engine and give us a new, improved product, not a you know version 1.0 1.2 update I'm gonna.


I'm gonna butt in here. The problem with that is that ea is a yearly release model. There's just not enough time and development to cook up a new engine they want to ncaa.


So for college football they didn't release one for like seven years. I'm not taking, I'm not saying don't release an F1 for seven years, but don't release one for 25 and come out with a solid one for 26.


See, here's my opinion on that. Right with the NCAA thing, my opinion is they didn't release one because it probably wasn't selling. This is my opinion. I don't want to hurt anybody's or fans' feelings on it. And then when it does come out, seven years later, you're saying there's light years ahead and it's because you haven't had one. And now it's built on this new technology that we have now the new consoles, the new. That's fair.


You know what I'm trying to say.


You haven't had it. You haven't had it. So when you finally see it and now you're what two generations ahead it's it's gonna look amazing you know what I'm saying?


no, you make a very valid point yeah, and I'll say um, even because I've watched a lot of content on it and I have close friends that are kind of in the EA ecosystem on other games, especially like Madden and stuff like that, and it's kind of like what you're saying you have a year there For them to come out with a new game every year. They don't have the time to actually deep dive and develop a new system like that, but they are fine coming out with games that are very close to the same every year, updating some of the stats. So it would be very beneficial for the customer if they did do what Jeff was saying, like take a break and either just kind of get F1 24 to the point that they kind of promised initially.


That's what we really want. That's what we all want.


Yeah, but they're, you know, they're not going to bro let's not hop the license and give it to somebody else. That will give us what we're looking for.


Oh man, that would be wild. Yeah, that would be crazy.


You know the biggest thing.


I think about EAa, jason and you remember this. The damn mass effect. Mass effect came out and that game was already a great universe, right and?


and they just crumpled it up bro they, they crumpled it up, yeah they stamped the logo on there and once they did that, it just, it just faded and just faded. Well, that's f124 for you guys. Um, I hope it gets better but, like I said, I don't see it getting any better than the previous gen game, if that makes sense, because other than a new, updated, uh, what is it career? Uh, it's not the my team, it's the my driver career, that's the only thing new the game has.


I mean I might pick it up again. I refunded the game. I'm fed up with it, I'm upset and I don't feel like paying $70 for a game that I'm just simply not going to play.


To your point that you were texting earlier about is $80 goes a long way with cars and tracks and iRacing.


Right, and we're going to cover iRacing to see how that money can work for you, for the F1 enthusiast and the f1 that's chasing that and wants to have a grid. That's fair, because that's not even go into the online, because f1 online is terrible. You know what I mean the, the multiplayer. None of us play the multiplayer. We always play the, uh, the single player. Because the multiplayer is it's, it's not good, it doesn't have a good net code, it lags, you know it's just it's really bad.


You know what I mean licenses, isn't really squared away man, I didn't know that, that's.


That's new to me.


I don't play f1 much you should try it, eric, because I know you got the which one. You got 23,. Right, 22?, 23?


Either 22, or Either 22 or 23. That's what I was going to say too. As far as it being on sale, the way things are going, it'll be on sale real soon, because they gave away.


Oh yeah, it'll be on sale.


Definitely 22 or 23 for free as a part of the PlayStation subscription earlier this year.


so yeah, because they get rid of them. That's how they get rid of a title. They'll send it to game pass or they'll send it to playstation plus or whatever it is, and that's how they send it to its death. You know what I mean. They'll get the, the very little money from the, from the company, from sony or from xbox, that'll pay them to host that game on the server and then that's it. That'll be the end of it For whatever time period it's on there, and then it's gone forever.


Best case scenario.


Again, this is not an EA bashing podcast. I hope everyone knows we gave it a fair shot. We paid real life US dollars for this. No one paid us to buy the game. No one gave us a code. So you're hearing it from three different perspectives. Right, you're hearing it from eric's mind and jeff's. So with that, um, I'm gonna hand this over to Jeff and he's actually going to cover some news that he has to share with F1, the actual F1 championship, sport in real life and regulations and some changes. So I'll hand this over to Jeff.


Yeah, thanks, jason. So FIA came out with some new updates to the next generation F1 cars, so I'm going to cover here. They got six big updates that I'll touch on here and then kind of reach out to you guys because I got some points that I'd like to discuss. So I'm going to jump right in here. So first is a more powerful hybrid engine increased electrical power, hybrid engines with 100% sustainable fuel, an agile car concept at the heart of regulations to promote closer and more exciting racing. A lighter, smaller car to improve efficiency and handling. And then manual override modes to provide following cars with a boost of energy and new active aerodynamics. So a big portion of this is the new power unit is the world's most efficient hybrid to enhance to deliver more power than the current one. It's a 300% increase in electrical power with 100% sustainable fuel, so it's double the energy recovery during braking versus the 22 cars.


These are Jeff. These are 2026 regs, right 26 yes, 26 yep so we're gonna see audi come in in 26 eric. That is correct. Yeah, that's gonna be nice yeah uh the chassis.


Uh, I'm not gonna get into it here, but, in summary, the car is going to be lighter, about 20 kilograms lighter excuse, 30 kilograms lighter. It's going to be shorter and more narrow. The thought is that it's going to create better wheel-to-wheel racing. It's going to be. An interesting point here is the downforce is going to be reduced by 30%. That kind of rolls into some of the questions I got for you guys. They got a bunch of new aerodynamics, some modes z mode and x mode uh, gives the ability for active arrow on the front and rear wing, so down the straightaway, so kind of like a uh, I think of a drs on steroids, if you will um, and then, uh, some safety updates, which is probably be expected every time they get a. Uh.


A new update for the car, uh, and this is the one that are really going to interested in you guys is the new hybrid engines powered by 100 sustainable fuels. Um, and this is the regulation uh, that is the fia goal of net zero in 2030. So, after all everything I said, gentlemen, my first question to you guys is and I know where I stand on this, but I want to hear other people is when you watch F1 and motorsports in general? Are you concerned about being net neutral and making sure that you're 100% sustainable fuels and things like that making sure that you're 100% sustainable fuels and things like that? I'll start the conversation off.


I miss the V10s of F1, the sounds, the speeds. We have all this technology. We're kind of going backwards in car development. The car is going to be slower, smaller, you might get better racing, but I like the cars going fast, I like them being loud. I think the, the hybrid over the the hybrid uh boost that you get with the battery is cool, but don't take it at, don't take away the power and things like that. So I've said enough, gentlemen.


I want to hear what you have to think about this well, it sounds like these cars are probably gonna go electric, you know? I mean, we already have formula e if you're concerned about emissions and the environment yeah but this is motorsport, man, you know, this is motorsport, this is, yeah, you know that's like the nfl being worried about peter, yeah, like.


Like it's tongue-in-cheek when they say this stuff. Right, because it's 100, net, net neutral, but max verstappen and all these dudes are taking private jets. You know, you're like, I got it. You're trying to appeal to that portion of the fan base, but I think and this is Jeff Smart's opinion here the vast majority of F1 fans want to see loud cars, v10s, speed.


The screaming car coming around the corner. The screaming car, yes absolutely.


Yep, yep, that's my opinion. I oh and I did read some articles here that there are a number of f1 teams that are extremely dissatisfied, to the point they are protesting the f1 on some of these regulations. I know red bull is one of them, so that's technically two teams, um, but I did think that ferrari mercedes jumped in there too with some of this is just not good for f1, the brand. Well, jeff, you got to think, though, when you mention mercedes.


Mercedes is a power unit, so who uses their. So that's. That's basically all the teams right there you know, yeah, it there's.


you have the Red Bull power unit, because they have their own power unit now. It used to be Honda. It is a Honda. Let's not pretend that. It's not a Honda, it's a Japanese engine in there. It's just rebranded to say Red Bull. And then you have their Mercedes powertrain and I forget the other one, but I'm pretty sure, oh, ferrari, ferrari, yeah. So, aston Martin, williams, they all use Mercedes. So if their motor is going to be, if their team, if those companies are going to have to go through those many changes, it's going to be a. I don't think that's going to fly man. I really don't, to be honest with you. I hope you're right.


I really don't, to be honest with you. I hope you're right. I hope that there's some type of update to it, but I'd imagine that the FIA put a lot of money into research and development and building test vehicles and test cars and test aero to make this stuff. So time will tell. I'm hopefully optimistic that they're going to walk back some of this stuff, but I don't know and I'm with you, man.


I wish they would bring the damn v10s back you know what I mean.


There's those, you know I I send you a bunch of the instagram videos of them. You know the f, the, the v10 car coming by and the sound that it makes.


Yeah, yeah, the comparison.


You know the the current car coming down, you're like it's not even comparable.


We're moving the wrong direction right and racing used to be um so much more skill and driver than computer driver aid. You know what I mean, so this sounds like more that you know what I mean reducing reducing downforce. You know it tells me that. Okay, so if you're going to reduce downforce, that means the engine is going to be doing everything.


So what do you do? You just floor it. You. You don't have to think about cutting cutting air, or you know um dirty air or stuff like that. You know the different, um the things that make the sport great. You know what I mean.


The right the week. The week updates that the team's back in their home base a piece of tape that they put on the damn spoiler Seams and stuff.


Yeah, that one little piece of tape makes the car just fly because of the aerodynamics. You know what I mean Aerodynamics.


I don't know. I think the community as a whole, from what I've been reading and seeing on social media is that as a whole, whole people aren't really thrilled me I.


I mean, let's enjoy it while we can, guys. You know why? Because you know it today, tomorrow's never promised.


So you know I'm pretty sure I do my. Yeah, I try to do my part for the environment and stuff like that. But like the things you go off to blow steam on, you know, for recreation and for enjoyment and spectating, I want to see a great product that's entertaining, and if that means that you know we're going to make sacrifices other places, I'm happy to do that. But that's, that's my opinion on it. So I think we'll be reading a lot more about this in the news here coming up, ok, and that's, that's a good update, man. So I think we'll be reading a lot more about this in the news here coming up.


Okay, and that's a good update. Man, I actually, eric. Do you have anything to add on that? Also, I don't know if I cut you off there, sorry.


Well, no, I was just thinking. You know it's kind of the same push with, you know, consumer cars. They're pushing the EVs and they're kind of held as the, you know the, the savior. But the reality is you kind of lose a lot of the benefits because the production cost and you know pollution produced kind of offsets any savings you get from having a final product that has zero emissions. And you know I'm like, I'm with you, jeff, like I don't want a battery strapped to a small engine, like give me a big engine yeah.


And then, to be fair, you know I drive an electric car and it, you know people always say, oh, tesla, they, they're zero emissions. But then how many, how much pollution did it take to build the car? You know what I mean. To get those batteries to build, you know just. You just have to be realistic about these things. You know what I mean. So, and it's all a marketing thing, this whole thing, it's just the marketing thing. It's just how you're viewed in the public eye. Apple is doing this. You know apple is trying to be um the zero. What do you call this sustainability and all this stuff? Yeah, net neutral, net neutral. There you go.


There's the word net neutral yeah, yeah yeah tell me how we're gonna be net neutral in f1 when each team gets what is it like? Seven sets of tires for a weekend?


right, yeah, good, good luck being net neutral. We're gonna go, we're gonna change the tires to plastic is that what we're gonna do?


time will tell.


Give them enough time give them enough cycle tires right are we going to change them to magnets so that they hover and we don't? There's no more tires, no more.


That's coming, you'll see hey, there you go, how you thinking I'll keep everybody updated, though as uh, as updates happen and uh, we'll see what the community has much appreciated man, I appreciate that those are.


Those are interesting. Um, you know what? We'll include some links on that, on those on those uh changes, so people can uh whoever's listening can can check those out, okay so, and then we got a quick segment here. Um, it's, it's a bit of a news. If you are a sim magic user and sim magic when I mean sim magic user, I mean sim magic hardware and you're on a ps5, um, eric has some news for you on a new software update for Peripheral that talks to SimMagic hardware. So I'll give it to Eric real quick.


Yeah, so it's actually an older software release, it's a beta. So if you're on PS5, that means you have to be using the Sigma Cortex converter and they have their stable version. But they've released two better versions. I've been running the latest beta and the benefit of it is you get the direct drive emulation. But if you roll back to the previous beta, that direct drive emulation actually works with uh acetylcorson, which is interesting can you tell us the version number?


do you know?


uh, yeah, version okay is the is the beta version that works. The latest one is 1.1.5, which, and you know, in your mind you want to be on the latest and greatest. But thanks to Discord, somebody pointed out like hey, if you roll back to the previous version, you get full support on ACC.


Yeah, you get full support on there without having to do anything weird. There's a way where you can turn down completely. You can turn down completely I think it's either the road detail or one of the other settings and it temporarily kind of fixes the issue. But it makes you drive like you're driving Mario Kart. You lose all feeling. But the wheel works with the latest beta version. But if you roll back then you don't really lose. Well, depending on the hardware you have, you will lose some functionality that they added in the latest beta. I think there are some peripherals like versions of handbrakes that work better. But if you're trying to play ACC and you want the full force feedback experience with a DD being emulated, that one does work. So that's been nice. I've been driving more and realizing I suck at driving more as well.


No man, it's just, it's just a, it's just a learning curve with ACC. You know, it's like every, every SIM has their own um. You know, know, it has their own style. You know what I mean. So acc yeah, man, acc cars feel a lot heavier and the braking is different and you're racing gt3. I know you have GT3 cars and GT7, but this game has maybe 20 cars. So the amount of detail and focus that the developer is pouring into each car instead of a game that has 500, 600 cars, if that makes sense, if that makes sense.


A 1957 jaguar, something like you know you just really get to know the car, which is a big difference on the set, of course. Right, and yeah, I mean I've always said to choose a car. When it comes to those types of simulators, I mean, like acc, you wouldn't want to be jumping around vehicle to vehicle, you want to stick to one car and learn the limits of that car, but you got to make sure that you love that car, right. So I mean, I've mentioned this before and that's kind of cool that you have the option, though If you go on GT7, then you can drive a plethora of vehicles you know, of all kinds you know, yeah, it's fun, especially in the in the vr oh yeah, yeah, in vr you kind of you know you, you can't beat gt7 vr.


I mean I, I I'm jealous because why don't they just release the game on PC? Just release the game on PC, make it moddable. It will destroy everything else on the market, I promise you.


You sent video of you playing. I think you were racing some type of F1 or Formula car in VR and I was like oh, I'm so jealous.


It looked awesome. That was amazing, uh, but we got the set of course of evil coming out and they've already said they're focused on vr. But there will be vr support now. Whether it's good or not, I don't know. I've heard they usually don't.


They're usually not good at the beginning like you mentioned before.


Yeah, but then yeah, but then it's usually. You know what it is eric is. It's just this. I'm gonna put this as an example. Acc came out 2016, I think 2017. Somebody quote me if I'm wrong, but or not quote me, correct me if I'm wrong, but the driving was good in acc, but everything else wasn't so. If the driving is good, then the game has potential to be good with other bugs that can be fixed and corrected I thought that's a great transition because everybody says iRacing is the best handling game but not nearly the best graphics.


Right and iRacing makes it up for it iRacing came out in 2008,.


Jeff, it is the oldest standing the OG, the OG and there's easily if I go on iRacing right now, right now, there's 15 000 players racing right now which is insane for stepping, and you even got for stepping. Yeah, you even got for stepping racing a 24-hour nordschleife right before his real life race. And then, oh yeah, he wins both of them and on the radio.


They're like on the radio.


He's. He's like yeah, yeah, you won. You know your team won. Oh, okay, cool Time to catch up on some rest. But I mean that's going to wrap it up for today. I mean, iRacing is a big topic and we'll leave that for the next episode and I really want to give the time of day for iRacing and and go into detail, um, on what it is and you know who it's for and basically you know it's a lot of, there's a lot of depth. The game is old and it's been. It's had many changes and they just recently added rain, which completely changed everything.


Everybody lost their mind With rain. We got rain.


We got rain. So, yeah, we're going to transfer that topic over to the next episode to give it the time that it deserves. Okay, so I'm going to do the round table If anyone has anything else that they would like to add to this week's episode.


Yeah, I got one. I got a confession, I guess. Oh, I just like to, uh, I guess, confess that I feel like I have crossed over the line from a hobby to an obsession. Before I started, uh, when I started this hobby, I saw the people with the fourth monitor over their triples and I was like man, that's that, that's too much. Well, team and listeners, I have officially put the fourth monitor on. I feel like I am now reached. He gave in again, and it is now an obsession and it's installed.


This I can see it from it is awesome, it's fantastic yeah, man it's, it's useful, man it's it's useful it really is.


I mean the, the. I'm running the lively uh pit wall which we'll get into, I'm sure, in some other. But anyways, that's my confession. I have officially passed the hobby to the obsession right and we'll.


We'll definitely cover the uh lovely dashboard and the lovely pit wall as well in detail. Those will be coming soon. It's just that we want to. We want to keep you all listeners up to date on things that are happening and couldn't you know, and in the current time, right now. So, uh, yeah, well, that's awesome, that's awesome to hear. And you also transitioned you fully transitioned over to sim magic gear.


It's all installed and I heard that that was a pain because I mean everybody uses that the d word uh done or complete the rigs done or the rigs complete, it ain't never done.


But it's done for right now my, my question for you was you got rid of all your fanatec gear and how was? How hard was it? How hard was it for you to do that?


put it on facebook marketplace for maybe, maybe 10 days and uh, nice, yeah, and it was gone. Yeah, asking price. I I think the dude that I sold to got a fair price. I got a fair. I got fair, fair value for what I got. Um, and we got somebody else into the hobby, went all the way around.


Nice, that's awesome, man. So, yeah, well, that's gonna be it for this week's episode. If, if, eric, you don't have anything else to put out nothing much, man just rest and laps all right, so fast break late there you go, man, and once again congratulations to mr eric kelly good work buddy, yeah, man good on you, brother.


So I just want to say thank you all for listening. We crossed the 200 download mark on this, on this podcast, and uh, yeah, man, we're pushing and we're going to continue on, uh, providing you guys the good stuff, the news, and, who knows, we might even reveal ourselves in a video podcast in the future. Who knows so? And with that, thank you so much, and you guys have a great start of your week and take care.

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