The Chicane Podcast

Upgrades and Comradery in the Sim Racing World

TGS Sim Racing Episode 3

Remember the rush of excitement when you first discovered a hobby that you knew was going to be a lifelong passion? That's the energy Jeff Smart brought to our Chicane Podcast as our new co-host and sim racing convert. His story, from gaming novice to gearhead, is as hilarious as it is inspiring, especially his inaugural four-hour marathon in my sim rig that had us both in stitches. This episode is a testament to the sim racing community's spirit, where every opinion shapes our diverse culture and there's always room for one more on the virtual track.

There's something uniquely satisfying about putting together a sim racing rig that can withstand the test of time. As we reminisce about selecting the right components for endurance, you can almost feel the cold metal of the 8020 frame and hear the click of a high-quality wheel mount. The chapter on building a future-proof setup is a gold mine for those who revel in the nuts and bolts of it all, while our foray into the communal aspects—sharing tips, tech insights, and lap times—captures the camaraderie that fuels our shared obsession. We're here to celebrate the joy of every perfectly adjusted field of view and the simple pleasure of gripping the wheel, ready to take on the digital tarmac.

Now, let's talk about the thrill of the upgrade, the allure of shiny new gear that promises to take your racing experience from zero to hero. Jeff's leap into the world of Fanatec and my own venture into Simagic's top-tier tech are more than just transactions; they're about the pursuit of a more immersive drive. We dissect the importance of chasing gear with good resale value and the giddy anticipation that comes with awaiting new equipment. So buckle up, and let Jeff, Eric, and I guide you through the ins and outs of sim racing enhancements that might just have you reaching for your wallet.

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The Hello and welcome to the Chicane Podcast, where we discuss everything and all things in the sim racing world world. I'm your host, jason Rivera, and I'm joined here today by Mr Eric Kelly and finally, our second co-host, mr Jeff Smart. How are you all doing today, gents?


Doing good, Doing great. Brad Glad to be here.


Hey, Jeff. So I want to introduce Jeff to you guys. Jeff is an awesome individual. He and I met a few months back. Now it's almost been a year, right, jeff?


how long has it been? It's been a few months now. Yeah, I think I've. It's probably coming up to a year now. I've been in the uh, the sim racing world now since I met you so you guys have no idea.


this guy was emailing me, texting me. He met me through a work colleague. It was funny. They were like he asked a question to one of his work colleagues at work and said hey man, I just got into F1. I need to build a simulator and I'm watching all these YouTube videos and I'm looking for advice. And the guy was like stop right there, I know the guy. So then I was going through. It's funny because I was planning my 10 year anniversary and we were going to Mexico and during before that time, this Jeff Smart was emailing me left and right. He's like hey, man, what is the status? And I'm like OK, man, Jeff, I need you to calm down. Man, he's got all these ideas. And I'm like I need you to, I need you to really take in what I'm about to tell you this is an expensive as hobby.


yo I didn't care if you were meeting with the president, the pope or anybody. I wanted information on how to get into this thing right now.


He wanted it. Now, Eric, I mean, I'm telling you, I was like my eyes literally popped out of my freaking eye sockets. They were like all right man, so how serious are you? That was my question to you. Remember I said how serious are you? Have you done this before? And that's kind of how we met. And then we just kind of kicked off from there and he came over the house. He's like hey, dude, I got like one hour to play. He jumps in my simulator, he's here for four hours.


Tell me about that, jeff. How did that happen?


yeah, it's uh. I've learned a lot, but I learned that whenever you sit down in the rig, it's a time warp. What you might think is an hour goes by. You look up at the clock and it's been three and that's kind of what happened. Time got away from me. It is what it is. I wanted to be back home by like 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock. It ended up being like 1130 and the alarm's going off at four. But you know, we live and learn. Live and learn.


Yeah, man, you sleep when you die, bro. That's that's what we always say Sleep when you die, amen. So that's how I met Jeff. We do all kinds of other stuff now together. We're kind of a fishing crew now and we we do the fishing thing. He just got a, a a nice um vessel on the water and we're constantly sharing ideas and that's kind of how he's involved in this podcast and he's another co-host because we've been doing podcasting just with each other forever. I leave him like 10 minute voice messages all the time. I mean it's like daily and I was like dude. We need to put this out there to not to educate nobody, but to share different perspectives about this community, because this community is so big and diverse and I say diverse because it's different it's viewed different for each individual. You know my opinions are not hard facts. You know they're. They're my opinions. You know what I'm saying.


Eric has his own yeah, it was awesome, like I'd I'd be driving to work and I'd play these audio messages from you for you know, whatever it was sim racing related and it was like my own personal podcast. So, yeah, yeah, so I'd put this thing together and, uh, get some of that information and knowledge out to uh, out to some of the masses all right man.


So that's mr jeff smart. He's gonna be here on the weekly podcast with us and, uh, he is an f1 enthusiast and the f1 fanatic. He has a mercedes hat on right now, so he's letting everybody know, even though you can't see him.


But I just want you guys to picture jeff right now with a mercedes hat on right now yeah, it's a little it's getting harder and harder to be a mercedes supporter oh yeah, with recent events, definitely, especially that one guy moving over to Ferrari. Jeff, I want to ask you and you kind of touched it a little bit so why are you here? Why are you on the podcast?


the sim racing world is, uh, I'm never growing up from. You know, growing up to now was involved in any video games, computers, building computers, um, any of that. So kind of. When I reached out to you, it was you know, hey, I'm going to, I'm going to go the PC route for, uh, you know, the, the, the base of my, my sim rig that I was thought I was going to have in my mind, of my sim rig that I thought I was going to have in my mind. I've never done that before.


So I was really jumping in the deep ends into the sim racing world where I knew nothing about console, pc, really anything. And now I think I have a pretty decent grab on the PC racing, pc base, if you will, sim racing now. So I think I bring a pretty unique perspective for people that maybe are hesitant to get into the sim racing world because they've never been a gamer, if you will, whether it be PC or console. So it's never too late. I was 41 years old when I first, you know, was specking out my first pc.


It's a late bloomer.


Yeah, yeah, better late than never, right?


so yeah, I think I bring a interesting perspective here to the, to the sim racing world and and we're lucky man, because there's never been a better time to get into this, the stuff that we're using, the stuff that Jeff complains to me about and you know I'm like Jeff, you, you have no idea the stuff that we had to do. You know that we don't have the tools that we have now that make our lives easy. I'm like bro, you have no idea. It used to be this way, it used to be this way, it used to be that way. He's like dude, I don't care why doesn't?


it just work and I was like jeff, you need to keep your pc updated. He's like dude, I just want to go race and I'm like dude, you're gonna. You need to keep. You need to keep things.


You know there's a maintenance thing and that's what I'm learning here is is uh, I got two kids, you know, six, six year old and a and a six month old. There's a lot of time that I just want to just jump in the rig and race, and that's what I thought I was getting into, but I've learned that part of it is hey, I need to get in this rig once a week to not race, just to keep my stuff updated. You know whether it be the PC. You know Sim Hub, all of the things that drive the Sim. It takes a maintenance to it.


You know, it's like a real car, almost, if you will, with oil changes and updates and things like that. So those are the many things that I didn't even know get into this. So one of the thousands of things that I've learned.


Yeah, man, yeah, he's kind of learned the hard way. Uh, um, eric he's. He's brand new to pcs. He's this first pc ever gaming pc. Then he's got a new discord, then he's got sim hub, then he's got windows updates.


He's got driver updates for his equipment and that's my first time hearing it put that way basically the maintenance side of it. That's something I don't. I've never heard anybody talk about it like that. Usually you see people online and they're streaming. You don't know what it took for them to kind of get to the point where they're ready to stream and really until you started, jason, like seeing the behind the scenes with you and all the tweaking and adjusting and get things ready how from the stream and you know something not working and you know there's a lot that goes into that but I didn't know about, which is one of the main reasons I'm on console, because I got two kids and I just flip it on.


Now we need to break that curse man right out.


Hey man, unless you got some hours in a day, I think I'm gonna be on console for a little minute that's okay.


I mean, we, we still need the feedback, right, jeff? We need the feedback from console players. We need it. That's good. That's, that is totally okay. And for those listeners out there, I don't want you guys to feel left out. I don't want you to feel like, because you have a console, or because you have a console or because you have a console right, that you're not in this community. We're on this community together. You know it's just when the PC side, you have more options and there's a little more realism. But you can work. That'll be a goal to work towards. You know what I mean In the future. But if still, like like Eric saidic said, you know, if you want to keep things simple, then console is definitely an option.


Yeah, jason I was so naive to this stuff that I didn't even know you could do this stuff on console. I just saw people on the youtubes doing, you know, using pc, so I thought that's what you needed. So there are many easier ways to do this than the pc.


Um, yeah, I'll say on console you're definitely restricted, like more recently we've gotten access to better equipment through adapters. Like on my ps5 I'm using all sim magic stuff, but I have this adapter. If it wasn't for that adapter like jason, I'll tell you, I was gonna have have to go Fanatec, like that was going to be my only option, or go all in and build a whole PC just so I could avoid Fanatec. But if it wasn't for that one box, that converter box, I wouldn't hold it from route.


Yeah, so yeah, that was the Sigma converter that Eric's mentioning here. Yeah, so look that up. Sigma, sigma, what is it? The Cortex right?


Yeah, Sigma Cortex converter.


Yeah, sigma Cortex, they updated, they support it. On Discord, they have software. They have what do you call this Beta software all the time, right? Yeah, almost weekly, I think they update that thing. All right, jeff, so we're gonna cover your journey. So talk to us a little bit about you know, just summarize I know you've touched it just a little bit what did you build, how did you get here, what are your ambitions and where do you see, when you know, where do you see your progress headed? Because I know there's some, there's some, there's some things in there that happened recently that we're going to touch. But I just want to know I know your journey started with me because I kind of walked you through it a little bit, but there were some things that you, you took your own path on.


Yeah, man. So I'll just kind of give a quick background on kind of how I got to one into some races. Like there were probably countless people that during the COVID pandemic, when everybody was having to stay home, I stumbled upon Drive to Survive and, dude, I could not get, I couldn't get enough of it. I mean, I smoked through all available episodes. I I don't even know if I slept that time that to watch that stuff. So, um, one thing led to another, the um jogger survived. Then I started, you know, watching f1 on on youtube and then I stumbled upon a, uh, a video on youtube about a sim racing rig. And that's when life went down a different road for me and that's how I met Jason trying to get into this sim racing thing. So, from a build perspective, talking to Jason, I had a budget and then I met Jason and that budget changed. That's how it goes, order of magnitude. But for the better for the better, damn man. Sometimes the truth, I'm way better for it.


Eric did this to me in the last episode man, he hit me on the. He hit me over the head. He said don't be talking to Jason man. I was like what do you mean? What did I do?


You haven't been with me for 10, 12 years, man, I get texts from you now I don't stand nothing against you.


I get texts from you. Now there's a direct correlation from texts from you and money it's going to cost me.


Oh yeah.


So yeah.


So Jason helped me spec out a PC that would be kind of future-proof. And I was going to go down the folding, the folding rigged route, um, just for space savings. I said, you know, with the kids and stuff it would help, um, but Jason said, hey, I think you really want two things, and I think this is important to people that are kind of getting into this, into sim. Racing is uh, uh, if you're going to go to the PC route, get a good, solid PC that's going to be your backbone, if you will, your skeleton to your system, and then get an 8020 rig. Yes, sir.




Those two things kind of right there will provide you a very good base to upgrade on and build on. You won't have to worry about those two. Those two things will be kind of future-proof if you will. And, jace, tip my hat to you, man, those things have really kind of put me on the right path to not having to, um, upgrade the whole system. I can, you know, just drop in new. You can, you can build from it, man. Yeah, there you go, yep, yep and add into it and uh.


You grow with it.


Yeah, I really love the immersion of it and the 80-20 rig, where you can put an actual racing seat in there and you grab the lever below you and scoot your seat up. I mean that just adds to the immersion of the system and that's really what I love in the 80-20 rig and how rigid the system is um, and the 80 20 rig and how rigid the system is um, it is two things that, uh, if somebody coming into the into the sim racing world now, I'd really push them to this. It's backbone, isn't it?


yeah, it's the backbone, yep, it's backbone because, yeah, man, you, you, you're talking about something. A platform is what you're talking about, and the platform is where everything gets built on. It's just like a PC, right? What is a PC? A PC is a motherboard, and whatever you connect to this motherboard is how that PC is going to perform. Right, it's how that PC distributes power, but who controls everything? So that's kind of like, in a small example, a rig is okay, I want to buy this DD unit, I want to buy this steering wheel unit. The last thing you're thinking about is changing the entire platform or the entire base. You know you want a home. That's your home, that's where things are getting connected to, and it's the last thing that you're worried about.


But yeah, I enjoy driving all different types of things. I predominantly like F1, but I love, you know, the McLaren GT3 ACC. I love doing all the modding stuff in Assetto Corsa.


Oh, you've got into modding. Look at that, bro.


Yeah, hey, that Discord stuff, man, you've got to get in there.




And I love the WRC stuff. You know like it's hard to be very good at one of them just with the time requirements from it.


Oh we're jackpot trades, bro. Yeah, master of none.


Absolutely. Yeah, and it's fun. You know, I know where I am in the world. I got two kids and a full-time job and stuff. I get in here to the last couple hours of the day and the kids are asleep. Blow off steam, have fun. You know I'll send jason. You know my lap times and thinking that I'm going.


You know it doesn't matter, bro, it doesn't matter, he'll send, there's always someone, yeah there's always somebody faster, but it's, it's just something to um.


You know, the racing community is awesome. Uh, it's just something to kind of blow off some steam. I can, uh, learn a technique, um, by talking to, you know, eric and jason, or watching youtube, and then actually could get in the sim and oh, you might learn something yourself, you might learn something yourself.


Today, we learn things all the time, all the time and that's part of it is, you know learning, you know figuring out the technology, whether it's you know the, the hue lighting, or just adding to the technology of the room through lighting the immersion. I love. It really is what the immersion is. It is what it's about yeah, and then it's.


It's funny because I remember there's so many things we could talk about with Jeff and I. But when Jeff first built his setup, he went with a triple screen setup. And then he calls me on the phone. He's like dude, this thing looks amazing. And then a few months later months later I get another call from him. He's like dude. I get another call from him. He's like dude, I figured out these camera settings, remember, jeff?


I figured out the FOV he's like.


I feel like I'm in the car and he's like I just want to sit here. He was telling me sometimes that Jeff would tell me I just sit in the rig, sometimes without playing anything, because I like being in it, and then it's because you feel wrapped inside of it. It feels like you're in a car. It's kind of cool. That's awesome.


Yeah, yeah, I mean, dude, that's like you get on those forums and stuff and they talk about the FOV police and stuff, but when you narrow down that FOV, it is changing A game changer. Yeah, whoa, this is what we're trying to do here.


So this is what you meant basically is how you feel. Yeah, oh yeah.


Yeah, all right.


So, jeff, talk to me about what's installed on your rig right now. Um, yeah, talk to us and tell us how you feel about what what you're using currently, because there's some news and we'll get into that in a second.


Yeah. So currently I have a SimLab Evo rig 8020 rig and they're a triple monitor stand Shout out SimLab, good stuff, fast shipping. I like them, it's been a great product. I have an NRG seat shipping um, I like them. Uh, it's been a great product. Um, I have a nrg uh seat, um, and then I am drum roll here, uh, fanatec all the way around. Now, um, I will say that, uh, jason did give me some, uh, some advice, um, but I'm gonna be. I think this is kind of a reality here that you know everybody's going to meet is, you have a budget right and you gotta, you gotta jump in somewhere. Um, you just can't get it. Jump in and go semi cube all the way around. I mean, some people can, um, but probably for the majority of people can't just jump in with top of the end, you know, $40,000 SIM rig. You gotta jump in and draw that line somewhere. So, um, I did a bunch of research and again, this is about a year ago and I went to the uh, that the fanatec.


So I have a mclaren, uh, uh, formula wheel, um, the v2 pedals, um, v2 yep and uh, their shifter and e-brake and their DD, which I think it's the 8-Newton.


It's the CSL DD 8-Newton meter. Yep, that's what you're running.


Yeah, in all transparency. It's been awesome. It's been a great first step to get into sim racing. From what I had expectations to what it delivered, it is honestly. I was happy with it and I still am so yeah, and then that's you know.


I advise jeff on that, you know, because regardless of fanatec situation, which we're gonna touch either in this episode or the next, it's still Fanatec, it's still a brand name. So I wanted Jeff to say, hey, I'm going to put money into this and if I need to sell it, then you're able to sell it and get some of that money back.


Because no one's going to go out and spend thousands of dollars on something that they don't even know if it's for them or not. And we covered this me, um eric, and I covered this a few episodes back because it's common sense. You know what I mean for your first car. You're not going to buy a mclaren for your first car at 16 years old well, I kind of went.


I really went into the fanatec route. You know, living in hawaii, there's not a big used market when it comes to this stuff. So I needed to buy because I I knowing willingly that I knew I was probably going to step up eventually but need to jump in somewhere, that I was going to want to flip this and sell this to something, and I needed something that was going to be able to provide somebody where I was a year ago they're just getting into it, doesn't want, don't want to spend thousands of dollars on a setup, but they could get into it and get into it and get a quality product.




Yeah, that was smart.


All right, so that's Jeff's current equipment, so talk to us about your newly acquired equipment.


Yeah, so I do have Fanatec in the rig now, but my PC or the laptop that I'm using right now, is sitting on a Simagic box full of Simagic gear. Yeah, yeah, it's just waiting to get installed here in the next week or so, um, yeah. So I think, uh, I don't want to say I've maxed out um the fanatec stuff, but I wanted more of more detail, more of the immersion, if you will, um something that was going to help me take my racing to the next level. So, looking around, I thought that Simagic kind of provided me that. So I went their P1000 pedals, and a big reason for that is the haptic motors on the brakes. I thought for sure that that was going to give me a better chance to get faster Um, so I could hit the you know use that break all the way down to the, to the, you know, before the the ABS fires and and give me a better opportunity to find that breaking point um to maximize lap times, et cetera. Um, and just being a stiffer pedal in general, that break Um. And then I went there alpha um for the DD, I think that's a 50 meter. So I'm almost doubling um my Newton meters.


And you know, you know it's like you do all the. You know the discords, the Reddits, the Facebook groups about this stuff and I can't find a whole lot of people anything bad to say about some magic. You know, uh, they stand by their product. You know the customer service is is good. You deal with the shop that you bought it from, not the corporate um, so you know which is. You know we'll get, like you said, jason, we'll get into the fanatec issue and um, but uh, yeah, and then I got the neo wheel, which is, you know, the gt, neo the goat. Yeah, I think it's, honestly it's, it's awesome. I love what fanatec, or, excuse me, what sim lat simagic did with the neo is kind of shot across the bow to the all the other manufacturers to say, hey, we don't need to be spent. You know charging two grand for these wheels. You know what was it? Was it 290 bucks for the for the neo, 299? That's a killer wheel.


Actually it's $289 and they did that on purpose. They priced it at $289 to make you think, okay, well, if I get the adapter, then that's even $300. We're talking USD here, guys.


by the way, that's a killer wheel for the price. Hopefully all the other yeah, and that's a killer wheel for the price, you know. So hopefully all the other manufacturers see that and start work. You know, making these a little bit more financially available choices to the masters, um, but yeah, can't wait. Just waiting on some mounting hardware to come in and then, uh, yeah, I'll be. I like to think I'll be taking a major step forward in, uh, big time in the, in the gear and the peripherals and uh, in the immersion.


When you install that stuff you're kind of starting over almost. I hope you understand that you know with settings and getting things right and moving things around and being comfortable inside your rig and because those fine tunes that you had on the eight newton meters not going to work on on your heavier wheel and eric can definitely talk to you about that seriously, he's, he's still chasing settings on how to get things right. Then he has the console limitation for some games as well yeah, yeah, it's, it's interesting yeah, I mean, I kind of like doing the tweaking now.


it used to be just the, I just wanted to get in there and drive, but part of the part of the fun, part of the sim racing is testing different, uh different setups, things you didn't know were going to affect your lap times or how you feel, and the detail that the, the dd, is giving you as you, you, as you're going around the track and kind of how that affects the car. Yeah Well, I'm not looking forward to getting on my hands and knees and trying to get that last bolt under the pedals.


Yeah, man.


Like I said, I'm 41 years old. I can only take that stuff for so long. What do you mean?


man, you're young man, get out of here. You're in one piece, bro. You guys don't know who. You guys have no idea who's on the mic right now.


Yeah, I've lived some hard years, this guy is an adrenaline junkie.


This dude used to jump off of cliffs on a freaking wingsuit.


Yeah, I've lived some hard years.


How many jumps you had again.


How yeah? Yeah, live, some, live some hard years. So how many? How?


many jumps. You had again how many jumps? Yeah, I got like 480 something. Oh my god, oh yeah, 88 jumps, yeah, so yeah, doing something a little safer now. I think that's why and then he's complaining about getting on his knees to screw down a freaking cell he's not enough.


adrenaline man, that's the problem.


It takes me like 10 minutes to sustain Barko.


I'll say this though I'll say this with the SimMagic pedals, one of the reasons why they're winning is they just make stuff easy for you, as the customer, to customize things. I just swapped my stuff and the pedals just kind of adapt. They're built for you to attach them to things. I'll say that they might be easier. I'm not sure with the Fanatec pedals how their mountain stuff was set up, but these are simple.


Yeah, I was looking at the pedals and it's just like I got kind of bigger feet in there. So when I need you know, I needed to move the gas pedal to the right, the clutch still left to make some room for the, the brake and stuff, and it was took four bolts. It took me, like you know, five minutes to try to set them up, or or you know what the fan attack wants to forget about it.


It's all day affair, I know right, and then we were. We were actually discussing about the actual build quality on those pedals and the materials that were that they're using is is pretty damn solid for for the price that you're paying head and shoulders over the fanatec bells, and the fanatec bells did me great for jumping in where I got in, but those P1000s are are impressive.


Yeah, yeah, I was. I was shocked I was coming from G29. So, basically, toys and I went to the P1000s and as soon as I put them out the box, I was on a. I was on a FaceTime with Jason when I did it and I'm like I feel like, feel like I'm supposed to mount these in a car. That's what it feels like. I haven't even gotten to adjusting everything.


Take that thing out. You take that and you're like this is serious stuff, Right.


We have some news on Eric too, which we'll cover at the start of the next episode because, uh, you can't see it, but I'm staring at it in the background, I see it. So we're definitely gonna touch on that. And, uh, you know, ask eric, he has some new equipment that came in. It is installed, which is impressive, because them things take a while. I'm pretty sure you you figured out how many freaking bolts and nuts. Oh, and that's another thing. Before we wrap this up, jeff was like well, I'm gonna order the, the rig, the wheel, the pedals, this is first set up. He's like, and I'm gonna race today, you'll see, I'm like, bro, and I'm going to race today.


You see, I'm like bro, that's a perfect example of you don't know, I was like Jeff slow down.


You're not racing anything. Okay, I need you to calm down.


He's like no bro.


I'm going to get on. I don't care bro.


I'll be spinning laps in ACC in 10 minutes.


I feel the excitement, though I understand I understand he's still tweaking on the damn rig still getting it right. That's the truth, that's the truth he does more wrenching than racing and he can, he can testify and I think that's the process.


I mean that's, that's part of it, that's part of it, that's but that's the part about it. That's the about having an 80 20 rig. It gives you the ability to even move things an inch or so to make it more ergonomic, give you a little bit more leverage on the brake pedal. Yeah, that's part of what is fun about it.


Yeah, All right, so this is going to be it for this week's episode. I just want to welcome Mr Jeff Smart to the podcast. He will be joining us. He is our F1 guru, the GOAT. He will be keeping us up to date while supporting Mercedes 100%. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know. So I want to go around the round table here and ask if there's anything else that we want to add to this week before we wrap this up.


Eric jeff we're good and I just want to say, you know, hey, hey to everybody and look forward to engaging in some great discussions on F1 racing and all things sim racing.


Definitely, of course, and definitely heavily involved in modding AC, and you know he doesn't just stick to the F1 official game, he likes F1 cars on multiple games, and we'll cover that as well in detail. So, with that said, I'm going to wrap this up here. Jeff and Eric, thank you so much for coming on to the podcast today, and I want everyone out there that's listening to enjoy your start of your week, because this will be out by the start of the week, and hope you had a great weekend. Thank you so much. Bye-bye.


Take care, drive fast, break late.

People on this episode